Chapter 23:

Paro heard dil and aman telling sorry towards her she turned and said "trust me papa and bhyai, i am really happy by seeing a true father love for my daughter like me."  

Paro sat in the garden bench by holding both her knees to her chest. She buried her head in between her knees and refused to see the outer world. She very well know aman went back to his home, she very well know dil went to his bed, she very well know rudra made ruki to have her dinner and made her to sleep and also she know rudra was sitting and looking at her for past 10 min. paro slowly lifted her head and looked at the moon who is shining in the sky. Paro spoke in a very soft voice "you know rudra me and sister will put fight of the window side in the bed, so that we can see the moon while sleeping. We were the happy family of three people me, my sister and my mom never my dad involve in the family. Me and my sister longed for my dad's love. I was pampered more by my mom and sister, never in my past i was left alone for a single minute also, my mom showed so much love to me because she failed to show that love to my sister when she was baby. My dad will never care about the girls in his home, he will just give some money to mom, my mom will take care of me and my sister with that money only. My mom does embroidery and she earns little from that and full fill ours little wishes by using that money, so only i asked you to put my salary in the account which is named after ruki, its for her safety. I still remember the day when i got my first slap rudra, it was from my dad i was of ruki's age and playing by sitting on his table, he came and saw me, he made me stand up and gave the big slap by telling how dare you to sit on the working table, by hearing my loud cry mom came and rescued me, so only i was adamant for making ruki to sit on the chair i feared you or papa will scold ruki but you both proved me that all people are not like my dad. When every my mom ask some think to my dad he just gave her a glare or a slap. Me and my sister grown up by more dreams about the feature, we both want in the computer fled like our dad, who earns by his hard work. My dad will always thorn my mother for giving two waste produced like my mom, they want a guy to rule the business. My sister understood the situation between my mom and dad at the very small age itself, so she never asked for anything in her life she just gave what ever she has to full fill my wishes. My sister boldly stood up for my mother before my aunt at her 8th grade itself. That was the last day i saw my aunt in my home and that was the first day i saw my sister getting slap from my dad. I was very navy always will come and complaint to my mom and sister if any one scold me or teas me, my mom will advise me to stay away from them but my sister will stand in front of me to face them with her bare hand. I more saw her like my brother that the sister. Whenever we laugh i will expect my dad also to join us but it never happen. One day i came to know why my dad hates us, he actually never likes girls according to him girls are waste material; he was forced to marry my mother by aunt. By mother came with so many wishes in her life but nothing was fulfilled by My Dad. When my sister born both my aunt and dad scolded my mother a lot, my aunt was ready to throw my mom out but she was stopped by dad by thinking next they may get boy baby. Then when i was born all was broken between my dad and mom, he will slap when my mom raises the voice in favor of us. On my 18th birthday i asked the reason why mom still lives with my dad at first my mom was shocked she never thought her little girls will ask such thinks then she understood that i was not little any more. My mom took me the open trace and told the other side of the life which i failed to understand. Do you know rudra what my mom asked to me, she asked if she left her husband then who will take care of him?. I asked my mom when a person never cares about you why we should care about them.? You know rudra what she did She just laughed and said "there are so many people who last there life and standing alone, because they saw the life from their point of view only, they forgot to think what will happen to their partner or their child paro. I don't want to do the same mistake what my dad and mom did. In marriage one should bend down for others and vice versa. We also should keep in the mind that we should not bend down for the wrong thinks. Your dad did only wrong think is he failed as a father. My mom and dad used to fight both got separated and got another married i was forced to live one week with mom and other week with dad. Both showed love to me because i should think that my mother's love is greater than my fathers and my dad thought the same but both of them didn't show true love towards me. What i have seen from them i learnt that your dad is not bad, he never beats me he just slaps me. He will have only little drinks but he is not a drinker. So many guys in this world are worst but my husband is fare better than all. Do you know why in our house always filled with cauliflower? Because i love them so much even though he didn't like them he buys and keeps for me. According to me we should not run away from the life, we should face them and try to change if not you change yourself  according to the life. I would have run away from him with you two but you will be missing him, even though i will keep you happy you both will miss him paro. Your dad wants a boy but he fails to see the braveness and fighting ability in your sister's. One day he will understand it, i will be waiting for that day. I want you both to be happy then automatically i will be happy."  i always love my mom more than any think in this world rudra. My sister finished the college and my dad fixed the marriage for her, i have never seen my mother that much happy. Even though my dad didn't spent money much money for the marriage, my jiju didn't question him, its always my sister mother-in-law was a trouble maker. On the day of my sister marriage i came to know that she love some professor in her college, when i went and asked she said mothers happiness is the only think she wished in this world. My sister even stepped out of the home to marry her lover but she didn't do it. Do you know rudra when i first dreamt about my future husband, when my jiju stood up for my sister's job. He allowed her to work even apposing his own mother and my father.  I want my husband should carry me to bed every night and i should wake up in his arm, we both will be like Tom and Jerry always will fight but it will all be of love only and when i cry he should hug me tightly and he should feed me foods when i refuse to eat, lots and lots of dream i had rudra. My father didn't allow me to go college because he thought i also may fall in love and will run away. i did my studies by home only, my sister will vist and teach me more. Me and my sister love computers because of our dad. In our small age whenever we look at him he will be typing some think in the laptop. Finally the day arrived, my marriage was fixed with Varun shinka were my father met him in some business party. When i first saw him i liked him, the moment i felt i was blushing it felt so good, then i remembered my sister words about marriage  "marriage has the ability to change the future upside down" at that time i don't know it will turn totally wrong for me. I have not spoken to him before marriage because of my dad. My mom spoke to him and gave green signal to me. It was a grand wedding rudra lights were glittering, sounds echoed everywhere and laughter was seen the entire place. On the day of my marriage also i was chased by my friends and running like a hell, even for second also i didn't stop my smile rudra, at that time i don't know that will be the last day of my smile. I still remember that day when my mom came and scolded me for running like that and she dragged me with her to the room. Then every think happened fast i got married and bid a teary good bye to my family to start a new life. I was waiting for him in the room, i want our life should start by the bases of knowing each other, so i wished to talk and understand each other first but he denied it. He...he...went out and came after some time and said ya i was right and we both slept. He was an orphan rudra so i took so much care in two day. He left and went to the job in the early morning and will come late in the night. It was his routine work after two weeks i can't take the fact he is rejecting me so i went and asked him the reason, he just told me some lie and at the night he tried to come close to me, by seeing his eyes i got the fear. His eyes always show the lust not the single sight of love and care. I feared that he will be like my dad then what will happen to my child, who will long for the fathers love like me. I started to tell lie to my mom and sister that i am happy, the lie continued for one month. I went to his company there he gave me a royal respect and treated me as a princess. Then for the next one week he behaved normally and i started to enjoy the moments. Two and half month pasted by and i saw the husband side in him so i was ready to take my life to the next step. At the end of third month i decorated the whole house with flowers and lights and waited for him but he didn't come, i don't know when i slept by next morning i realized he didn't return home. i called his mobile but there was no replay then i contacted his office and i got to know that he went to America for the project work i felt dejected and completely broken but still i kept telling so many lies to mom and sister at least i want them to be happy. Whenever my mom asks about him i used to blush by seeing that my mom will be happy, for me its ok rudra. Then he called me and informed that it was very argument that he left without telling me. Never in my parent home i was left hungry, never left to fear of darkness and never and ever left alone. There was no money, no food in the house so i started to work as a teacher in the nearby kinder garden. My mother words about her husband came to my mind even though he didn't like my mom he never left her alone. After two months he came, he was talking about himself, his life, his world. I stood up for me and raised the question our fight continued for two weeks but i still continued to work when he didn't give permission. One day dad called and scolded me like hell, he gave so many advice to adjust the husband and stop going to work i only replayed him that please don't tell anything to mom about this. It was our sixth month anniversary and my sisters 3rd years anniversary, my sister didn't have child so we kept one small poja in the home due to the instruction from my sister's mother in law. She was torturing my sister in words but my jiju will always there for protecting her. In the afternoon my husband sends me one sarry to the home, i was in cloud nine to see the name in the cover. He made the call and told it's the first gift for starting our new life, he gave me the address of a hotel and asked me to met him there, its our first date. There was no boundary for my happiness rudra. I felt like floating in the sky, he told me after that we can go to my mother's home for poja. By 4 i got ready and searched him but he had sent his car to pick me up. When i reached the hotel a small boy gave me the flowers and asked me to met my husband in the hotel room. I was over welcomed by seeing this side of him rudra. I entered the hotel room and saw the bed was decorated with flower and turned the other side to see him standing for me there. He came and asked sorry for his rude behavior. I smiled and said its ok we understood each other that's ok. When i was lead to the full view of the room there i saw five guys sitting and having the drinks. I felt the fear by seeing those lust full eyes which i used to see in my husband. My husband came and told me that his friend liked me so they all want to have me and in return he got 50 lacks from them. I stood there and was registering his words to my mind. My husband had sold me for 50 lacks. Six months whatever i thought about my husband was finally proved wrong, my dream about my life came to end on that day rudra. The dream i dreamt for my whole life is finished in that room. My mind stopped working by realizing a hand in my body, when...when..." She was not able to continue it. Rudra who was hearing this he closed his palm firmly so that his nails pricking him very hardly, ya it was controlling him other wised he will be destroying every think in the Garden, how can he touch his paro, how he sold her? In the very moment he wants to kill him mercy less. When he realized paro can't continue any more he went and hugged her, but paro didn't hug him back not a single drop of tear came. Rudra asked her to stop telling but paro didn't hear the words she continued to tell "i saw my pallu was removed and one guy was roaming his hand in my stomach. I begged to leave me, i cried my heart out for asking help but nothing worked. I saw the empty beer bottle in nearby table i went near and took one in my hand and threaded all to stay away from me, my husband was seeing this and laughing like a devil. By seeing that i took one more bottle and broke it in one man's head and the other bottle in other man's face. All ran away i was left with the blood covered my hand, body and floor, now you understood rudra why i reacted like that on office by seeing the blood in my hand like that, it made me to remember the hotel. When i came to my scenes i looked for any one left so that i can tear them in too many parts but no one was there all left. I sat there and cried, no more drama i can do, no more i can pretend in front of my mother, i want someone to hug me and i want cry by holding them whole heatedly. I ran out from the hotel and went straight to my mother's house. There more shock was waiting for me, when i entered the home i saw my dad angrily standing and my mom crying and my sister's in law was scolding my dad. I looked for my sister and jiju but they were not there, i went inside the house. I was about to open my mouth then i felt a sharp pain in my cheek, that's the second time in my life i got slap from my father. I saw my husband is standing with some guy near my mom.  I looked up and said "papa" but he stopped me and said i lost the rights to call him like that and also he told i was having affair with the guy when my husband is not there. I beg and told everything but he failed to listen me,  i looked at my mom and asked her to speak to me, do you know what she did she pushed me down and slapped me. it's my first time my mom raise the hand on me. I sat there without blinking and listened her words, she told i am bad girl and she hate me, she think why she gave birth to me. She regret me rudra, the one who i worshiped like a god hates me rudra. I have never seen that much anger in my mom's eyes. She dragged me and throwed me out of the door and said i should leave this place may be this state and go some were so that she won't breath the air which i breath and also she told me that at least i should have thought of my sister life before doing this sinful act and i should leave this place immediately before my sister arrive. I heard the door closing with the bang. i walked on the road as a lifeless body and suddenly something hit my face. I saw him standing in front of me and he had throwed some papers in my face, i opened it and saw but not even a single drop of tears came by seeing those paper. It was my divorce paper, i got divorce from him, in the end of the paper i have signed it, i don't know when and how is signed that paper but it has done. I heard him speaking he told me he married me for the money and body but now i no more needed for him, he throwed my bags in my face and drove away in the car. I don't know where to go but i continued walking my mother's words were repeating in my mind, i should have thought my sister life once, ya she is right if i was there means my jiju and sister will forcefully take me to their home then her in law's will talk bad about my sisters character i want at least my sister to be happy. I walked and some bus stopped in front of me i took that and i got down at the deserted area, i continued walking then i met there ruki's mom." Silent long lasted for 5min slowly rudra took her palm in his hand to control his anger, he smoothed it away and said "paro, if you want cry...i mean..." his word stopped by seeing the paro face. Paro never saw his face when she told the story of her past, but now she is facing rudra her eyes spoke what she want it showed braveness. Rudra felt relief by seeing the confident in her eyes and he heard her saying "i cried a lot rudra each and every night i cried. I don't want that any more, i don't want to cry, i want to smile...i want to sleep without tears rudra." Now rudra choked for the words, his eyes threaded to pore the water heavily. He told her "if i were in your mothers place i would have done the same paro, your mother was right" 


Next coming: Rudra share his past with paro and realize his broken rule...Embarrassed

                                                Quote of the day


..........will be following you.........every were............every step..........just to make sure you are safe..........Embarrassed


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