Chapter 26...

Paro felt the hot air in her palm and she closed her eyes in the pleaser but suddenly they heard the ruki's crying voice, paro and rudra felt shocked by hearing  her loud voice " mera papa..., mumma...".

After rudra and paro went to office dil stated his work, today he was planned to cut the bushes and grass in the garden. He asked ruki to see tv as he don't want her near the cutting material. Dil was really happy to see rudra turning as a child, he felt no anger when they both realized the bird and disturbance they gave but he was sure of one think his son has bright future with these two girls, today morning was the best example. He kept some animated film for ruki to see, he gave instruction to servant to keep a eye on her and he went to do the work. Ruki saw snow in the tv and the name of the film is having her favorite name ice, ice age. Ruki looked here and there, she heard the meow sound nearby her and asked "e-o-in you stomach sound wait i give kuu-kii" she went to get when heroin saw her master is going some were so she also followed her. Ruki was stopped by the servant and asked her the reason of the visit in the kitchen "e-o-in stomach sound come,  i need kuu-kii, you go i take" the servant was instructed by paro that they should not give cookie to ruki. The servant stopped her from taking cookie jar. Ruki looked up and asked the reason and she gave him the answer back "mera papa tell  give kuu-kii, you give i no tell mera papa, mera papa no you" now it's very critical situation for the servant to choose who's order he should obey, madam had ordered not to give but sir had told him to give cookie when she ask, he took two packet and gave because he is not ready to face the wrath of his sir. Ruki tore open one pack and gave half to the servant and said "you eat i no tell mumma, kuu-kii good good" while coming back a chocolate bar got her attention so she took that and sat in front of tv with her heroin on her lap. Movie liked by her so much she gave cookie to heroine also but she didn't give the chocolate because it was for her from her ammu. Ruki was crying by seeing the film, the brown big teddy(elephant) in the film made her to remember her ted. She saw the baby leaving her parents and also saw how mumma of the baby cry and papa of the baby search. She liked the dioeg, who has long teeth and sid who has big tummy in the film so much. Heroin went to drink water at that time the film got over and the baby called her papa and papa also hugged the baby, she looked around to search her papa but he was not there. She went to room by calling mumma and mera papa. By Standing at the end of the stares she started to cry by thinking she is also lost like that baby. No mumma, no papa, no ted...tears floated heavily. Dil came running by hearing ruki's s shout for her mumma and papa. He saw ruki sitting nearby stars and crying looking here and there, dil went and asked she said "mumma papa, i lost, mumma and papa left me..."started to cry more by hugging dil. Dil tried to make a call but both the phone was unreachable, he also tried the office but he was told that they didn't reach still now. Dil understood the reason for her cry, ya he has also seen the film, he took the car key and marched out with ruki. Both entered the office at the main door step itself ruki left dil's hand and ran inside. Standing at the center of the office she called her mumma and papa, by leaving every staffs to go more shock.

Paro and rudra rushed down by hearing their baby cry, yesterday only they suffered more yet they are not ready to see one more day like that. When they reached the last step there they saw ruki looking all side and crying very badly. Rudra and paro kneeled down in front of her and hugged ruki in between them. Ruki also throwed her arm around both of them, she felt very much relief by seeing her parents. "mera papa me no lost, i lost you leave me and go...i good gi-l...i when i no see you, i see all place , i no see you, why you leave me...i bad gi-l...ted left me..." both let her speak because they don't know why she is crying, but now they understood the reason. Rudra pulled her and stood up with her in his arm. He made her to sit on the nearby table by pushing all the material in the table down. Paro also came near ruki and took one hand in her and wiped her tears. Rudra spoke by taking her another palm in his hand "ruki see mumma and papa here only, we never leave you and go, we will be always with you, and you're not lost, ok. You are the best bachi in this world, my bachi. You are so good don't ever say you are bad girl." Rudra took the both hands of ruki including paro's and covered in his and told "me and your mumma will always be with your each step you take in the life, it's a promise because we both love you bachi" paro looked at rudra without blinking because now the promise made to ruki is the 1st promise she did to ruki. ruki looked up at her mumma and papa and said "mumma and papa you good , me good. Uki lob you" and hugged them.  Rudra phone made a ring, paro asked him to attend and she will take care a ruki. After rudra went aman came and asked "then what about me and dil, we are bad boys huh?" in a sad tone. Ruki saw aman and tried to jump from the table "ammu, you good mumma papa good" said and gave a kiss in aman's cheek. The staffs who were seeing the beautiful family drama came near ruki to talk. 

After half an hour later rudra came down to see ruki and other but he first saw paro, aman and dil were sitting in the chair and resting there chin by using the right palm on the table. Rudra rolled his eyes to locate ruki, there he saw his staff member standing round around a table where he left ruki. he saw three sitting but they only gave no to his next step but he didn't understand it,  He slowly went near and asked what happening here the staffs feared to replay but ruki told very boldly "mera papa i tell ice age sto-y, no disp me" and continued to tell by showing actions. Rudra saw the three people smiling; and they all gave i told you na look then dil spoke "we tried tried and tired so only taking rest, you also come and join us" rudra glared at dil but he never seems to worried. Suddenly all the four heard the clapping sound; it means ruki finished telling the story. Aman asked paro "what you gave today morning for her, she have so much energy to tell the same story more than three time and that to without missing a word also" for the question dil replayed "don't ask her ask yourself, yesterday what cookie and chocolate you bought for her. She had two packets and one chocolate bar for herself". Paro stood up by hearing dil's word, she marched to ruki and asked "ruki who gave you cookie, i kept that on the top shelf only and chocolate...?" Aman came near and said "family pack dairy milk chocolate" by hearing that paro grasped whole bar she ate all alone, what will happen to her stomach. Ruki looked at aman who stopped her mumma in the middle so she thought aman was supporting her and nodded her head and gave the beautiful smile to her mumma. Paro fumed by seeing her child accepting the crime and was about ask the person who gave you the cookie packet. Rudra watched this and gave a glare to aman and dragged paro out from the crowed because if paro ask the question means he will get caught, he very well remembered the instruction which he gave to the servant. 

"Paro i want to talk to you" said rudra in a series voice. Aman and dil shared a wink by seeing rudra and paro. Paro looked at rudra nodded her head. "Look paro, i have work you take ruki and go home..." rudra stopped by hearing paro's objection "but rudra why ...we have work..." rudra made her to stop and said "i don't want ruki to be alone paro, see she have cried and thought she was lost, i don't want any more tears. Don't worry aman is there to help me. I may come late to the home, after going home call me and if bachi want to talk to me means don't hesitate that i will be busy, just dial my no and give to her. Ok?" paro looked at the person standing in front of her and admired how anyone can be like this, this much care and softness for the unknown persons. She nodded and saw rudra making his way to the crowed to stop before ruki start her fourth round. Paro heard the voice and looked up to see who it is, its priya there office staff. Priya smiled and said "thanks paro". Paro looked confused and asked the reason, priya smile and said "thanks for making me to think about my future for the second time. husband left me and went to another girl from that time onwards i lost the interest to live the life, love someone and smile by seeing others and so on, but now i want to live like others paro, do you know why suddenly i felt like this because by seeing your beautiful family particularly ruki. We all love her, i also want a baby to call me mumma. It's our life we have rights to life and i am going to live it. Once again thanks paro" and hugged paro tightly and left. Paro stood there and saw rudra for the long time. Behind paro, lila stood and fumed, she was want to drag paro to the corner and kill with her bare hand but before those think happen aman pulled paro out. Lila came back from relaxing out, when she came inside she saw ruki shouting and then rudra came and hugged her, lila remembered ruki thread to her, it means she is surely rudra's daughter. Lila also had watched the insecurity and anger in paro's eyes whenever she talks with rudra. Make a note paro Today night is the last day for your so called beautiful family. 

"...e-o-in no bow...bow, e-o-in meow...meow" said and stood up on the table. All commented by seeing the anger side of ruki which make them to remember their boss rudra, so they called ruki as  "choti boss". All in the office came to conclusion that they are cute little family, they also don't like the behavior of the danger queen of their office with their boss. Now they understood why there boss bought his wife to the office and appointed as PA.  More over they all loved there "choti boss" and wished to see her again and again particularly to hear her story. Rudra took her in the arm and cleared the crowd. "papa i want diego, sid and big ted" asked ruki innocently. Rudra smile and said "tomorrow all will be in your room". Suddenly all in the office shouted "what?" excluding paro who was lost in some thoughts. Ruki clapped her hand and said "papa diego, bid ted and sid good, baby sleep, play , i also papa". Rudra rolled his eyes from ruki to others; still all were in a shock. Dil cleared his throat and said "chill guy either zoo will be shifting to our havile or we will be shifting to zoo". Rudra mentally noted to search Wikipedia about this stupid ice age, which made his bachi to cry. Rudra made ruki to sit in paro's lab and gave a kiss to ruki. Rudra was looking at paro for last 5minitue who was lost in some thoughts, she was not looking at him, rudra gave a light squeeze to paro's hand which made her to come back to the world and gave a smile which didn't reach her ears. 

Next coming: paro opens the door to find lila in rudras arm and in bikiniAngry

                         Quote of the day

No air, no water, no food, no sleep will happen when you turn away from me...a


  1. Sweet update,
    Ruki in the office…loved her energy. It is no wonder, that all in the office liked her so much. And her energy level!
    Rudra, Paro and Ruki; a cute little family – it was nice scene when they had that moment together. Rudra and Paro hugging their daughter.
    But again Lila…I knew that she would try to create problems. And here we go again... I hope she fails.
    I really do hope that Paro is able to see through her plotting..
    Again waiting for next update!


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