Chapter 30...

It's been two weeks after the arrival of nandhu, two weeks been hell for all. Paro lost her charm completely. Rudra was with her as if she was the newly born baby. Nandhu was in a mission to avoid aman completely which rudra didn't like it. Aman was in a mission to bring back the old nandhu in to a life. Nandhu limited the talk and she was wearing only pale color dress, no ornaments, no proper food, no laugh, only crying. In the first week paro and rudra went to met Mohan, paro and nandhu dad. Ruki days was somewhat better. paro had asked rudra that she want to meet her dad after the next day for the truth. ruki cried when she came to know that her mumma and papa are going to Mumbai by leaving here alone, rudra was adamant that her bachi will not step inside the jail because rudra feared about the surrounding which may ruki get feared Ruki hugged paro and said "mumma you go, who water me, who bush me, who d-ess me, who sto-y me, who sleep with me, who ilk me, who play me, mumma go mera papa go, no uki go, uki go mumma...uki lob(love) you" paro almost chocked for word's she hugged her baby and cried she thought of dropping the plan to visit her dad but it was rudra who made ruki normal because he want to conform some details with him. Nandhu took ruki and gave assurance that she will take care of ruki properly. nandhu fulfilled her promised very well, she also thought ruki to tell ABCD. Rudra had asked aman to stay till they return though he didn't like aman near nadhu but he has no choice. Rudra don't want aman to get hurt again, but aman was very much pleased with the rudra's idea. After returning from Mumbai rudra didn't step out from the havile not even for jogging. Rudra was highly pissed off by the dil idea of sending nadhu to the office to fill paro and his absents. He accepted only for aman because he was so much happy with the idea, so half heartedly he accepted it. 

Rudra forced paro to join them for seeing tv. Ruki was fully involved in tv by seeing her favorite schi chan. Rudra made paro to sit near him and side hugged her, rudra looked at the tv and saw a small school. Rudra saw paro was lost in her thoughts he gave the small smile and said "paro i want five children's for us". Paro gasped by hearing his idea, she looked at his eyes which was serious and he was looking at her. "rudra...have some shame" said and shook her head. Rudra felt a relief after hearing his name after a long time. Always paro will hide in her room and cry. When rudra was adamant in staying in her room paro locked the bath room and cried for her family. He smirked and said "why paro you don't want any children's huh?". Paro rolled her eyes and said "i want but not that much" in a low voice. But our rudra dint leave her he was in a mood to pull her leg. "i want this havile full of children, i was the only kid...i felt very board and lonely my bachi also don't want to suffer like me, so i want five kids that's final". Paro blushed slightly she felt somewhat peace after so many days, but she didn't accept the idea and said no because India's population is increasing. Rudra laughed and said "i always like to break the rules paro, think like this whole havile will be full of laughter, small cry, so much happiness and we also can start the school here itself don't want to go out. The most important think is ruki will take care of the entire children and you will be free and i will take care of you completely in and out, what say?" he gave a wink by seeing her tomato color face. Paro blushed like tomato by hearing the talk she play fully hit him in hand and said "how your talking shamelessly Mr. jallad your bachi is sitting near only keep that in a mind" rudra smile and said "i changed because of you, you only made me like this paro...i happy for my changes but i fear i may go back to that deserted life...i want my paro back, the paro who changed me like this...i love that paro so much... pls give back my paro. You only told you want to sleep without cry i am ready to help you paro...pls forget the past i know, i know its terrible but you have a future, two person waiting for you, they need you in each and every minute. I love you so much" a tear dropped from his eyes. 
Paro was also in tears, she don't have a word to tell him, comfort him she was stuck, she had never seen this much emotion in him that to for her, for their love. He is the man, her man, her life, her world, her love. Paro hugged him tightly and cried in between she said sorry for her behavior. For more than 10min they were seated by hugging each other. When rudra felt the cry was over he pulled her out and wiped the tears. Ruki saw this and started to shout "mera papa and mumma i call you, you no see me, you no talk me you talk yourself, you no see shin-chu, no e-o, mumma see mera papa, mera papa see mumma, no see uki. uki no talk you, uki angu (anger)" with that she stormed out of the sofa. Both paro and rudra looked at each other and paro asked "i will be free and ruki will take care the entire child?" to which rudra laughed more and was again caught in ruki hand. Ruki stood with the both hands in the hip and from the look itself we can say she is very very anger. "mera papa no hug me. Hug mumma only, no laugh me, i no lob you" with that she took heroin who was looking at the heated argument of her madam with the parents. Ruki felt lonely for two weeks because she found no one is talking to her like before. She liked nandhu, she thought so much about the garden, abcd and so on but she was also strict in eating habits like her mumma. She was having a video chat with her papa when they went for Mumbai by seeing her papa in the screen she jumped in the joy and gave kiss all over the screen and asked for the return kiss. Rudra felt awaked by seeing nadhu, aman and dil looking at him with the eager eyes, he heard dil's teasing word "oh my rudradev she asked to kiss her not her mumma, why this much blushing?". Paro was very silent she didn't talk to rudra and ruki; she stayed in her room mostly crying. In the night she used to cry but when rudra comes for checking means she will act like sleeping. Ruki was so much anger on her mumma, so she didn't talk to her, but her papa is talking to her mumma instead being with her side, her papa is in opposite side.  Aman was busy in trying nandhu to talk to him and dil was busy in observing the two new couples in his house. Paro stood up and ran behind ruki by telling "it's all her papa's fault not mumma's" rudra wider his eyes by hearing paro's word; he will be mad one day for sure. Rudra closed his eyes and remembered the doubt he had in the death of varun, when paro dad shot him with the pistol then what is the use of burning him in the house?,  he want to meet paro's dad to conform about the photo matters, sumer gave the full details of varun, so only he convinced ruki and took paro to Mumbai. Now every think is clear, everything is over that bloody dog need this type of end only. By hearing the real truth from paro's dad, rudra had more respect for him, he not only saved his daughters life, he save so many young girls life.
Mohan sat in the darkness, sleep was far away for him, he some time smiled by seeing the photo in his hand and some time cried by thinking how he failed in his life to show love, now his heart is in pain. He was the man who does not cared about his family, but when he saw his wife in that stage something inside his broken. The day next when he trowed her second daughter out from the house, he felt restless not because of his action but by seeing his broken wife. He avoided her for some days but the matter was worse. He never expected his wife to talk to him before but now her silent killed him; her crying face gave his electric shock. In his he longed for his wife back. Then all happen suddenly, he was not able to see her wife lying in the hospital bed like a dead person. Without thinking he cried her heart out in front for the other, but it doesn't matter to him, he asked her wife to come back soon. Then he saw the guys strength in his daughter, he is such a fool. He had a cute family but he missed everything, he knows it's very late but he want forgiveness for his mistake. He went and saw his daughter she told the truth of him in front of his eyes, she showed his nature. That time he understood how much his daughters missed him. She didn't forgive him; she stopped calling him as papa which he longed without his knowledge. He went and saw his wife; he was ready to touch her feet also for his behavior. But his wife asked only one promise in return, she want varun to be punished. He promised her because this is the first thing she asked form him in their marriage life. He worked hard to get the proof against varun, he discovered more about varun's true nature. He was shocked by seeing this, he was blind, he was over ruled by his sweet words. He saw how he had earned this much money and more company in his name within short period. Varun will pick a girl of a business man and he will use her for once and will throughout, but he didn't stop there he used to take picture of the girls in drunken stage, and in the bed naked, he will use that photo to blackmail the fathers to get money. The fathers feared about their daughter's image so they didn't go to the police and gave whatever he asked for to get the photos. By knowing this truth he didn't sleep at all, his wife asked for the reason but told its work stress and made a peace in the home. He thought more and told about his working status to his daughter because he feared that when varun came to know this means then he will surely die in his hand, but he didn't share completely with nandhu. Now for Mohan the more fear is what if that beast has paro's photo also?. One day he came to know about varun's private house, so he visited there and the fate made him to meet the varun there, then he came to know that he has hidden extra copy of  all the girls photo to blackmail in future in this same house. He also learned the truth about marrying paro from varun's mouth itself. It was a time Mohan Company was about to get new project which will earns in crosses, so varun planed to trap paro but his bad luck paro was not pub and bar type girl, so he married her by talking sweet to Mohan. At the first varun tried to touch paro but she didn't allow which made him so much anger. Then he planned and acted sweetly and drugged her one night to take her pics. One day his friend asked paro for money so he took and ready to send paro to them, varun thought that paro will be in fear and so she will give up easily but it happen oppositely. Varun went to mohan and played wrong story and made sure that paro won't get any help from any one, she was in street. Varun had the photo to blackmail mohan to give up company but luck was in varun's side he got without trying anything.  After knowing the truth mohan was heartbroken because he itself pushed his daughter to the devil, mohan  ended up in killing him when varun showed paro's that stage photo. At last mohan burned the whole house so that so many girls and fathers can be happy. After very long time he smiled by seeing his daughter, who is crying in his hand. Mohan asked rudra to take care of his daughter, which he failed miserably. Paro talked to her dad and also told about ruki. After going back rudra had sent photo to mohan, it has paro, nandhu and ruki smiling face. Mohan also remember his phone talk to the little girl ruki, who call herself as uki.

M: hello...rudra.

Ruki: me, mera papa ki bachi uki talk, you who talk?

Mohan's happiness has no boundary, he was happy by hearing a child proudly telling that she is the daughter oh her dad. He missed this it's a punishment time for him so he accepted his pain with open arms.

M: me mohan, paro's papa.

R: pa-po papa. 

Every one turned there attention towards ruki. One day ruki and rudra had fight about how to call paro. Rudra told he will call paro only but ruki said "me call mumma, so mera papa call mumma no pa-po" ruki was not able to tell paro's name properly. At the last rudra closed ruki's mouth with chocolate syrup. Always rudra will add chocolate syrup in ruki's milk, health mix and cookie to make her eat, ya without the knowledge of paro. Nandhu and paro came near ruki and they put the phone in speaker to hear their father's voice.

M: ya...ya pa-po papa only. How are you? (said in a teary voice, tears of happiness)

R: me good, how you? You no good, why cry?

M: am not crying...i have cold so only.

R: you have achuuu?...achuuu go, you eat kuu-kii...kuu-kii good goog. No achuuu.

M: hmmm ok i will...ruki tell me what you want from this pa-po papa?

R: uki want kuu-kii...hmmm...choci...e-o-in ilk...hmmm...lap tip (lap top)

M: so ruki is now big girl, she need lap top?

R: no pa-po papa...lap tip no uki, lap tip for mumma and nandhu mumma. Mera papa, ammu wo-k lap tip. Mumma, nandhu mumma wo-k no lap tip. 

M: sure dear i will buy for your mumma and nandhu mumma, you take care of them nicely, i failed you show more love...i ...Miss them.

With that he cut the call he was so much happy that little girl think about all, he cried silently by burying his wish, wish to see all three girls, hug them cry in there arm. 

In the night paro made peace with ruki by giving the chocolate cake and everyone was happy to see the paro back to her original stage. Rudra went to garden to bring heroin but there he saw nadhu crying by holding something in her hand. From the distance he can see it's a payal. Rudra remembered that same type of payal, he had seen in anan's house. "you love him more" nandhu heard rudra voice back of her, she wiped the tears and then she head another statement from him "you can take that as question or a statement, its your wish". Nadhu didn't say anything silently here tears followed. Rudra came and sat down and asked if she want to talk. Nandhu nodded her head and started to tell her love story. "...i stepped out from the house for him before marriage, but i didn't reach him because i want him to live. When i told about my love to kabir he accepted it and gave me the permission to go. I asked him one help that to drop me in the bus stop. Kabir said that he will come with me to drop, because he won't allow a girl to go alone in the night and he went to buy tickets and i was sitting suddenly from no were a lady came and told me don't marry him, he will husband will die...she said that and disappeared i searched for the lady but she was no were to be found. At the moment i thought about aman only,  I want him to live, i know it will be painful ...but what can i do. He want to live...someone want to tell his family name. So i changed my mind and said kabir to take me home. He asked me to come to his home, by rejecting this marriage is not the solution because dad will arrange for another one, so i married him and went. The life i lived with him is just bliss, kabir is such a gem, he understand a girl's need and her space, he always stood up for me, he fight for me...he took the blame on him when they rose about baby's issue. He married me with one condition that i can leave him whenever i want, i respected him for that, i started to enjoy my life with him, after two years i was ready to take my relation to next level. After that everything came to end once again i lost everything...kabir left me when i started to live again when i started to built my life all left me and went... i was all alone...i am cursed rudra, aman is good man he don't want me, he need some nice girl who bring luck. I lived my life its enough for me...i can spent remaining part of my life like this, i want to go back to munbai, i stayed back here till paro was normal now she is all right, i will go back... Please make him marry to some girl and ask him to life the life rudra please...please" nandhu begged by holding rudra's hand tightly. Rudra smiled inside by thinking two points about nandhu, how she think that all will leave her to go back to Mumbai and how she think that  aman will marry  other than his love. Two pair of eyes had tears in them one is aman and other one is paro by hearing the whole conversation.


Next coming: i have extended to one more part and that is MarriageTongueTongueTongueTongue

                                            Quote of the day

if you were my dream... then i am ready to sleep forever...


  1. Great update!
    And one more update…
    Five kids…. loved how Rudra tried to cheer her mood!
    Mohan & Ruki phone talk; how cute Ruki was, will miss her.
    And how emotional update, Paro’s father realizing his mistakes and Aman&Nandhu…
    Waiting for the… marriage!
    Update soon!

    1. thank u make u happy oly another part i added..


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