Chapter 31(last part)...

From the next day onward aman changed his track towards nandhu, he took flittering. He was also sure that he will win back his love and nandhu. Next morning when nandhu was coming down aman came near her and said "good morning baby" and winked. Nandhu went numb for a minute because aman's filtering is her weakness.  In the dining table aman told paro that from now on wards he is stopping the spicy food because nandhu hate more spicy but aman love that he told "parvati what wife hates spicy food then she has to suffer only..." aman saw nandhu getting up from the chair without eating so he said "and i will make sure that my wife will eat all otherwise i will feed her with my hands itself" nandhu took the plate and ate fast. All in the dining table smiled in the heart. Rudra and aman were sitting in the hall and seeing the family dram which is taking place in front of them, because nandhu had told she is returning back to Mumbai. Paro was crying and begging her sister to stay with them, she forcefully took the suitcase back to nandhu room. Aman called ruki and told her that nandhu mumma is leaving back and no one will teach her abcd...aman made ruki to do emotional blackmail by promising chocolate ice cream in return. Finally two girls were succeeded in emotional blackmailing.  Aman left no choice to flitter her with words, dil asked paro to change the clothing type of nandhu, because she wears very pale colors only. Dil was given hint by aman. Aman made the seating arrangement in the office differently, nandhu was forced to work with aman by paro and finaly aman room was occupied by nandhu. One side paro and rudra romance glommed in full speed. Rudra always step inside paro's room because he had addict to paro's warmth and also he don't want any stupid pillow near his love. One month passed by now nandhu laughed freely and some time blushed also but she kept so much distance from aman. So rudra thought of an idea and asked one person to inform nandhu that aman got accident and he is in his home. nanhu rushed towards aman home. rudra called aman to conform he is in home or not." i am in my home only rudra what happen...ok why your coming...oh,i am going to take bath will keep the door no stupid i am telling about main door not bath room door...ok bye" rudra smiled brightly by thinking how it will be if bathroom door is open. Nandhu stormed inside the aman home and started to call his name in the fear but when she saw him, she went and hugged him and cried her heart out. Aman to hugged her back to make her comfort and asked the reason for her cry then aman understood it's all rudra's plan. Aman used the opportunity to make nanhu understand about the life, a life without her is equal to die. we all are going to die one day till that we can live our life, aman know that he somehow he convinced his lady love. 

One day all were sitting in the sofa and enjoying the evening time. Ruki was seeing her favorite cartoon shin chan. In the tv they were singing the songs and going in round, our ruki looked the surrounding and asked the heroin to follow her, she started to go round the sofa by all sitting in the center. Ruki started her own song:

La la la la...Mere papa do un...un

La la la la...Mumma papa do yo...yo

La la la la...Mumma no give kuu-kii to uki

La la la la...Ammu do kiss...kiss

La la la la...Nandhu mumma beat ammu

La la la la...Ammu do un...un          

Suddenly ruki was stopped by aman whose palm is covered ruki's mouth, which stopped her to sing. Nandhu was blushing, she remembered the day very well it was a day aman again proposed her and she also accepted it, in return aman  asked for  the kiss. Nadhuh made a promise to her heart that if faith separate aman from her means then she will die the next moment itself. Paro came and hugged her sister and said she is happy for her and aman. Ruki pushed aman hand and said she want to sign la la la... Song again. Aman tried to closed her mouth again at that time rudra came and took ruki in his hand and started to run which followed by heroin and aman. Laughter echoed in the havile after a long time. Dil had tears in his eyes by seeing the happy face. Dil cleared his trout and said "i am going to call the pandit and fix the date for marriage before ruki sing that someone is peeping her room in night" now its paro turn to blush. Both the boys gave the smirk by seeing their lady love blushing for them. After making the call dil informed that he is going to visit mohanji for asking the hands of his daughter for his useless boys. Aman told he will book the ticket and rudra said that he will ask nandhu and paro to help in packing dil's dress. Dil stopped the boys and said "i will pack my dress because girls have to pack there dress to met their father". Both the heart was broken, in a minute boys build so many dreams about staying together but now they are fuming like a volcano by seeing their girls jumping in joy by hearing the dil stupid idea. Before leaving the airport dil warned rudra to pack his clothes after their return both aman and rudra going to stay out from the havile. Both boys shocked and shouted "what " in a loud voice. Ruki went near her papa and asked "what...what mera papa?". Dil smiled and said "your papa and aman going to take care of you on your mothers absent and you can fulfill all your dreams by touchier your papa and ammu.." smiled and they all went to munbai.

Mohan refused to come on parol for seeing his daughter's marriage he said this is the punishment for him for failed as good husband and father. Dil came back and kicked out aman and rudra out from the house when they refused to go out with the help of ruki but ruki failed them when dil gave big chocolate cake for her to eat all alone.

Both the girls enjoyed a lot by seeing how both boys behaving like a cute teen lovers. Dil invited all his friends and office staffs for the marriage, he said that his son also want to do remarriage on the same day of his other son anman, he don't want others to talk bad about paro and ruki.

Ruki was standing at the center of nandhu and paro, she was holding there hands and bringing her mumma's down from the room. rudra and aman were frozen by seeing there lady love beautifully standing and blushing not even able to meet there eyes. Two girls were like a queen in their marriage dress and ruki was also no less equal to her mumma's. she was also wearing saree and had a flower in her hand and always followed by heroin.  all went well and dil was having the fear that after the marriage aman will go back to his home which made him very sad because these many day s all lived together now they are going to separate. Ruki was so much happy by seeing others treating her like an angel. Ruki talked, talked talked talked to all the people and she was so much happy that all were talking to her like her mumma's. when aman said that he is going back to his house paro cried and rudra understood it, he asked his friend to stay in the same house suddenly ruki came and asked "ammu you go. Nandhu mumma go with you. You no stay. Why ammu?. No go i lob you, no go ammu. No go nandhu mumma...i cry...i cry...i no allow you go ..."said and cried in amans arm. Aman also had the tears in his eyes he was so much happy to see this much ruki love him, so he decided to stay in the havile itself.   Two angel, paro and ruki came from no were and changed their life completely and there after two couples lived happily. 

Room full of teddy's, its woman's jail and all have to do their work assigned by the jail head but for lila alone the teddy making work was allotted by rudra after he came to know about ruki's ted through the cct camera.

                                          Quote of the day

                        You and Me Forever...


  1. Prabha darling,
    Beautiful story – beautiful end!
    Happily ever after - I'm really glad that everyone is happy and they got what deserved. Really happy for all of them!
    I am sad that the story ended and I hope that you come back soon with another story.
    Please, remember pm me if/when you start a new story. I will be waiting…


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