Chapter 27...

Rudra sat in his cabin and thought about paro's behavior, he was asking so many questions to himself, did i push her so much? Did i flitter with her to extreme? But what i will do she is making me to do it. Rudra remembered her hotel incident, that means she is not comfortable with me in my touching, that's more i will wait, today i am going to propose to her. If any staffs come to his room at the very moment then they may think that their boss gone mad, rudra was walking and talking to himself like a mad dog. 

Paro reached the home and went straight to room; dil saw some tense look in her so he didn't stop her. Paro was in a deep thoughts, she was repeatedly hearing the priya words in her mind, whenever she hear second chance, her mind only shows rudra's face. How he had helped her, how he had scolded her but it was for her goodness only. She dreamt about a life partner with some quality, those all she saw in rudra. She very well knows he was flittering with her but she was unable to avoid it, her heart asked more from him. After knowing her past also he maintained same relation and also same way to flitter but little bit possessive, he didn't regrets it. Paro looked her palm and blushed; she still she can feel the hot air near her. Paro looked around and realized that she is standing in rudra's room, she looked around the room was still the same way how she arranged it. She went and sat on the bed and took his pillow in her hand and hugged it, it has the same smell like him. Paro looked at the bathroom door and remembered the morning incident. OMG, if any girl died due to blushing means then it will me only by saying that she blushed more. Paro rested her head in bed rest and hugged the pillow very tightly and suddenly she remembered her sister's word "we may built a wall around are heart but can't stop our heart from jumping the wall and reaching the man of our life" ya its true. She thought only about rudra, his past and present and future, she don't know when sleep overruled her but she slept with the big smile. Around 10 pm paro woke up and stretched her hand, she looked at the bed and felt some butterfly in her stomach; she had slept on his bed. She saw the time and gasped how many hours she had slept mentally slapped her and got down from the bed, in the process she pushed the side table and a file dropped down. Paro looked at the file and realized its ruki's adaptation file. She slowly opened it and saw the name in the file, tears started to follow heavily, she don't know when she dropped the file next minute she was in a car and driving towards the office.

Name: Rukmini Pratap Ranawat

Father Name: Rudra Pratap Ranawat

Mother Name: Parvati Pratap Ranawat

Paro closed her eyes and remembered the lines which she saw about a minute before. Paro ran as fast as she can and rushed to the stairs and opened the rudra's cabin but he was not to be found, she went to his apartment and opened the bed room door with the bright smile but by seeing the images in front of her eyes her smile faded away. There she saw lila in bikini and hugging rudra and lila dress is lying in rudra's bed. She saw both people in the same state of shock like her.

Rudra was working, he was hell scared about two thinks one is what will be paro's reaction when he proposes her and the another one is the information he is going to get from the detective. He has to finish the work fast, so that he can spent time with her, ya he was sure that after the information he was going to take paro to munbai to see her mother and he also want aman with him because he was not sure what will be the reaction of paro's dad and someone want to watch ruki also so he planned to take aman with him. Rudra finished his work and he is also free from now onwards, but his head made little weight, he saw the time it showed 9.40 pm. He went to his apartment and freshen up and made little coffee for himself, he touched and saw the bed were he made paro to lay down. He made himself comfortable in the bed, whatever the matter he thinks t it all ends in paro. He smiled brightly. He sipped his coffee and was dreaming about paro, his future. Rudra saw his bed room door is opening slowly and their he saw the person whom he wished not to see even if the world ends, lila.

He saw her in high heel and the seducing dress and the lust look in her eyes, rudra decided that today is the last chapter for lila in his life. Rudra felt guilt when he was about to use her in the drunken stage, some were in  his heart he compared that action with the person who stole her mother but not anymore, he warned more no of time but she was adamant, today is time to take the decision. Suddenly he felt some think was thrown toward him; he saw the green dress lying at the foot of his leg. When rudra was in a deep thought lila switched on the video in her mobile and fixed in the side table to cover whole action which is going to take place in the bed, lila gave the smile by imaging the face reaction of paro after showing the video. She removed her dress and trowed towards rudra and showed her body with bikini she has over confident that he will get flat by seeing her body. Rudra stood up and took the dress and trowed in the bed, he saw lila coming towards her, he was above to hold her neck but before that he saw hugged by her, he remained still and was about to push her then the door of his apartment again opened. There he saw the smiling in the face of paro fading away, he was shocked to see her here, he pushed lila and about to clear this matter now itself to paro but she showed her hand to stop him from talking. Paro was fuming in anger; she came near him and took the dress which is lying in the bed. Lila was shocked but she was more than happy by seeing the look in paro, it tells that her plan worked. Paro gave the dress to lila and asked to wear, paro made a straight face and didn't see rudra at all. Rudra felt his heart paining more, he was seeing her continuously but she was avoiding him and looking everywhere. Paro saw lila dressed completely. Lila saw paro and spoke "paro, actually me and rud..." suddenly she felt sharp pain in her cheeks and stopped speaking.  They heard one sound *slap*. Rudra closed his eyes for minute to think how to explain paro but he heard the sound and opened his eyes to look what sound, there he saw lila covering her cheeks with her hand. Rudra looked at paro, she was still at the same anger that means she was anger on lila not me. Suddenly rudra heard paro speaking "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE MY RUDRA NAME IN YOUR DIRTY MOUTH. STOP YOUR CHEAP TRICKS NOW ITSELF OTHERWISE I WILL MAKE SURE THAT ALL YOUR HAIRS IN THE HEAD WILL BE IN MY HAND, I WILL JUST PLUCK ONE BY ONE WITH MY BARE HAND". Shock was the underestimated word if we say for rudra. His heart stopped to beat by hearing paro's line, the word my rudra was repeating in his heat. Did she tell that, like all girls fight she said hair and all he was unable to believe his paro. He saw her moving towards the table and taking some phone and coming towards lila. Paro saw lila phone in the table and her guess was right she was using her another cheap trick, she saw the anger and fear in lila's eyes, paro smashed the mobile in front her eyes and said "NOW GET LOST FROM MY EYES BEFORE I DO ANYTHING WORST, MISS. LILA". Rudra saw lila making an exit, the next moment he felt some soft think is crushing his body. He saw paro is hugging him tightly. Again paro gave more than shock to him, he doesn't know what the reason for this action is but he didn't hug her back. He felt the little sob near his heart, it worried him. Rudra tried to remove paro from the hug and asked the reason for the cry but she only made the hug tighter. Rudrs tried one more try because he is having all the other thought that what made but to cry, suddenly he was pushed back and heard her shout, "you're asking me what is wrong, ya every think is wrong, you're not allowing me to hug you and your also not hugging me" by saying that she cried more. Rudra looked at her crying face for a minute and register her words clearly in his mind, ya he heard it correct his paro need him to hug her. When paro entered the room her smile faded away, she felt life from her body left, she was imagining and dreaming about her feeling for him but what will be his feeling for her, that thought did not crossed her mind at all. But when she saw the look in rudra eyes for a minute it told all, it told he is not interested in this, it showed her there is no love, lust, passion and desire but it showed only hate and anger. Paro felt her life was back in her body she wants to hug him tightly but before that she has to finish the danger queen's chapter. When she felt relief with what she had done, she went and hugged him, but rudrs didn't hug her back it made her to cry and hug him tightly, but now he is standing in a shock as if alien is standing before him.


Next coming: paro and rudra say the 3 magical word.Angry


                     Quote of the day

I missed my heart beat by feeling you near me...i missed my heart its self by seeing myself in youEmbarrassed


  1. Awesome update, totally loved reading it.

    Finally Lila gets what she deserves – game over. Finally, at least I hope so. Don’t want her to come back again with another wretched plot.
    And the way Paro reacted – as a tiger defending her territory. Way to go Paro! After last chapter I was worried that she might not believe Rudra and run away from him.
    End of Lila…

    But the best part of the chapter was Rudra adopting Ruki. So glad for Ruki and Paro. Rudra made it clear that he wants to be a permanent part of their lives.

    But the hug-scene… OMG… Rudra didn’t hug Paro and didn’t want her to hug him? What was that?
    What did he thought, or did he think anything?

    After the chapter ended like this, I want to know what will happen next.
    Waiting for next update!


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