Chapter 10


'You meet her again? ' The shocked face of arnav was well registered in rahul mind, but he didn't mind it, he continued his story. I meet her after 2 months gap, she was working as a waitress in a hotel which I visited,it was not very much decent job, but she was earning with her own hand. The two months I was planning to kill her in my own but after meeting her I changed my mind. In my opinion she stopped living for herself, she was living a life to find her lost lover boy. The changes in her body showed all, she was saving the money to brink back her lover boy, who is landed in States after she dumped that guy. When i asked the reason for going there, she told, she wants to ask sorry for hurting him and want to thank him for teaching her what is love, love is more important than money. She is the reason for him to leave his family, so she wants to reunite his family. After hearing that I know, the girl who lost the man's love due to money is completely gone and now a completely changed girl is standing in front of me who understood her mistake, and she is ready to rectify it. I asked her 'if she had accepted my love then she can have all the money of mine and could have used it in her own way, why she didn't do it?. She smiled and told, I already hurt one person in the name of love and not ready to do again. I offered a job in my father's company, but she politely rejected my offer and told she doesn't want any pity and I want to earn money with my talent her to search him with my own money.  I had tears in my eyes, somewhere I read a sentence a guy's tear for a girl is the sign of true love's.  

The exact moment I fall in love with her again, but she is in love with her old lover. Then we talked like an old friends, she is easy going girl, the fun fact is her colorful dress give you a positive energy, the sparkling face of her will calm you when you're in tension. She told me how her guilty full life after knowing her lover boy, left his family with the broken heart, and she was the reason for that to happen. She was blaming herself for all the things that happened, may be true but that stupid lover boy didn't stand and fight he ran away, and she blamed herself for the decision what he took. I told her about my uninterested in doing my father's business, she told me choose my own path, choose to do thing which gives a peace to the heart not by the compulsion create yourself. My path will build happiness and I should share those happiness to others, to your parents prove them the path which I chose is not wrong.  The backbone given by khushi made me to face my father, after telling about my uninterested in business and I want to do acting as usual my dad showed the red signal, I stood firm in my poster and told him that I am going to continue my passion. Finally, he gave his permission but it's for only one year, in that year I have to achieve something in the film industry or in the modelling whatever my passion maybe, I have to earn and buy something for my mum that's the condition. 
All my friends help me for few weeks then it was khushi who took the whole weight of me in her shoulder.  She shared her single room apartment with me, she was the one who gave me food, rent and money for my audition . Whenever i was very dull or whenever someone cheats me by telling getting a job, she used to encourage me make me smile, more than that she told, she will be with me till I succeed. I accepted her hand and raised little by little, I bought a new dress for my mum, she was very happy then i understood the meaning of create happiness for others. 

Then within 3 years I was able to rise little higher, some modelling jobs, some part-time jobs and Khushi was doing a lot better, I made sure she ate 3 times a day. My life was going on and I did a stupid thing which changed everything, I propose, she politely rejected me again and gave some advice. After hearing her words I understood my mistake, by proposing her I crossed the line of friendship when she allowed me to stay in a single room with her. That was the last day I saw her, next morning she just vanished in the thin air, even while going she paid that month rent for the room. Rahul was long gone arnav was sitting in the chair like a statue, his heart was in a great terminal. Like a Tsunami his heart took lots of emotion waves which is ready to sink him in the sadness. He Finally Found how could she had felt and had lived her life after he went to America, she even thought to come and get him back to reunited with his family.  His heart wished to see khushi, but he knew her mobile is switched off and her home is locked, he has to wait till tomorrow.  The dullness in his face worried anjali, arnav had his head on his sister lap to find some peace.  Anjali was asking lots of questions, he answered all the questions by thinking khushi in his mind. 

Khushi had come to zoo with Amrita and Madhumatiji, madhumati know something is not right, so she suggested about zoo when khushi admitted about no interested in going officer.  Amrita was very happy to see all the animals in the zoo sometime she scared and other time she scared other animal. Khushi was waiting for the opportunity to talk with Madhumati about leaving this place and going somewhere, she did not want arnav to separate Amrita from her and before that happens she has to move from this place. Khushi can't tell Madhumati to sell this house because it's not her house she has no rights, she is just staying there and taking care of her grandchild if she has to tell the reason to move from this place, she will do. Khushi is now ready to face the truth, so today she will tell all the matter about arnav and what she did to him and help her to move other place from Arnav revenge. Around 8 pm all three returned the home, khushi stopped Madhumatiji and told that she has something to tell, and they will talk about that after dinner. The dinner was very silent, khushi made Amrita to sleep and joined Madhumatiji outside,who is already waiting for khushi. Khushi started telling from her childhood and till she left arnav for money, she completely came true about her past. Madhumatiji already knows how khushi came in to their life, so khushi skipped that part alone, after finishing Madhumatiji let khushi to hug her and cry herself till she need. 'I never thought a day will come to visit Lucknow where my husband's mother home is located' by hearing that Khushi folded her hand in front of Madhumatiji to say thanks , but madhumatiji removed the hands and told 'a daughter should not folder hand in front of for her mother'. Khushi wiped her tears and told that tomorrow she is going to submit the resignation letter and madhumatiji can contact her relatives in Lucknow about moving to the house. 

The next morning arnav was awake very early, sleep was very short for him bcz by thinking tomorrow meeting khushi in the office. In Morning, he felt fresh and the lavender rose made him to smile wider, he even offered the lift for Nani and anjali to the temple. Arnav was expecting Khushi in his cabin, he was even practicing what to talk with khushi . His excitement about seeing khushi has no boundary and that to after know she still loves him made sense to float in the air. He even didn't mind about the shocked face reaction of the office staff by looking at his 32 teeth shown face but that happiness was short-lived when he opened the resignation letter of khushi in his table. 


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