The Ending & The Beginning - last part

Last Part: 

 "Every day u try give this to madhu but u cant able to do it, tell me sultan y". Sultan went near his mom and took shall from her hand and asked "from where u got this maa, if RK see's this means he will think bad about madhu". Meera was surprised by the words which he spoke. "U have this much care for her, then y u behaved rudely with her. I knew that u know the truth that madhu also leant the truth. Tell me sultan for this oly u asked her not to show the face any more to u, tell me" meera asked wit all the love for her son."I told so bcz I can't able to see her life less face maa. If she see me mans she will feel the guilt, i don't want that from her. She is killing her day and 9t. She is the gal with full of joy, lot of sprit and has so many guts, u know maa she made so many changes in me, she made me to smile after very long time. She taught me how a child should live, she is an angel maa" by telling that he smiled a little.
And sultan continued "after knowing the truth she was not able to face me and RK, so oly she is doing the fight dram. She can't tell tis to RK also, if he knows the truth means he will be in pain, madhu can't see RK in pain bcz she loves him more than her life. I know she will tell the truth soon maa, but after that i can't think her in that stage, i want her to be happy for lifelong maa. I want all the ppl to call u by husband name maa, i want to shut all the mouth who spoke badly about u. I want to give ur lost happiness maa and. Madhu got this life after so much pain, i can't take her happiness. I don't wat to do maa, i want u both should be happy for lifelong maa" with that he face his mom and tey both were crying like a kids. "Look at me my dear son" she made him to sit by her side and had a face contact btw them. She spoke with a smile "my child had grown this much I can't believe it". Now sultan was also smiling at her as a LKG kid. "I am very proud to have u as my son. On the 1st day itself if u told me about this means i will be giving the solution for this but any way leave it, bcz i gave the solution. Come we can leave this house and start a new life. I will be having my son and grandson" with that she wiped his tears. "But maa as a son i want to fulfill my duty, i am a failure kid maa in all the way, i am failed". "Who told u failed? u know one think i am really happy to be called as sultan ka maa than MK's wife. I am happy to say i am the mother of the son who respect love more than his happiness, than the man's wife who does not know wat is love" by telling that she cupped his face by her both hands. Sultan can see the confident and pride for her son in meera eyes and voice. He replayed "i love u maa". They both hugged and that the moment was meera got the result for 30years suffering. 

"It's all so strange maa, we expect one thing and we get another, u pay a price for everything in life, i guess...the gud, the bad, the dream, the all comes rolled up together. Sometime it's hard to tell them it's apart, that are the hard part" by telling that they both went inside the house to pack the thinks. 

Next morning they all came out from the room with ter bags, Aryan was crying very badly bcz he doesn't want to leave madhu and come. No one spoke anything but Radha and madhu understood everything. Both Radha and meera hugged and madhu got the blessing from meera. Madhu felt very bad for this, she knew she is cheating herself and other. She moved towards Aryan and hugged him and gave a kiss, Aryan asked to madhu "madhu hereafter u will not come to see me huh???? Tell me madhu" madhu was crying badly. She wiped her trea's and spoke with the heavy hearted "who told i will not come to see u???". Aryan again asked 'then do me the promise madhu" madhu knew that sultan will leave this city surely and she was ready to do the false promise for Aryan sake, she was about to put the hand on Aryans hand sultan stopped her "don't do false promise madhu, it hurts both of u". RK who was watching this came near madhu and gave her a support. Madhu said to herself that i can't hide any more its meera maa's rights i have to speak now she called sultan "actually sultan i know the..." before she could complete sultan stopped her, he know she is going to tell the truth so oly he did it. "i don't want any more pain for u madhu..." he then corrected himself by saying "i mean in ur life madhu" with that he lifted Aryan and moved away. Meera came near madhu and wiped her tears. Meera removed the bangle which her husband gave as a token of wife and placed in madhu hand and told "it gots its pair ater 30 years". Meera smiled while madhu and radha in a stage of shock meera told madhu to take of this house and the ppl in the house. RK was having the flash back of the bangle in madhu's hand one day she had told about this to RK. RK under stood the silent's in the house and the respect given to meera by his mom and wife. RK was in tear and he saw madhu with those watery eyes and madhu was shaking the head as yes for the wordless question asked by RK. RK called meera as maa and every one surprised with it. He moved towards meera and got the blessing from her, meera hugged RK and asked for the one promise to him "promise me that u will make madhu happy for lifelong". He replayed with a smile "don't worry maa i will not allow her to cut onion also, i will cut myself" all laughed. tey 3 left the house and Madhu, RK, and Radha were telling goodbye to them. Madhu and sultan were having the flash back of holi incident how they don't to say goodbye to anyone. Sultan turned one last time to see madhu and had the flashback of their 1st time met and how she saved him on holi.  


Sultan was brought back to the prenst by the birds sound.

He smiled to himself by seeing the news paper. He turned back by hearing the footsteps, it was his mom. Meera was surprised to see sultan sitting all alone and smiling. She asked his son with care "u didn't sleep today also huh sultan?????, wat u thinking in ur mind, if ur doing this means ur health will in danger sultan". Sultan was oly smiling wider and said "no maa after very long time today oly i slept peacefully". He showed the news paper to his mom, there was a 
picture of madhu with RK. Sultan spoke with more confident "the smile in madhu's face tells that she is happy maa, i can see the love in her eyes. She is happy maa, this oly i want".

"Life is full of surprise" meera said philosophically. "Kaka told me about the sufferings u went through after the death of aryan maa but u came out from that, likewise this will also happen sultan". Sultan smiled by seeing his mom and stood up, he moved and continued talking "it won't go away easily maa, it will take long time...longer then i think i can bear and it will never go away completely i will live with it every day, moment by moment. I know i have move on for at least Aryan sake and the pain may eventually fade but the scare will stay in the heart forever maa...". Meera came towards him and said "don't worry ur maa is with u" tey both hugged and meera went to make tea for all. Sultan moved to his room and took the bag from the corner of the room. He opened it ter was a small golden color box which he opened it and there was a thin soft green color material cloth.

He touched it and spoke to himself "It does not mean that i should stop loving u, if u were not with me. I am promising u madhu, if i come to know that u were in danger then no one can stop me from saving u madhu". With that he closed the box and kept it in a safest place.

                                                     TongueTHE  ENDTongue

AUTHORS VOICE: For some ppl sultan's love for madhu is been ended, but for sultan its no...its just starting in diff way.                                   
Sultan's love for madhu will not end...


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