Chapter 24...

 "if i were in your mothers place i would have done the same paro, your mother was right" paro looked at him and searched the answer in his eyes, when she see saw believe and trust for her in his eyes she felt relief. She didn't with draw her hand from his and waited patiently to hear what he wants to tell.

"I respect your mother so much paro, she never thought about her happiness in the life, it was you both her happiness lies in. when she came to know that your life is in danger by your own husband, she did what all mother will do. Mother will send or hide their own child from evil eyes that was only your mother did. She throwed you out and used harsh word and she also made sure that you should not go and live with your sister, because the devil may find you. So only she asked you to go and live in other city or state. "Rudra felt the grip in his hand go tighter. He removed his hand from her and cupped her face and made a direct contact with him and said "look at my eyes paro, do you see hatter in this eyes?" paro shook her head in no. "if i want you to make me believe means then i should act properly, if i want to hate you means my eyes should show the hate towards you. Our heart believes the eyes only paro so only your mother pretend to be anger on you by showing fake hate in her eyes." Rudra saw paro thinking deeply and her eyes are becoming moist suddenly rudra felt heavy in his body by sudden hug of paro. Paro thought deeply what rudra said her, ya it is true that means my mother didn't hate me, last words was repeating in paro's mind continuously. "rudra i am so much happy, i am really happy rudra..." spoke in between her tears "i always wished that someone will come and tell me that my mother loves me, my mother didn't hate me... she trust me...i waited for this words for very long time rudra...i am happy...thank much...rudra" she buried her head in his cheats. Rudra smiled and hugged her back tightly. When he felt she was normal he spoke "this was the different between your mom and mine paro". Paro realized her hand from his body and looked in to his eyes, rudra again took her hand in his hand and said "my mom want her happiness in the first place paro, but you three girls want other two to be happy not even thinking about yourself. I never thought someone can be living like you guys. I used to come home after school to be found only that guy is in my home. i asked the reason for his often visit my mom said your dad was not there so she felt bored so she invited him for lunch, dinner and breakfast. Slowly he stated to stay in the home for long hours. My mom never look at me when he is there, when he left she will go to her room. I was left alone paro, loneliness stated to kill me. I never had a friend no one can understand me like aman did, he understood my silent's and he spoke what my silent's is for. After some days i saw my mom less in the home, nights she will not return when she return she will be having lost of shopping bag in her hand. My dad came he also behaved very differently with me, mom and dad will fight for money. One day it went worst mom stepped out from the home. i asked dad to bring but he refused me. After that on my birth day we went to bring her back paro but she left me and dad forever. I ran back to her but was stopped by the truth, from that day on wards is stopped using the word papa and i removed myself from other life. After two months i saw my mom and him in one shop paro, ha ha ha you know what i heard, i heard him saying that thanks for giving most beautiful gift in the world, he presented a diamond necklace to her, she smiled and accepted it. She was pregnant with his child when she left our home so only she left her mother's home and went to him, because the child needs the both father and mothers love. Never in a minute also didn't she think about me paro. I hated everyone in this world particularly girls. So only i behaved rudely to you many times. Rudra smiled by seeing paro who is shook ing her head in no. i want to go away from this place which gives her memories to me so i went to Delhi, i refused to met my dad. I feared paro, i feared if i see him mean i may tell all the truth and cry, the truth will hurt him more paro.  I came back and saw the home which doesn't made me to remember about her, i want to follow my dad's foot step paro, i know we were thrown out from the havile, no money no place to live but my dad worked hard and gained all. I respect him, admire him and love him paro, but never openly told it." Small smile appeared in both the face. 

"When i was thrown out to the street i remembered my mother's word, who was supporting her husband at that time i felt odd rudra but no my mom was right. My dad hates us but never spoke bad about us. He thought we are here to make him loss money but he spent money in wedding for both and fulfilled all the duties rudra, even though he can throw my sister out of the house to join her so called lover but he never did that, gave education proper dress which all cost lot of money for him but he never failed in doing that rudra". rudra saw paro who was lightly shivering and said its time to sleep. Paro saw him and smiled she don't know but she felt very relief and comfortable from the day one towards rudra. She was about to stand on her leg but before that rudra lifted her in his arm. To his surprise paro didn't protest him, she allowed him to carry her which felt so good to be in his arm. Rudra liked the changes in paro she accepted him to lift her, he saw her who was very calmly seeing him every time. Rudra entered the stairs and remembered his harsh word to paro, he felt bad and said "hmmm...actually when i saw ruki crying i lost my control and scolded you, i am s..." before he could complete the sentence paro kept her finger in his lip to shut his mouth. "don't ever say that word for showing a true father love toward ruki". Rudra leg stopped when her finger touched his lips, he waited for her to remove but she didn't, paro was so lost in his eyes. Paro felt sudden chill in her finger, in a fraction of second it happened paro removed her finger from rudra's mouth, she just can't believe it Rudra had licked her finger slowly a blush appeared in her checks. Paro rested her head in his chest till they reach her room. Rudra place paro in her bed and saw ruki safely sleeping in the pillow wall which he arranged it for her. He saw the hero was sleeping on one of the pillow and ruki was holding its tail in her hand, both smile by seeing the cute little angel sleeping. Rudra covered paro with the bed sheet as her body was still cold. Rudra went and placed the hero in its basket and gave good night kiss to ruki. Before closing the door paro call him and said "rudra actually its not hero its...heroine" the minute she finished the sentence she bust in to laugh, she was controlling a lot but when she saw the shock look in his face and how fast rudra turned and looked the basket made her to lose the control. Rudra glared at paro and tugged her in the sheet and said "sleep paro" in the cold voice. Ya it's going to be a very peaceful sleep for her but for him its going to be a very long night. 

Rudra went to take hot shower, he want some calmness. He was recalling the words said by paro, he respected her more, he liked paro's mom, may be if not because of her he might not got his paro today, he can't say she was totally wrong in hiding the reality from her mom. he remembered how her words had no emotion when she narrated about her marriage life. what about that baster, he want to kill him with his bare hand and the five person in the hotel room also, Paro father thought girls are born to waste his money but he spent the money for them. He made the quick shower and came to make a call. Rudra waited impatiently for the person to answer in the next end of the line. "hello, sumer its me rudra...i want you to find a complete detail about a person...ya, his name is varun shinka from Mumbai...i want complete details about him, what is the color of his hair and till what inches his foot nail grow...i also want detail about his wife parvati and her family...listen carefully i want complete detail about the girls family with phone no' i want it by tomorrow night...what do you mean by need more heard me right only, i need by tomorrow night and money will be in your hand at the ends of your detail description about them...bye" . he came and saw paro slept by hugging the pillow. He sat near her and took the palm in his hand, paro pulled his hand more and encircled it with hers as if its her rights. Rudra smiled at her action and realized that his last rule was first to be broken, DON'T FALL IN LOVE. He fall in the love with a girl in a first sight and that to on her wedding day, falling in love at the bride hmmm nice. He loved when she showed the interest to his thinks, he loved when she choose the dress for him, he loved when she cooks for him specially, he loved the blushed which appeared for him by his action only, he loved the way she was comfortable with him, he loved even today also she didn't scold for his action toward her for ruki, instead she justified his action. He loved to make her embarrass in front of all, he never filtered with anyone but paro was special, with her smile she captured him as a captive. Rudra gave the good night kiss and saw paro smiling slightly, he was about to close the door but something got his attention and went near that, he was shocked to see his white shirt in paro's room and that to lying with her dress, he slowly opened it and saw a big smile appeared he held that closed to his heart and turned around and saw the pillow which paro was hugging it tightly, he said to himself very soon the pillow  will be replace with  me, Ms. Jallad he went near her and gave one more kiss to paro but this time in her checks.


Next coming: bathroom fight btw mom and daughter, romance in office...Embarrassed


                             Quote of the day

We don't expect something from some one, we expect some thing from our beloved one only...


  1. Fabulous chapter!
    Both revealed their painful past to each other. So no more secrets, only trust between them from now on.
    Some romance too; Rudra trying to ask sorry, Paro touching his lips with her finger…loved that part too
    But the best part was when Rudra realized that he had broken his last rule! Can’t wait so see how their relationship will progress in the future.
    And the precap; Ruki in the bathroom and romance… WAITING
    Take care,
    Mira (fimiramak I-F)

    1. Thank u dear..........i think now u have no problem in reading my story :)

    2. No, this is much better. But I made my comment to the forum too :)

    3. ya i saw it sweet of u to comment ter also.....


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