Chapter 12


 Arnav left Amrita to playing with everyone with his gift to attend his client phone, when he came back he saw khushi and rahul were missing from their place. He searched every place and finally came to the garden, there he saw both talking by sitting on the grass. The view of both sitting together made arnav heart gave a warning signal, by seeing these two somewhere in his heart, he can feel he is loosing "his khushi". Arnav made a step closer to both of them , he heard about their conversation and it was about him, so he stood in the same spot to hear what they are talking. "...... after I left you, I realized my mistake, life taught me so much and that too thinking in search of my lover boy.  at one point I was stuck at the same place by holding a invisible person  all the other are  gone forward by leaving me alone , when I left my hold on that person , I left like I was back again as me. Do you know when I felt truly moved on ?" Rahul shook his head in no and said "well sorry holi, I don't have magic power to look at your life". Khushi smiled and agave a slap in rahul hand "when I first accepted Amrita as my child rahul, after this waiting for him and want to live with my lover boy is a waste . If he is waiting form me then he is a big fool, do u thinking he will also be waiting for me, am I the only girl to him? . Think rahul life moves on and this world has so much other than love." Rahul turned fully in khushi direction and smiled brighter he asked "do you mean by, I have a chance? I really like Amrita I will take care of her as my own baby, even my mom knows about you and she is ready to accept you as her bahu......"  After hearing that arnav can't stand in that place , he can't hear the proposal again it heart him so much, he walked fast towards his room.  "Do you think someone was standing here a minute ago?, I felt like someone or something was moving" rahul alarmed and ask but khushi was calm by looking at the star shining sky and replied in the painful voice "the person whom, I want hear everything was standing" . Rahul missed to hear and see the tears in khushi's eyes. Khushi said her good bye and revealed her resignation details to all, when asked about the reason she said about high rent for house and also her mom whishes to go somewhere calmer place. To arnav dislike ash cleared about "no such rule in paying amount while employee leaving", by hearing that khushi looked at arnav but he looked other direction.  While leaving also khushi wished him for getting married, that's the word which triggered arnav to ASR mood,he made the declaration about his engagement in two weeks and it's khushi's duty to take care every minute details in his engagement. Arnav Locked rahul in the bathroom when he went for hand wash, so that he can drop khushi home. 

Today is the day, his engagement day, all the preparations are done by Khushi and Khushi alone. She was made to stayed very late night to selected everything from costume to decorations and it will be arnav who drops her at home. The house looked like a place, even the floors were decorated she made the light settings to the garden but no visitors are allowed for the plant safety. Arnav did all the troubles to delay the engagement but khushi handle the matter very well, khushi liked lavanya very much, she is bold, beautiful and can help arnav in his work. On the other side arnav has no interest in getting hitched and that to, the ring decorating finger doesn't belong to khushi . Arnav knew at what circumstances he said ok for the engagement but it's not true, it is completely false to make khushi stay near him but today his seed of urgent decision has given the fruit, which he doesn't want to taste it.  He badly wants to cancel his engagement, but his heart is stopping him from doing so by looking at his sisters, Nani, mami and brother face, they all look so much happy. The knock on the doors are again back he finally opened the door with the shaking hands, it was his new friend rahul who had recently come to his liking. The fun and happy side of rahul has given so many happy moments to his family, but he won't accept that “the ASR started to trust a new person, in a short interval of time”. Rahul entered the room with his mouth full of sweets, by looking at that arnav made a yuck face, like his pregnant sister he also started to eat more. It was rahul who gives company to his sister late night carving and rahul mother also will send so many dishes to anjali. In his house all know rahul is trying for khushi and his zoo family was helping him without knowing how it is making arnav anger. Rahul funny face made arnav to relax, rahul told that he has come to take him down to the engagement party hall.  Arnav closed his eyes and took a long deep breath after that he went down to see the shocking arrangements. The design, the decoration and the pattern which used for the engagement is his imagination, his dream, dream about 'how the engagement of his and Khushi have to be', once he had shared his idea with Khushi, and she had fulfilled his wishes at the wrong time. His engagement will have the theme of “kings Court”, he is the king, and she is the queen all the others members will be the ministers, by looking at the theme his heart earned to meet Khushi. He was standing at the entrance and the flower girls are showering him with rose petals, when he took the first steps he was given a sword to hold by is mama, then the turban was kept on his head by her sister then she returned to her place. Arnav felt happy by looking at her smiling sisters face standing in the ministers place,like a Queen mother, yes she is like his mother. Anjali laughing happily and wiping the tears in her eyes, Likewise all the people were standing in their allotted place.  He was made to sit in the gold like chair which all the king use and now his job is to wait for his queen., he rotated his head in 360 direction to get the glimpse of Khushi but it was not fulfilled, Khushi is nowhere to be seen. The ring's tray was brought by amrita, she was very pretty leading the rest small girls and followed by the bride, but arnav was looking only at amrita her floor length dress, her beautiful smile and the flowers crown, she looked like little princess. The time was up and everyone is waiting for arnav to put the ring, but he was very impatient to see Khushi, he wants to decide something and his heart is telling him to see her now, when he was about to move from the place he was stopped by ash and told "no and it was nani's order”. He was searching for her, but she was nowhere to be found, he looked at lavanya who was standing in front of him, she dressed like a princess, but he has no interest in seeing her, those dress they look so grand, beautiful to her but if it was Khushi in that dress, she will look like a queen, and her beauty will be eternal.  

The report given by detective is still lying unseen in his table draw, his heart didn't allow him to open but, it was now he got the reason why he can't open the envelope, it's bcz he still loves Khushi. Today when all the people are around him and expecting him to put ring on another girl finger that, the exact moment he realized his own heart and where it still wants to be. Every day, he hates her but it was her thoughts made him to feel alive and fight till he achieved, today he proved hate for a girl can also make a person to achieve his goal. Arnav heart started to beat faster, it is ordering him to go and search for her, the sweat formed on his forehead. He looked around to catch Khushi with his eyes but it was not done, suddenly he felt heavy, his eyes started to close when room around him started to spin. Then everything went blank, he heard all shouting, his di cry, nani's chant, mami's hello hi ambulance, it was rahul's steady hand lifted him and ash shout for his bhai all the other voice become dull when he heard the crying voice calling his name “arnav ji”. That voice has so much sadness and was calling him again and again, in the car also he was made to place his head on Khushi's lap, it's been very long he had slept on her lap. 

Two hours of waiting khushi got the glimpse of arnav he looked fine, all the other entered the room but arnav's eyes were fixed completely on khushi. Amrita was pulling khushi to enter the room with her to see her friend , but khushi stopped her by telling let all come out, and they can go later.  She waited outside, the sound from inside was loud and clear khushi heard arnav telling his medical condition to lavanya, that he is diabetes and children for him is very less chance and everyday he has to take tablets, have to maintain constant press otherwise he as to hospitalize. arnav gave her a choice to choose a patient or a normal healthy man as her groom. Lavanya said thank to arnav for telling the truth, and she chose the second choice, by telling that she and her family left the place. It was khushi time to talk, so she entered the room with the anger face, amrita climbed the bed and sat near arnav to check his forehead. Khushi waited but her anger started to rise ,when arnav stated to play with amrita. Khushi looked straight at arnav and asked"who gave the idea of fainting?"  Arnav didn't expect khushi to find his acting bcz at the moment he felt the aman idea was good to stop the engagement, but it seems very wrong.  Gasping sound was heard around the arnav bed, but arnav was looking at khushi and asked "how did you find it khushi, as if you know me well?"  Khushi didn't mind the thorn words she replied "When i heard about your bull shit medical history. How can you do this arnav, what are you thinking in your Windowless brain".  Arnav felt so much happy to hear his name from khushi, he was silently giggling inside his head to bring back his old khushi back, when arnav looked at her with smiling face she was firing the fire with her eyes and keeping her both hands on her hip, "you look beautiful khushi” the word was slipped out from his mouth. Everyone around them started to give different looked, when khushi noticed them she moved near amrita and started to pick her up to move out from this place. 

“Why are you drinking black coffee and why are you eating sugar free sweets?, even my sister doesn't do that for her brother khushi, why are you still following it?” Khushi can't answer these questions, so she lifted amrita and tried to run out, but was stopped by arnav words. The words made her to shatter into pieces, the word which she waited long to hear from his mouth and now it's coming but she can't accept that, she has one life and he has to choose perfect life for him to live. "I said I love you khushi and I still do" , by telling that arnav moved towards the door were khushi was standing .  Khushi controlled her well and asked herself to move out from the room , bcz if she see him now she may change her mind . Arnav slowly removed amrita hand from khushi and told "even I too promised NK and Payal, that I will take care of her daughter like mine" by hearing that khushi turned and saw arnav eyes which has truth. She pushed arnav hand away and ran out of the room with amrita.

Rahul was standing outside the room with the teary eyes ,he stopped khushi from walking out.  Rahul pulled khushi inside the room and made her to stand opposite to arnav and asked “Tell me khushi, he is your lover boy, you were starving and saved money to bring back this stupid guy, you and this anger management guy. Tell me khushi?”. Khushi didn't open her mouth she was standing silently and crying, it was arnav who answered his question. "Yes it's me, your holi is going to make my life colorful".  A big slap was heard , it was rahul who gave the shot and was received by arnav, when he raised his hand again  khushi came in between and stopped . She shook her head and said no with the teary eyes, "can you tell the meaning for your words in the garden?"  asked rahul in the hurt voice. Khushi told she told like that bcz arnav was overhearing their conversation and also she wants arnav to move on in his life. Arnav came front and holds khushi hand in front of others, rahul controlled his anger by holding arnav shirt with his hands and gave a loud and clear warning about how he will feed the great ASR to his pet dog, if he made khushi cry or leave her alone again. Rahul took khushi to a side and gave her tips to irritate arnav and his door is always open for khushi. In the meanwhile arnav explained all the matter to his family and begged for forgiveness and permission for holding khushi hand. In the hospital bed amrita was standing and witnessing her mother's engagement with her friend/ new dad. 

Arnav gave the promise that .....

Next chapter is the last and it's about khushi and her past.


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