Make a Wish...



Doctor, today any improvement?” a rough and tired voice asked, he knew the answer will be –ve. After the deparcher of the nurse and doc he was left alone with her. It was the same routine for the past 6 month, he stayed with her, he never moved his eyes from her for a sec also. He sat near the bed in a comfortable char. Again those memories came back. How he was hired by him and wat are the task he done for him and the betrayal from him he could not forget any of them not even a single mint. He followed him to Mumbai and came here, it took him 2 weeks to find ter house. It was located in the outer of city and very lonely place, after finding the house he came to the conclusion that he is after something very big some thoughts came to him from that time he may kill her “but y?” is the question that was unknown for him that time but now he knew it. He followed them to each and every place, before keeping each step towards him he pre plane each and every move bcz he knew about him very well he is a criminal minded person. One day he saw tem going up the cliff and he found something fish so he went down to get some safety equipments, but before he could reach her she was pushed down to the water, he ran fast down the cliff  before him. On reaching down she was taken to the local hospital, so he rushed to the hospital. Doc took ½hr to clean the blood and after checking her doc came out and looked for the some relations for her at that time he went forward and took the responsibility of her. Doc addressed him as her husband, so he accepted the words and said yes bcz it safer for her. “I am sorry sir, ur wife lost the child. By tom oly i can say about her condition and memories sir” while hearing those words from the doc it made him to feel more guilt of and some unknown feelings started for her. He went inside the room and saw the girl who was lying in the bed; he moved back and turned his face to the wall. it doesn’t look like the girl who he followed and to whom he proposed, it’s not shikha its not the same girl her beautiful face but now its damaged all bcz of me, if i didn’t accept his job means she will not be like this, now wat i will do? How i will live wit this?. It made him to kill himself the very same moment. His heart asked him the same question “y Sameer killed her that to wen she is caring his baby?”. Suddenly something stroked his mind, he ran towards her and saw her innocent face without knowing him some tears escaped from his eyes and landed in her lips, he wiped that and felt like touching the flower petals. In a fraction of sec he removed his hand from her lips wen his eyes fall on the the mangalasutra, he moved his hand and took her hand in his, slowly he tried to remove her ring from those soft baby fingers. He kept the ring in the pocket and looked her back and said “i will save u” wit those words he ran out from the room, he was stopped by the nurse and she got some paper signed him by seeing the name in the paper nurse called him “Neeraj sir due u want to talk with doc” he oly nodded his head in No. 

He went back to the place from where the ambulance started, he knew its already late by reaching ter but he tried his level best to reach ter as fast as he can bcz he want to make some arrangement before Sameer comes down in searcher of shikha. He ran out from the car and his most fear came true he saw Sameer asking the persons about a girl who fall down. Neeraj saw one boy and he went near him and said something in the boy ears and kept some money in the boys pocket. The boy looked up Neeraj face and smiled. The boy went near Sameer and said “sir the girl u r searching is dead and the ambulance took to the gov hospital” Neeraj saw these from inside his car and as he expected he saw the smile in his face. Neeraj knew wat Sameer’s next plan so he went ter before him, he was followed by Sameer to the gov hospital. Neeraj made everything before sameer reaches ter.  Sameer parked the car and while he was on the way to entrance he dashed with one of the ward boy in the hospital at that time a ring slipped from the boy’s hand and fall before sameer’s leg, so he bent down and took that in his hand. The ward boy said sorry and asked for his ring back, sameer who saw the ring and fall into the deep thoughts. Ward boy tried to take the ring from him force fully but sameer caught his hand very tightly and asked about the ring. “Sir, pls leave me i will tell the truth leave me sir. Today one girl’s body came to our hospital, it was damaged very badly and it was on the spot death sir, i took tis from her finger oly. Pls sir don’t tell anyone pls sir pls” ward boy acted very perfectly and sameer believed him and left the hospital without checking it. The boy came near the Neeraj car and gave back the ring to him and got the money for his acting. Neeraj left the hospital and returned back after 2 days and enquired to the same ward boy about sameer’s coming back, but he told the truth that he didn’t come back.   

His thoughts were disturbed by nurse voice “Neeraj sir, if u want
 go out u can go sir i will take care till u return” she knew wat his replay will be but she asked it every time in past 6 months. He gave a week smile and said no. he had not spoken to anyone except the nurse and doc, he used to ask doc about her condition and he used to reject the help offered by the nurse by saying “NO”. Doc had told that she may get her memory back at any time so he didn’t leave her of a single mint and also he didn’t lose his hope. He got some special permission from hospital management and arranged a tv with player, bcz by hearing her fav movie or song or dialog in a movie she may get up soon. He bought the entire actor’s cd bcz he don’t her fav actors. While playing the movie he was watching her face oly of any reactions in them. He decorated the room with flowers which gave a pleasant atmosphere. By looking at her he forgets the whole world and she became the whole world for him. Day by day her wounds in the face got cured and she got her beauty back but the wounds in her heart and his will not get fade soon. He cherished every moment spent with her, he slept less ate very less but he was alert all time. He consoled doc for doing laser for her eyes, it was +ve but she has to open her eyes fist.

Most of the time he spent thinking wat will happen after she opens her eyes. He made so much effect to find the reason behind killing her and he was shocked to knew it after that he decided it not to tell her the reason it will kill her the same moment. Now sameer was leading his planed life smoothly. Neeraj thought of taking revenge but he doesn’t want to do it bcz if that hurts her means then he can’t take it. Some time he thought of reveling himself to her after she opens her eyes the very next moment he denied the idea. He wants her to be happy and enjoy the remaining part of her life. Once he decided to inform her parents but he was feared that Sameer may come to know that truth and he was also happy for not informing them so that he can spend more and more time with her, he also felt guilt for cheating them. It was like a war for him. Finally he decides what to do and he made arrangements for that by using some other guys without showing face. He played one romantic movie and was watching for her reaction in the face that time he heard the love dialog from the hero and was mesmerized by it. By seeing her oly he fall in love with her she never spoke to him or even look at him but his love for her never reduced a inch. He remembered the day wen he said those 3 magical words and laughed to himself.  He had asked sorry to her n no of times for accepting the offer by sameer to black mail her, some time by seeing her mangalasutra he got anger for the increasing feelings. He could not understand the feeling bcz he had never felt it before, it killed him, it made him to forget the whole world and made the hospital room as his world, it gave so much pain and so much tears by seeing her lifeless body.  

Rain started heavily not oly outside but also inside of Neeraj. He completed the letter fully while writing some time he thought of taking her to his home and treat her from ter but he has no authority towards her. He kept the letter in his pocket and he got up from the chair and stretched his legs. He made his steps toward the window and compared the rain wit his heart. He came back to her bed and sat near her for the 1st time in those months and took her hand in his hand and started to talk like a lover while speaking with so much of emotions he lost his control and started to shed the tears and it safely landed on her hand as if some life were given by the tears it started to shake slowly. He saw the small movements in her eye balls and he tried to call her name but in the joy no words came from his mouth. He stood up and made an attempt to touch her face but in the mid he stopped. He heard the foot step of nurse and felt relief. He moved slowly back ward by seeing her live gaining face and hide himself at the back of the screen. 

She slowly opened her eyes and saw the hospital room, by missing her glass her vision was dull. Nurse saw her and shout for the doc, he came checked her and told she is perfectly alright. Shikha called the nurse and asked the details by the admission. “Madam ur husband was oly taking care of u till date and its been 6 month madam. I should really say u really got a gud husband, he never leaves u a sec also by his effect oly u got cured soon. Now u take rest he will be back soon” by telling that she stood up for leaving. “Pls can u make me sit” asked shikha’s week voice. After the nurse left she was thinking about her past life. Its been six months and nurse told me that my husband sameer was taking care of me but he is the one who pushed me down then y should he took care of me. If sameer was here then my parents also should be here but nurse told me that my husband was oly taking care. I am sure he is someone but whom?. Nurse came back and took her for the check up. Neeraj was looking at the moving figer from the bed, who was lying down in the bed before 10mins. He slowly walked out from the room and spoke to the doc about her eye operation and it was fixed at night 9’o clock. He was looking at her from the distance. Shikha asked nurse for helping her in walking; nurse gave her hand to Neeraj and went away without knowing that shikha accepted Neeraj’s hand and started walking which was made successful. The next morning doc opened her eyes and she saw the beautiful decorated room and was speech less. He informed her that ur perfectly alright and can leave by tom also, by hearing those words she got more happy and Neeraj who was standing outside the room felt very lonely by hearing those words. After few mints she was alone in the decorated room, she saw the tv and 1000’s of cd’s and remembered nurse words about them. She sat ter and was lost in the thoughts of her past life. How she loved him and the depth of her love for him, it made her to cry oly. She remembered the day how she told the gud news to him about ter baby the replay from him was the great shock to her he just came close to her and pushed down. By closing her eyes she cried uncontrollably. Nurse came by hearing the sound and saw her condesion; doc gave her a sleeping injection and then she fall in her dream land. Neeraj entered the room and saw the sleeping beauty; he came close to her and wiped her tear, sat in the chair by facing her too closely. 

Next morning shikha opened her eyes and saw the empty chair and realized he was gone. By next to her hand she felt something and touched it, it was a box. She opened it and saw a beautiful read sarry, which was simple but elegant. In the box an envelope was also ter she opened it and saw a letter, a key ,a news paper and a ticket to her parents home. She opened the letter,

                       Hi shikha, i am considering me as ur well-wisher. I have not written a letter in my life time to any one this is my 1st and a last i think so, so pls spare me for my mistake. I don’t know how to start, so simply i will tell, ur husband Sameer hired me before he met u i did as he instructed me to do, after ur marriage he tried to kill me also but i escaped from him by searching him i came to Mumbai. I got some dought and followed u both to the cliff and he pushed u from ter, i reached to the hospital and took care of u. i made some arrangements and made him to believe him that ur dead. Yes ur dead according to him, ur parents and to the whole world. He made ur family to believe that ur dead and now tey are living the life by thinking of u and i am sure he didn’t harm tem. I dono y he killed u. i feeling very guilt for accepting his job, if i didn’t accept it means u will not be in this stage “I AM SORRY” i know u can’t forgive me any way leave it. There is a key for ur house and a ticket to ur parents. Now choice is ur’s, make a new life by using the key and in the news paper ter in one opening for job or continue ur old life by using the tickets. 

She closed her eyes few drops escaped from it. “Thank u so much. U did a fathers duty by saving me and mother duty by taking gud care of me. I know u knew the truth but ur not telling me, in this world ter is nothing can hurt me more than tis” by telling that she removed her mangalasutra and throwed in the dust bin and tore the ticket in to pieces. “If i go back he may knew it and will come to hurt tem, i can’t put ter life in danger” she turned her head to see the opening door. She was disappointed by seeing nurse entering the room as if expecting for some other person. “Madam, ur husband paid the bill but he forgot to fill tis form he oly signed it, so pls complete ur husbands duty” nurse gave some paper, pen and left the room. Shikha got those papers and started to write some think after finishing that she took her new sarry to the rest room for changing. Neeraj who was hiding behind the screen came and saw the paper filled by her. He smiled to himself and placed another paper and left the room. He smiled while driving the car by thinking the name written by her. She came back as a beautiful angel, nurse passed a comment as “ A perfect Princess for a Prince”. She took those papers and was surprised to see a new letter but she hides it from nurse. While leaving nurse called her by name “ Deepika Sehkar and Neeraj Sehkar a perfect match”. After thanking nurse and doc she left the hospital in the cab, in the letter a detail description for the house address was given. 

She got down from the cab and entered the house, she was so much happy to see her family photo and her certificates. She came down to enquire about who got the house for her, but she came to know it was phone booked and rent was paid in cash for next 3 months also. “ wat u told, u told me to call as Deepu na ok fine, ur the super gal who paid 3 months’ rent in advance. Don’t worry dear here u will not get any danger me, my hubby and my small daughter oly living her and a guy above house, he is also a gud boy like u he paid the rent without staying in the house for 6 months”.  A small girl came with the toy to meet shikha. Tey made friendship in a shot time and was informed that she got a courier. So shikha went down to get that with the girl. It was addressed as “FOR U” she opened it with little fear. By seeing the think inside, she got supper happy and cried in joy. She let her soft hand to lift the beautiful white dog. In the dog’s next ter was a belt in which it was written as “I AM THERE”. After few mint she read those letter by joining “FOR U, I AM THERE”. A small girl asked her to “MAKE A WISH” to her toy so that it will come true. Shikha closed her eyes and shouted it “I wish to meet my WELL- WISHER” and hugged the dog laughed happily from her heart which was not done in 6 months. Neeraj who was watching these thinks from the top smiled to himself and entered inside his house.

Quote: One day someone will walk in ur life and will show u, y it  never worked wit anyone else.


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