Chapter 25...

Next morning ruki woke up and looked around for her ted when she realized ted is not there anymore tears formed in her eyes, paro saw this and understood she slowly went near her and explained about ted and said about her new friend hero. Ruki looked at her mumma and saw hero in her mumma hand. Ruki took hero in her hand and gave the kiss and whished the good morning. Paro said its not hero its heroin but ruki didn't believe and went to ask her papa. Rudra came from jogging and was about to enter the room he was called by ruki, he took ruki in his arm and asked what is the matter. "mera papa tell e-o, mumma tell e-o-in, what do?" rudra smiled and said sorry because he told wrongly to her, she is a girl so she has girl friend. Ruki accepted it and rudra gave the kiss in her checks by seeing paro. Paro felt the kiss in her check and she touched it and smile. Rudra left to take bath after seeing her smile. Ruki took heroin to the bathroom and asked her mumma to brush e-o-in teeth also by giving paro's brush in the hand. Paro asked "why you want my brush, if you want then give your brush to heroin". Ruki kept heroin inside the sink, heroin was looking her madam and paro continuously.

Ruki said "mumma me teeth (brushing) my bush(brush). E-o-in no bush, i give you bush" and showed the cute smile. Paro snatched her brush and asked "then with who's brush i will brush my teeth?" ruki thought and said "you take mera papa bush, mera papa take mumma papa bush, mumma papa take ammu bush..." ruki was telling all the person name she knows. Paro stopped her by giving ruki's old brush for heroin. Ruki took it and said "mumma teeth me and e-o-in. you go out uki and e-o-in water no see" [after brushing me and heroin teeth you go out mumma me and heroin will take bath and no one should see] . paro can't believe it her baby will take bath alone and she will also bath heroin, very well know what will happen when she leave ruki to take bath alone whole haveli will turn in to pool of water. Paro told her baby that heroin will not do brushing and she will not leave this bathroom, ruki didn't believe it she said "if no e-o-in then uki also no teeth" paro got more anger and said your papa only bought na so ask him to do it. Paro saw her baby girl talking to cat "e-o-in we go mera papa, mera papa teeth you and water you" and ran out of the room. Paro followed her and she saw ruki knocking the bathroom door, paro came and tried to stop but no use ruki started to shout "mera papa" paro also joined with her to make fun with rudra she also knocked the door by shouting "rudra". Rudra was about to remove his shirt he heard both mother and daughter voice from outside, he was sure one day he is going became mad. Then he thought an idea and removed his shirt and pants and took the towel. Paro looked up by hearing the door opening sound, by looking up she felt some cat and mouse running in her stomach, she gulped down by seeing  a half naked rudra through her naked eyes. She had seen the guys without shirt in tv but not without pants and that to towel tied in the lower hip. The white towel was a perfect match for his skin color. Rudra smirked by seeing her reaction and her eyes traveling throughout his body. He cleared his throat and ruki called her mumma. Paro mouth went try and she also forgot why she came here, she looked up at rudra when he asked the reason "hmmm...i" without completing the sentence paro covered her eyes and ran to her room by seeing rudra's hand moving towards the towel knot. Ruki pushed her papa to one side and entered the bathroom and asked her papa to brush heroin teeth. "What?????" rudra's words echoed in the bathroom.   

Rudra and paro left for the office after the big fight in the house. Ruki want her heroin also to be seated near her on the dining table to which paro said big no, if heroin want to be seated near her means then ruki should be seated in the chair not on the center of the table. Again rudra was caught in between two, he tried to pacifi paro but no use so he and made ruki to sit on his lap and heroin was placed on ruki's lap. Paro was highly pissed by this, so she was sitting still angered on rudra. Rudra liked this act of paro, in side he was enjoying he felt heaven when paro told that he always support ruki not her. Paro saw rudra from her corner of her eyes, his white pant made her to remember the towel incident; she was so lost and unknowingly was trying to open the care dash board in a wrong way. Rudra saw her who is trying to open but lost in some thoughts, he called her said "it won't open paro...what you're thinking paro". Paro heard him saying open her mind thought about towel opening so she suddenly blabbered "i am not thinking about towel opening..." Rudra stopped the car and saw paro, today he wantedly took the long route to his office, its been already one hour since they left the house, but here paro is still thinking about the towel incident. Paro closed her mouth by using her palm after relishing what she had said, she very well know the smirk in his face. Rudra gave the teasing look and asked "what towel?" rudra was not surprised when paro fought with him by telling she didn't used the word towel. Rudra resumed the drive after declaring paro won the argument. He saw her and asked after few minutes "paro do you what to speak to your mother?". Paro thought about that in the morning and came to the conclusion "yes rudra i want to talk to mumma and sister but i fear what if my dad comes to know, then i will not be able to answer the question asked by my sister why i left without informing her, I know rudra all will be fine there" rudra didn't ask more because he wants her to relax and stress free. Rudra stopped the car and said that her dori is removed, by hearing that a big blushed appeared. She touched the back and felt it was tied only. Rudra came close to her and removed the dori by pulled the thread forcefully, paro gasped by his action. He did what he did on that day, same way of touch but today he told one more line extra "here after i only will tie it for you, if you tie it by yourself means then i will be repeating  today's action" paro blinked her eyes twice and she saw him getting down. She rushed out and asked "what if its torn?" rudra smirked and asked "so you don't have any problem in removing the...dori" he stressed the last word and saw more blush and continued to say "if its torn means then my body will be covering yours paro". He saw the red tomato face and said "control your mind paro" and walked in. paro was picture rising what he told she was shocked by hearing his words, how he know i was thinking that, he is extremely hot in the white shirt...wait...white shirt how he got it?. She ran behind him by calling his name. All the office staff saw their boss whistling and to be followed by his PA with slight rosy checks and shouting him to stop. Before he reaches the stair to his office paro went and hold his hand for the support. Both went up by leaving the staffs in a big question mark and one person alone fumed like a hell. Lila went out and started to plan her web because it's already late. 

After entering the cabin rudra went towards his chair and saw paro who is trying to catch her breath normal. Rudra removed his jacket and place it on the table, already his first two buttons of the shirt is open. Paro looked at the rudra who had removed his jacket and walking towards her, paro started to move backward. Rudra smirked and asked by showing his shirt pocket "what is this paro?". Paro gulped down by seeing it. Rudra came little closer but took his time, he touched his pocket where paro has done the embroidery with his thumb and by using the same thumb he rubbed his lower lips. Paro body went chill by seeing this action. Paro was thinking how she landed on this problem on that day after washing his shirt paro thought of putting R as a embroidery in the shirt but when she started it her mind went in his memory and suddenly lila face flashed in her mind, how she dress in front of rudra, how she fall on him, how she filter with rudra in front of her eyes by thinking all those she forgot what she is doing finally she ended up in putting her names starting letter P in them. Paro was lost in a deep thought suddenly she felt heat arising in her, when she looked up she met the magnetic pull eyes.

 Rudra saw paro was lost in her own land so he came more close to her, his breath was fanning her sweating face. Rudra took her hand in his and made to touch the embroidery, paro felt the design and also the fast heart beat of rudr's heart. It was a sweet touchier for rudra, her hand is making him to loss his scene. He asked her in a husky voice "what design is this paro, two hearts and one arrow in the middle of it, what meaning is this paro?" paro went numb when his voice felt so sexy to her ears, she can feel his touch on her, and the question has no answer but deeply in her heart she felt he is the answer of her whole life. Paro felt his head dashing hers; he rested his fore head on hers and took her palm near to his lips. Paro felt the hot air in her palm and she closed her eyes in the pleaser but suddenly they heard the ruki's crying voice, paro and rudra felt shocked by hearing  her loud voice " mera papa..., mumma...".

Next coming: Ruki's long story for her cry and fun in the officeLOL

              Quote of the day

You are my life..........i have all rights to fight with you, cry with you, smile with you but i will burn the whole world if they make you cry........


  1. Great update!
    Ruki is playing her games again.. she is so sweet.
    Loved Parud –scenes, how his was just in a towel (how Rudra made it on purpose), the dori-scene and the office-scene; he resting his forehead on hers…
    Their relationship is progressing quickly…seems like Rudra has a mission. Loved the shy Paro.

    What happened in the end… Ruki was crying….Why?
    Waiting for next update!

    1. ha ha ha our ruki always rocks...........

      thank u dear


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