Chapter 12

Arnav left Amrita to playing with everyone with his gift to attend his client phone, when he came back he saw khushi and rahul were missing from their place. He searched every place and finally came to the garden, there he saw both talking by sitting on the grass. The view of both sitting together made arnav heart gave a warning signal, by seeing these two somewhere in his heart, he can feel he is loosing "his khushi". Arnav made a step closer to both of them , he heard about their conversation and it was about him, so he stood in the same spot to hear what they are talking. "...... after I left you, I realized my mistake, life taught me so much and that too thinking in search of my lover boy. at one point I was stuck at the same place by holding a invisible person all the other are gone forward by leaving me alone , when I left my hold on that person , I left like I was back again as me. Do you know when I felt truly moved on ?" Rahul shook his head in no...