Rudra was sitting in his chair and thinking the incident which happened before 20min. He don't know why he can't see anyone insulting paro and also he never thought in his life that he will be having some girl as a PA, he also well know that lila was trying for this place one year. Now his thoughts were occupied by paro's safety, he saved her from the police man's questions but now what he did is going to lead some other problem, he don't want her to be seated near any other staffs because they may ask about her back ground details. To answer his question the guard entered his cabin with chair and table. He gave him the question look, his un asked question was answered by Aman. "rudra, there is no place down and my room also cant occupies two tables, so i asked them to arrange in your cabin, is it ok?" Aman asked with the naughty eyes. Rudra thought whole day sitting with her, he gulped down and nodded his head in yes. Paro knocked the door of the cabi...