Chapter 29...

Nadhini: parvati's sister and ya you will know more...Embarrassed

Morning paro woke up and saw the empty bed near her, she also saw the note for her in nearby table. Rudra had asked paro to send ruki with aman as he is taking her to some special play ground in the morning. Paro smiled and safely folded the note and marched towards her room to make ruki ready. Aman came and ruki jumped in the joy and dragged him and told the last night incident "ammu mumma come, un(run)...un(run)...mumma, you give kuu-kii me" telling that ruki dragged aman to the car before her mumma caught both. Before paro can bring tea for aman, both escaped she very well know it will be her baby's play only. She gave the tea to dil and waited for rudra to return back from jogging. After few minutes paro was coming down from the stairs, in the middle of the stairs she saw a figure appearing in the main door way, paro gave the closer look and saw it was her sister Nadhini.

Paro ran fast towards her sister by shouting jiji but was stopped in the middle itself by seeing the state of his sister. There she saw a pale body standing in front of her, no sindhor, no manglasutra around the neck, no color full dress, no ornaments, slim body so many weight loss, red eyes because of long cry. Surely it can't be her jiji, she ...she will be not like this. Paro closed her eyes and remembered her jiji and jiju.

Paro felt a sharp pain in her cheek, yet she was standing in a shock. Rudra came forward and placed a hand on her shoulder and made her to come back to the earth. Paro looked at rudra who is giving her support to her body from falling. Paro looked at her sister who had slapped her but she didn't feel for that she very well know why the slap for her, but paro pushed that thoughts back and went near her and asked "jiji...jiji what...what" she felt very hard to say a words also. Dil came out by hearing the sound but he stayed back by seeing his son is there to support parvati. Paro went more close to touch her sister but was pushed away and she saw her sister with the pleading eyes. Nadhini wiped her tears, she was so much happy yet she was so much anger on her little sister, she had asked the whole matter about paro,  rudra had told all the incident from day one. Nadhini was sure of one think that the man named Rudra is in so much love with her little sister. Nadhini went near paro and asked "why you didn't wait till i come? Why you left without meeting me? Do you know how me and kabir had searched you ? you didn't care to even call me once also? Why paro..." she was not able to continue because of her cry. Paro hugged her sister and cried more by telling sorry in between her weeps. Dil came and asked both to sit and relax. Paro took her sister hand in hers and asked " it happen...jiju..". nadhini wiped her tears but it only flowed more "after you went mom called me and asked me to come soon...i and kabir came mom explained every think to us, immediately kabir left me to take care of mom and he went to search you...but you were not able to be found anywhere...he came only next morning with the empty hand. Mom cursed herself for your state, we tried to stop her cry but all went in a vain. Dad came and i argued with him, but he is not ready to believe me he trowed me out of the house, i called mom to come with me but she refused by saying you may contact or come back there. Me and kabir searched for you in whole Mumbai but we were not able to find you, mom condition was became more we admitted in the hospital. Kabir took the in charge of searching you. I took care of mom, do you know paro a miracle occurred on that day in the hospital...its dad, he came to see his wife, he cared for his wife, he cried for his wife by standing outside the ICU. I never spoke to him from that day. He tried to speak but i refused it. Doctor came and said mom need to be operated soon because she had some problem in the heart. Dad spent all the savings for mom in the hospital...after the operation he took mom to the home, i was adamant that i will take mom with me only, Paro he didn't get anger on me, he asked me to give a chance to take care of his wife as she did to him for so many years, i was taken aback by his replay kabir asked me to give one chance to him, so i did. Dad took care of mom, all her medicine were imported when kabir offered the money he refused it by saying he want to spent his own money to his wife. Months passed by kabir extended to search you to northern parts, Delhi, UP...but no use. When dad went to his company, he got more shocking news that his company is no more belong to varun. Dad tried to regain what had happened, our dad had signed the documents which stated it belong to varun. Dad was left penny less in the street. Later he joined some softer company as a employee and earned less to run a life. At first Mom was in a worst stage but later she came out from her guilt by the help of dad. Mom was returning back to herself, she never stopped to support dad. One day dad came to see in my house paro, that was the day which we both waited for long time. He asked forgiveness for his behavior, ya i know he did a big mistake but when joined hands in front of me to say sorry i can't hold it any more i broke down, i blast him like anything. I blamed him for the present state of mom and you. I said what all we both expected him from the childhood, i asked the reason for hating him, and I told him that I hate to call him as papa. He was standing like a pillar paro, and then he told me only one think that he is very proud of his wife for giving birth a strong child, and then he left. Kabir made me to understand and asked me to look forth dad's point of view also. After a month i talked to him, i called him papa...he hugged me and cried like a baby saw us and she was happy very happy paro. Dad told me about his working status, he was working under varun without his knowledge. Dad was searching his history and was collecting proofs against varun. Months passed mom was perfectly alright, it was...a day for her final check up paro, dad was supposed to come but he didn't come so me and kabir took mom to the hospital. On the way i called dad but he didn't pick up the phone, i had a strange feeling paro as i was only person known about his secret working. I got down on the middle and told them to go to the hospital and i will join them with dad. I never thought our life will change that day paro...i went to see dad...i...i...came to know that he...was having a talk with varun in his private house. I was on the way to that house ...when ...i got a call...from dad telling that...he killed him...he killed varun...i..." nadhini was not able to talk she saw paro was sitting like doll. Rudra was still holding her tightly. Dil came and sat near nadhini as she needs a support, he gave water to drink. Nadhini continued to tell "dad told me that he is in police station and he asked me to take care of mom because he will be in jail for reaming part of the life. I went and saw him, he told me that varun had a big fight with him, when he told the truth about you...that...hotel...incident, dad lost the temper and shot him with his pistol. He was put in the that chaos i total forgot about mom and kabir. I...i...went back to the hospital...i only saw two person lying in the bed as dead. I tried to wake kabir and mom for a long time paro but both didn't get up, kabir promised me so many thinks but he left me and went without fulfilling the promise. Mom also she told me we will be living together but she...cheated us paro. My mother-in-law came and trowed me out from kabir, she told i don't have any rights to touch him, she told it's because of me his son, my husband die in the accident. You know paro her each and every word is true, kabir called me so many time in the mobile but i didn't attend the call in that hurry ...accident happen and they both left...all left..." nadhini stopped talking by hearing paro's loud cry. " mumma didn't telling.lie...tell me its am going call her now"  paro pushed rudra and she also pushed her sister who was trying to stop her, dil gave the phone to dial by showing his hand to stop others from coming. Paro hand shivered...its was shaking ...she dialed the no...but it said switched off...she again but it was same as all ways. In the anger she trowed the phone to ground. Paro stood up and marched to the door but she was stopped by rudra with the pleading eyes. Paro looked at him and she burst out the loud cry "rudra pls tell me... mom is alive...pls take me to her...i want to talk to her...i want to hug her...i want to say her rudra...pls..." paro hugged him tightly, so the rudra also. Rudra tried to stop her cry but suddenly he felt her grip is losing, he removed her from his hand and saw she had fainted. Rudra carried her to the room oly followed by nadhini. Dil made a call to the doctor and went to see paro. Only one person was left at the back door who had heard the entire story with the silent tears. He left the breath by calling her name, his Nadhu, his life, his love. Aman closed his eyes and a tear fall down from his eyes.
Doctor came and checked paro, she told its all because of over stress and low BP. Doctor told to keep pro away from all stress and she need more rest. Nadhini came out from the room by seeing rudra's care for her sister; dil asked her to wait for few minute so that he will make arrangement in the guest room for taking rest. Nadhini was sitting in the sofa while a figure appeared behind her, she slowly turned around to see who it was, the moment she saw the person in front of her, her leg went numb, throat went dry, she felt difficult to breath by seeing her aman. Aman and ruki escaped from paro and went for a drive on the way ruki asked her heroin, so aman took the u turn towards the house. While coming back he saw ruki had slept, he thought for a minute rudra had warned him not to bring ruki to the house till he makes the call. Aman came at the back door very secretly because he very well knows paro will be in the main door, so he used back door to take away heroin. When he was about to enter he heard the slap sound, so he hurriedly entered and saw the sight which turned his whole life upside down. He thought his nadhu will be living a happy life but she had suffered more. He can't able to imagine how she managed all alone on the day when her mom and husband die and on the same day her dad was sent to the jail. He cursed himself for leaving her alone to suffer more he had asked the some people in Mumbai to update the life statues of nadhu for more than 3 months when he was satisfied with kabir he had asked to stopped the updates. As result now he is standing in front of his love as a dead person. Aman heard her faint voice calling his name, he felt like heave after so many years by hearing it. Ruki who was sleeping in the aman's shoulder woke up. Ruki freedom herself from aman's arm by seeing her house, ruki got down and saw a lady is standing in front of her and crying. Ruki went near nadhu and asked "me ammu ki baby doll uki, you who?" nadhu didn't get out from the shock by seeing aman in the same house. She saw a little girl and her introduction and the way she called aman, she thanked god for giving ruki to paro. Nandhu kneel down in front of ruki and saw her very closely. Aman answered the question asked by ruki "nandhu...your mumma's..." He was not able to complete by seeing the fresh tear and the cute little eyes looking at him with more tears, he know that tears is for hearing her name from his mouth. "nandhu mumma?" ruki asked cutely to which nadhu nodded her head in yes. Nadhu hugged ruki and silently cried, she and kabir love babys so much. Ruki saw the tears in nadhu eyes and asked "nadhu mumma why cry? Mumma no give kuu-kii? cry( wiped the tears) uki give kuu-kii you wait, i go b-ing kuu-kii"  walked inside the kitchen. Nandhu ran towards the garden to cry more and aman followed her. Dil was watching this from corner of the room. Aman saw her trying to stop the cry but she was failing in it. Aman slowly called her name, "nandhu...". nandhu hurriedly wiped the tears and smiled. Aman closed his eyes because he very well knows this fake smile is to make him to believe. "How are you aman? How is life going?" nandhu spoke first because she don't want aman to shot the question and surely the answer will hurt him more. Aman nodded his head and said "ya good, life is going really nice" he knows her very well. Nandhu smiled and asked the next question "how is your wife aman? Aman was not taken back by her question, he expected her to ask about the children's but she asked about wife. Aman moved towards one of the flower near him and said "she is fine nadhu. Tell me about you?" asked before she could say something. "me? I am good aman, loving my job so much, its fun to work. What you're doing here aman?" nadhu asked by looking at his back. Aman turned to face her and said "me? You remember my childhood friend rudra? " nandhu thought for a minute she now remembered aman sometimes will talk about his friend whom he missed so much. Nandhu looked straight in to his eyes and asked the name of his wife. Before he could blabber they both heard ruki's shout "nandhu mumma were you?" so they left in side to see ruki. Aman blessed his baby doll for calling in a right time. Dil was standing in one of the corner place and had heard all the interaction between them, he said :aman's first lie...wife married...hmmm interesting".
At the night aman entered the havlie in a drunken stage. Dil was called and informed by some people saying that aman is in bar and not in his complete scene. Dil went and picked him up and came back, while entering aman remembered the place where nandhu was standing, he looked at dil with his red eyes and said "its paining so much papa..."by pointing out his heart with the finger. Dil was in a shock, he never know that aman drink on the way he was only blabbering nandhu name. dil made him to rest in the bed and went to his room very fast because he saw nandhu hiding and looking at them. Nandhu entered amans room after the dil's exit. Nandhu sat near him and cried, she knows aman drink but not to this level she was listing to his word. Her heart burst in to so many parts by hearing the paining by showing his heart. She wiped her tears and asked aman who was in a deep sleep "why you told me a lie aman? Why you didn't marry any one? Ya i know that you told a lie about your wife. Why you're hurting yourself aman..." she asked so many question which his heart want to ask him for so many years. After a while nandhu closed the door and came out. She was unaware that rudra was seeing and had heard all her talking. 

Rudra want to thank nandhu for not telling paro about her mother. In the car its self rudra had informed nandhu not to tell about her mom, paro mom felt guilt for her such behavior with her child that was the main reason for the health issue. Till the death paro mom was in guilt. Rudra didn't leave paro's side for a minute also after the doctor went. He sat near her and talked slowly, he very well know that she can't hear it but he did it, whenever she called for her mumma in the sleep rudra rushed to shhh here. Ruki came in the afternoon to call her papa to play but she ended up in sleeping with rudra. In the night ruki was adamant that she will sleep near paro, but rudra didn't allow it as paro had fever. Rudra had an idea, he took ruki with him and he lay near paro but he maintained distance. Rudra made ruki to lie on his chest and he slowly padded her back. Ruki saw her mumma sleeping near her and slowly she as fall in a deep sleep.

Rudra was lost in thoughts, it was like a day before yesterday that both mother and daughter entered the havile but it's really going to be one year, this one year had changed a lot, lot in all life but changes of happiness only. Rudra remembered the day when his bachi called him by name. rudra was sitting in the sofa and seeing the news channel ruki came with her ted and sat near rudra comfortable by resting her back in rudra's arm, by seeing it rudra heart did some car sound, he moved ruki and place at the end of sofa by keeping so much distance between them, ruki looked at him and she again came and sat near him like before, rudra repeated the same this time ruki looked at rudra and asked "u-da why you push me?". Its was the first time ruki called him and more over it was the first time ruki talked to rudra. Rudra can only smile by seeing her cute talk he went near her and made her to sit on his lap, ruki comfortable sat and made her ted also sit in her lap by completely blocking the view of tv from rudra eyes. Rudra saw ruki slept so he made ruki bed near the big one with the pillow wall. He came out after making sure two girls are in a deep sleep, when he came out he saw nadhu hiding and looking at something and crying. At first Rudra didn't get but later he was shocked to see aman in that stage. He does not know that aman also drink then he heard the word pain from his mouth. He never thought about it even not in his dream also, but it was true. He then saw nandhu making her way to aman's room. Rudra thought about all this and he got what is happening, he remembered paro telling that his sister loved some professor in her college, ya aman had worked as a professor in the college after he completed the degree. So it means nandhu and aman loved but one question raised in his mind is why she did return home when she stepped out of the house. Rudra was thinking deep he doesn't know but he can't see his friend in pain without thanking nandhu he went inside.


Next coming: last partTongueTongue

                       Quote of the day

your eyes always kept me in the prison, prison of your heart...Embarrassed


  1. Super emotional update dear, loved it a lot!
    Paro needs Rudra now more than forever. But I know Rudra will stand by her.
    Aman and Nandini share a past – that was surprising. I hope they get a second change because they both are suffered. Waiting for to read how that story develops..

    But now I am crying; last part??? You can’t do that..
    Please tell me that you come with another story?

    Continue soon!

  2. thank you dear.....ya sure i will come with other new story


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