Chapter 28...

When she felt relief with what she had done, she went and hugged him, but rudra didn't hug her back it made her to cry and hug him tightly, but now he is standing in a shock as if alien is standing before him. 

Paro again pushed rudra when he came to hug her, while sobbing she told him about her feelings "you know when i saw you in the hospital for the first time; i saw the pain in your eyes, the pain for me. I always used to see the reflection of my feeling in your eyes. I dono know why but i want you to forgive me for the dress misunderstanding matter, i was very restless when you avoided me in the office. At first i used to think not to trust you, not to talk to you, not to see you, not to hear you voice but i longed for all those. Whenever i made a fight between my heart and mind about trusting you, it always killed me, each and every minute i was dying at the last my heart won, due you know how many time i was just sitting and staring at you, just for a second you wont look at me huh, a small smile by seeing me so that i can breathe. You always buy chocolate for ruki alone  not for me, only loved once will buy and give chocolate, that means you never liked me, ruki will come and give the last bite to me even if i was anger on her for eating lots of chocolate." said and wept by whipping her tears. Rudra saw the kid in front of him, he never thought that paro will be having this much deep feelings for him, his paro is opening her again to him. He saw her again talking by showing her hand in air but nothing went in his ears; he was looking at her with all love. Paro looked at his eyes and told "...i don't know what i will do without you, i want you...i am in love with you...Ahhh..."paro was not allowed to complete the line she was pulled by a strong force, due to that she hit rudra hard chest and both landed on the bed. Rudra was in a cloud nine, when he heard the three magical words form her to him, at first he used to think love means alphabets are arranged in wrong form with no meaning. Now he can understand each and every thing, it all because of the girl who is hugging him, both the life's depend on each others. Rudra waited for paro to calm down; once he felt she was ok he made her lie down and again pulled her to sit on his lap. Paro did not understand anything she only knows now she is wrapped up by warm hands and those hands belong to her rudra. She was very tired so she hugged him with the remaining energy left in her, then again suddenly she felt she was pulled up and made to sit on his lap. She was red due to the crying but now it was red due to shyness, never in her life she sat in any man's lap, not even hugged by any man only her rudra was first in all. Rudra slowly made his hand to wrap up in paro's waist and the other hand made paro to put her hand around his neck, then he placed the free hand on her lap. Rudra mind imagined how it will be if paro wear one of frock like ruki. Paro felt electric shock when his hand touching her lap, only thin material of her shalwar is in between them, paro hided her face in crook of his neck. Rudra smiled by seeing the reaction she is giving for his action. "paro look at me, paro..." rudra spoke very low and lightly as if speaking toward a flower. Paro made the eye contact with him, rudra touched her cheek with the free hand and said " do you know  paro i first fall in love with a bride on her marriage, it was love at first sight" rudra felt her grip in his neck is losing he made her to grip him tightly and continued to speak "at first i don't know she was the bride, i fall in love with her simple smile, the way she ran around when her friends were chasing, her carefree nature, her giggles and her little movement, her eyes showed her innocent nature, she turned around and saw the people chasing her, i lost my breath there paro. The way she hugged the lady who was shouting at her, at that time i saw a kid in her form paro. Do you know whom i am talking about?" asked by seeing her unshed tears. Paro went blank when he told love about some other girl but later his words made the picture in her mind, the picture showed her in the place of the bride. Tears were about to fall from her eyes but she don't want to blink, she thought it was a dream, if she blink means the dream will go away, but the tears were overloaded in her eyes so it made the way down in her cheeks, she came back to the earth when a rough yet soft hand wiped her tears, she looked at rudra he had a smile in his lips. Rudra saw paro and said "breathe paro". Suddenly paro left her breath she don't know when she was holding it and how he knows that. Paro heard him saying "it's you paro, who the girl i fall in love on her wedding day...i love you paro". Rudra gave the boyish grin to paro, he heard paro asking him the unexpected question to him "then why you didn't kidnap me from there rudra". Paro hugged him tightly and cried more, she don't know to explain her feelings, she was happy or shock that her rudra knows me before itself, now she got the answer for her long back question, how he knows the name, when she had not told him. Rudra was lost for words; he never expected this question from paro but he can understand that how much she hated her so called marriage life. "i am sorry paro, actually i was anger on you on that time" said while holding her securely around his body. Paro looked at him for a minute and asked "you were anger on me for making you falling love with you?" she saw rudra nodding his heady weakly. "you know you are true jallad" said and fall in silent's. Rudra looked at her and asked the reason for the sudden silent's. "Actually your mistake...i saw the adaption file" with lot of struggle she completed the sentence her fear is what if rudra scold her for entering the room and sleeping without his permission. Rudra looked nerves him fear was what if she hate him for doing that without her permission. He gulped and said "actually paro i am sorry for doing that..." his word were stopped by paro hand which covered his mouth, he looked at paro who is in tears. "please rudra don't say sorry for this, i didn't feel bad at all, more over i felt completed by seeing my name like that, we are family". rudra smiled by seeing his life who is sitting in his lap. His paro is very famous for giving shocks, here he thought she will be scolding but she is doing total opposite to it. "in my childhood all will tease me by call her name paro, they will tell me you have two father, one mother but you don't know who is your really father? I know dilsher is my father and at that time i was anger on him so i dint not accept him as a father; i only did fight with them. I don't want my bachi to suffer like me, surely the father matter will arise so to shut all the mouth i did like that. You may also ask you can put the name as a guardian rare than father? But some thinking in me stopped, i don't have a strength to see you both walk away from my life, my home, my dad, so i did what my heart told" rudra said and pouted. Prao smiled by seeing his little rudra and more possessive man in her life "i don't know what to tell but i love you more and more rudra" said and hugged him tightly. Paro wiped her tears and said "rudra in future don't ever leave me and go, whatever the matter maybe we can sit and talk. I know i have big mouth and will argue more, you just shut my mouth and if i try to leave you with the anger you lock me in the room, i will happily stay. i can't take another heart break rudra" don't know what made paro to tell like that but today she poured all here fear to her love. Rudra can understand her fear and he thought to pull her leg so he said in a naughty tone "don't worry paro now i am very well trained to adjust in life by the two chatter box in my home" winked at paro. Paro used here free hand to pinch him, rudra hold her hand and kept in his cheat and said "i will not put fight with my life, if we had means then i will shut your mouth with my mouth and if you try to run away means i will keep you in captive with these hands only" with that he made the grip for his hand tight on her hand. "i don't know what me and ruki did to get you in our life" said and rested her head in his shoulder and played with his shirt button. Rudra smiled after hearing her lines, suddenly he felt her hand removing the button on the shirt, his gutter mind started to work fast "paro you really want... to make now...itself huh?" asked in little bit of surprise. Paro was busy in removing the shirt, she trowed the shirt in the bed and hugged him back, she felt his body against her face, it felt so good she buried her head more in his neck and said "i want the shirt to be cleaned first rudra, she touched it". Rudra can guess whom she is pointing out, he felt like a idiot for thinking such a stuffs. Suddenly he thought of some think and started to laugh. Paro asked the reason, he smiled and said "i just thought how it will be, if lila had touched my pants?" and winked at her. Paro turned to red and said "i never mind to bath you in acid Mr. Jallad". Rudra just admired her; he loved this side of her so possessive and jealous. "paro actually i want to tell that ...always i will ask ruki to give half chocolate to you but i never thought she will give only the last bite to you" rudra said and smiled more. Paro pouted and made a note that from next time i will get my share by myself.  Rudra was controlling himself a lot by the sweet touchier given by his lady love. Paro is playing with her finger in his body and her hot breath is fanning near his ears. Rudra moaned and said "parooo...please stop this touircher...or i will give the worst punishment paro" said and made his hand to grip her waist more tightly. Paro can understand what he is referring and she removed her hand and blushed. Rudra smile and said "it seems you have taken the contract of blushing for today?" paro pouted and pushed him and she stood up from his lap in fake anger. Rudra heard his message tone from the mobile and followed by ringing, he know who it will be he also can feel his heart beating is raising. Paro gave his phone to him and asked him to attend. Rudra excused and went to other room to attend the phone. Rudra heard each and every word said by sumer without his knowledge tears started to follow. He gripped the nearby stand to steady himself from falling. After hearing that the information he said "i will arrange the ticket for you both, show the photo as a proof that paro is with me only, i will be in the airport to pick you guys up". He went to the wash room to clean his face because his eyes are red due to the tears, he don't know how he is going to tell paro, she will be again broken, why its happen to her like this, why can't she live happy a life like others. His question is right but there is no answer for those questions. 

After freshen up he came back and saw paro sitting in his office by wearing his jacket. Tears was threatening him to pour down but he composed himself and faked the smile "some one need by warmth to their body it seems?" paro looked up and saw his man standing half naked her breath caught in between. She blushed more and removed his jacket and gave him to wear it. Rudra smirked by seeing her, he took the jacket and asked her to get ready to go back to the home. paro went to take the shirt and came out but she was lifted by a strong arm, rudra smirked and said "get used of it my Ms. Jallad". On the way back it was proven that paro took the whole contract to blush, rudra was making her time very hard with his trouble meaning words. Paro got out from the car and waited for rudra to join her after parking the car. Rudra stood near her and made her to jump her few feet away "you scared me rudra" said while making normal breath. Rudra smiled but suddenly he felt the wetness in his cheeks, before he could realize anything paro ran ways with the big smile. Rudra touched his cheeks and registered what just happened; his paro had kissed him in the cheek.

Paro ran as fast as she can to her room, she don't know from where she got this much guts but she were well know that after the phone call rudra was not normal, he is hiding some pain in himself and he is a bad actor. Paro entered her room with the bright smile which faded away by seeing the sight in front of her eyes, all the pillows were lying in the corner of the room and cookies cover were lying on the floor and ruki is missing. Paro heard the cat sound and she saw heroin is searching something. Paro went near the pillow and picked one and saw ruki is sitting in between the pillow walls and covering herself as if hiding from someone. "Ruki what you're doing here?" asked in a shock voice. By hearing her master name heroin ran fast and jumped in ruki's lap. Ruki stood up with so much anger and asked her mumma why she showed here to heroin as she is hiding from her because they are playing hide and seek. Paro slapped her head and asked playing at 11.30 pm, she was sure life is going to be very fun with this two people. Paro dragged both of them out and enquired about cookies cover from where she got, ruki even tried to escape from here mumma but bad luck she was get caught and forced to tell the truth about aman's screat visit for giving imported cookies. Paro made a mental note to met her brother personally. Paro brushed ruki teeth and made her to sleep but her baby gave hard time to sleep and asked the heroin to sleep near her finally, ruki slept while heroin had the soft cushion (ruki's tummy) for her sleep. Paro made the exit to make MR. Jallad to sleep. 

Rudra entered his room by touching his cheek; his smile didn't go away for a second also. He made a phone call to aman for taking ruki out in the morning. He doesn't want his bachi to see her mumma cry. Rudra changed to nigh suit but sleep was far away for him. He was wide awake when paro entered the room. "paro what happen why are you here?" rudra asked the moment when paro sat on the bed. Paro said "relax rudra i am fine, just came to make you sleep." Rudra was surprised how she know that he was not getting any sleep. Paro saw the surprise look and said by pulling him and made him to rest his head on her lap "i know your hiding some pain after the phone call,  so i came to relive you from the pain". Rudra didn't tell any word he just rested his head in her lap and pretended to sleep because he feared she may find the truth any way she is going to know by tomorrow morning. After making sure paro slept, he pulled himself away from her lap and made her to rest properly. Paro hugged him tightly and smile in her sleep. Rudra opened his message and saw the letters in them "PARVATI FAMILY: 2 died, 1 living and 1 in the jail for murder."

Next coming: new entryTongueTongue

                                                 Quote of the day

A long waiting is over...just in a second...but we understand it very lateEmbarrassed


  1. Awesome update, but I am with mixed feelings;
    Finally after so long, Parud confessed their love for each other. I was really surprised the way Paro confessed her love to Rudra, she was very possessive. So nice to see them together in the future.
    But, again just when they found each other there are dark clouds above their happiness.
    So...that phone call; what new information Rudra received? And above all, how will Paro take the news when he tells her?
    Waiting for that new entry to come...

    Loved the update, confession of love......Cute update!
    Continue soon!


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