A Blooming Flower Part 2

Part 2:

            Madhu was struck by those words she can't replay anything to Aryan, the word family was ringing in her ear. "Tell me madhu" asked Aryan repeatedly by shaking her hand, Sultan who was coming back was not sure wat happen to her and he rushed and asked his uses well question "Madhu are u all right" this was the sentences which used to bring madhu to the present wen she dwells in the past, the roughed voice and carrying tone made her to come present. "Nothing, I will be in a minute u guys go" by telling this she rushed to her home. "Didu morning u asked me to were one dress na pls give me that" madhu asked in a state of hurry and after lot of teasing and little funny fights Trishna gave that to her sister, she knew it very well the change of the dress is not for her sake but wat ever may be she was happy for her little sister. Roma came to take Trishna to the car and instructed madhu to check everything before closing the door and left. Mallik and Paddo left before to check the arrangement in the temple. After the marriage over there is a party for all at the night and by 2am flight the newly married couple leaving for Australia. Party was the idea by Aman and Trishna to ter family, friends and co-workers. Sultan, Aryan, Trishna, Roma all were waiting for madhu to come. Trishna found some sadness in sultan face and she knew the reason for that becz the dress which was chosen by him for madhu was maroon color and now she is wearing white color which was chosen by Roma. 

Sultan was little bit tensed for madhu, so many question aroused in his mind. Is she alright? Is she hurt herself? It seems she didn't like my choice of dress so oly she is not wearing it. He asked question to himself and consoled himself with some answers. He knew that he started loving madhu but he is afraid to tell her, she may deny him by just telling frnds or by telling "afraid to thing about another guy in my life", and he is also not ready to accept the same pain 2nd  time. He may have strong body but not strong heart. His wife's death had changed everything, he stated hating himself for the death but after madhu's enter, his life had become normal as like before. Some times wen he was alone his mind thinks about one side love, "I can look at the laughing face daily, the cute smile wen she sees Aryan, the carryingness in her for Aryan, the respect she has for kaka, the playing nature, the way she teaches Aryan new things". It's enough for him to live a life wit it but his heart fails to understand wen it sees her. Sultan's thoughts were distracted by Roma's voice. Roma was restless and shouting madhu's name. The sound of payal made sultan to look up, he was speech less and motions less even he skipped his breath for a mint by looking at her "she looked like a Greek goddess" his heart told him. Trishna looked at sultan face which has a beauty full glow and turned to look at the direction where he was looking. Madhu was coming down from the steps by wearing the dress which was chose by sultan for her.                    
 Aryan gave a cute hug and a kiss in a cheek to welcomed her "madhu u look so beauty full, thanks for hearing my words" by telling that he pulled madhu to the car. The car was beautifully decorated with white and red flowers; it looked like a chariot which takes princess. "It's amazing" madhu commended by touching the red roses and had a cute expression as a small school girl, sultan can give 1000's and 1000's tones of flower to see tis expression on her face. "Madhu, me oly gave this idea to sultan he just arranged the flowers" Aryan told by laughing at the sultan "oh my little hero did tis, ur great I should give u some present" she bent down and gave 3 kisses in Aryan face. Aryan laughed louder, sultan was fuming in anger for telling the lie about the decoration. Sometimes he was jealous by seeing his own child; most of the time Aryan used to get the appreciation and kiss which actually he has to get it.

Sultan driving the car, madhu and aryan were sitting next to him were as Roma and Trishna at the back seat. Madhu was lost in her thoughts; his mother had told at the 1st anniversary celebration of them "sometimes we fail to understand the care and love shown by nearby ppl to us". Those words had deeply affected her from that day onwards she started following sultan eyes, it always pointed her. Madhu wasn't quite sure and she wondered he was just generous and nice and convenient or she was wrong. Was she right for him? Really, really right? She knew that no harm can come to her by him or by others; he won't allow it to come. She is very scared to think about a guy in her life again. Nothing was clear for her becz of her past. She had paid a very high value for it, it was terrifying all over again, by standing in a same place. "What if I was doing the wrong thing? What if he hates me or if RK come in my life again what will I do?" this was the terrific question asked by her to herself. Sometimes wen she looked in to his eye, it tells it's the world for her. One fine day madhu was depressed with the news and media about her and RK issues so sultan had opened his past to her to console her "Marriage is a beautiful relation which two hearts had to undergo a safe and steady feelings about one another". She was impressed by the love which he had for his wife, She had wept for him a whole day for his wife accident. Now Sultan is leading a peaceful life, he had reassigned from his gangster type work and opened a training fitness for men's, which he got the idea from Mallik. At the 1st it was hard for him to live that life but he got through it. The more she came to know him, the more she respected him, the more impressed she was with his mind and his skill and his Soule. Just being with him always made her feel better about the human face, he was one of those rare ppl, great soul.
They reached the temple oly the close friends and colony people were invited for the marriage. Madhu was happy for her sister to get a husband like Aman, she had liked Aman politeness and his broad mind view about Trishna love for her job and he gave permission to continue her carrier after the marriage also. Paddo was cried lot by thinking about missing her daughter. Roma was the happiest person in the world at that time; becz his girl is getting married Roma thought her as like his daughter, a close frnd and she is the student for her. The priest started to chant mantras and the couple started to do the rounds. Madhu face stated to sweat by seeing the fire and remembering her past, she moved back wards slowly without gaining any one attention. "Something wrong madhu?" sultan asked in low tone but wit lot of care. "No'..just'."she tried to sound normal for him, but her heart ached. It was as though every mint she is burning in the fire. Tears welled up in her eyes as she said it to him. "Madhu, I know it is a big deal for u, but we have to try again harder, it takes some people a time to forget it may be a year or two. Just relax. Don't worry so much, and enjoy this big day". She smiled through her tears as he held his hanky in the hand for her. He was such a nice man, and he was so reasonable for madhu to overcome her bitter past. It was hard for him to see her in a sadness it disappointed him each moment, the anguish, the fear, the ache, the emptiness, the terrible longing it's all becz of madhu and its all for her oly. The marriage was over and the couples were getting the blessings from the parents. Madhu looked at ter parents tey were happy for ter children, she wondered if Mallik and Roma didn't come in ter life means wat tey will be doing now. Trishna and Aman approached madhu and sultan who were standing side by side. Sultan hugged Aman and Madhu hugged Trishna, now tey all were happy family. 

                                                           ...to be continued Embarrassed


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