His life :) His wife...

Ter was a pin drop silent in her room, Rudra whole heatedly accepted his relation wit Lila.silent lasted more than a hr. The silent made rudra thing about paro paro paro only. He feared how she will accept tis truth ya but she have to know this truth bcz she his wife more than that she is his life.

Rudra broke the silent by calling her name, but her was no reply he called her again but non then he moved near her and was about to touch the shoulder to bring her back from the shock of her love life. Wen he was about to touch she moved back with a sudden jerk. Rudra understood the meaning and took back his hand. 'I want to be alone' was the oly word came from her mouth, her silent sob and endless tear gave more pain than the words. He closed the door slowly and went out by leaving his wife now his life.

She cried  whole night. She want those words to be false or its a dream, she want to run out from the dream if it's were a dream then is ready to spent her life without any sleep if she sleep only dreams will come. She never thought he would be like that , one part of her heart was arguing with her, he did that without any intention. But some think made her to object that decision . she need to be alone all alone. 

Wen he entered the room he saw her sitting in the same pose as he last saw her,it gave so much pain he didn't know it will pain this much to see paro sad bcz of his shameful past. He want go near her want to wipe out her tear want to make her sleep peacefully , but he know nothing will happen like that, so he pushed away those thoughts and walked to ward her life in the name of his wife.

'I need to go to my house, I want to see mami-sa' was the replay he got from her after the whole nights of thoughts. She really need time, time is the best medicine. He want to ask her wen she will return? or she will return? Time is the answer to every question. He just nodes and asked her to get ready. With that he took his uniform and left the room to get ready for the office by leaving his life in the name of wife.

All were gathered in the dining table. Every one was finding something different in rudra's face, but no one has the guts to ask him. Paro didn't come for arti I and to prepare break fast also. Due to the absent of paro Lila try to use the chance to sit near rudra in the dining table. But to her disappointment he didn't sit for the breakfast. A while later aman arrived and paro also came with her bag. Every one was shocked to see but two evil face alone had a smile.

'Aman take her to safely to her mami-sa house and put double guards around the house till she stay ter. Provide guns for them and give instruction to them not to allow any unknown person in side the house. Arrange one jeep and a driver for her traveling while she stay ter and...' ...'nothing' he want to complete the sentence by 'before u start the jeep ask her she really want to go? '

He is gone he didn't turn back and look at me, y he did this if he turned and asked me 'r really want to go means surely I will say no' but y he didn't ask he he didn't see me also. She didn't want to see her papu-sa face but she has to do it. She turned his back to face all but she was facing her deadliest enemy, yes with In a night Lila had got that place in paro's heart. All requested her to say the reason of her sudden decision but she stayed mum.

'Paro, really u want go? U want leave si...r' asked aman but the last word sir was dragged and said in low tone of voice. 'I can understand the reason paro but... ter is no safety for u ter paro' again he said in a carting voice but this time audible to all. Now it was park's turn to replay 'do u think my husband will leave me in danger?' Her tone showed the pride of her husband. Aman smiled happily and took her to her mami-sa place.

After 5 days:-) 
Paro can't stay ter for anymore so she returned to her home, yes its her home were her husband is living.she was greeted by every one with a happy face, but yes the two evil face showed more evilness in her smile. Lila she was just ready to burst in to a volcano by seeing paro back. These 5 days she tried to reach rudra but everything went down. 

Paro slowly asked her jija in the dinning table about rudra. 'Paro he didn't come home since u went out from here' this was jija's replay which made her head to spin like a ball. Tears were running uncontrollable. All were gather near paro but she made her way to door. 'Paro wait were u r going?' Was the question from her jija but paro's replay was by facing lila ' I am going to bring back my husband into the house and in to my life' she ran as fast as she can with the smiling face. 

Those 5days were like hell for her after spending one whole hr by telling lie after lie to her mami-sa about her visit and marriage she went to the room and locked her self. She thought of retuning to him next moment itself but something pulled heart to stop. She felt like Almost she lost her love life after hearing the truth about the relationship. Some were in her heard ego or possessive ness or the unknown fear of loosing him occurred to her so only she acted wride. Now everything is clear Lila is his past. Maybe jealous by hearing the place she got before her in his husbands heart.Every night she felt his present near her in his sleep. Then she understood the diff BTW love and lust. She is his love.

She entered the room with the force and she stood her by seeing state for her husband. No in front of her a lifeless body is standing. No life in the eyes. Black circle under the eyes. Bones are well shown. Tired face as if didn't eat for so many days. Sleepless nights made him to look like this, she cursed herself for doing this. The next moment she was in his arm. She hugged him 1st tightly lovingly possessively and carringly. 

Rudra left the house before she dose bcz he can't se her going out leaving him inside. Ho don't want to see her face if he see her means he will not allow her to go. So he left her to her way. But he doesn't have the power to go back to the empty room and he don't want to eat the food which I'd not made by her so he stayed in his office itself. He was discussing some thing about to aman wen he headed the opening of the door in a bang. Before he could come out of the shock he realized some soft and trembling flower was pressed hard to his body. 

Aman left the room with a big smile in his face. After few sec tey came out from there hug. 'R u alright paro is ter any ...' Before he could complete the sentence a soft rose petals stopped him from talking. Before he Could realize wat was it, it went Away. Paro kissed him that to in lips. Suddenly his energy started to boost up. He looked in to her eyes and he understood the meaning and as a replay he gave a sweet and loveable kiss. Both broke out for the air. Paro made him to sit in the sofa and rested her head in his shoulder. 

'I am so...' Before she could say he spoke 'paro u came back to me?' In replay she just nodes her head in yes. 'I mean to my life as my wife? She just nodes her head in yes. Paro look at me he held her face in his hand, he very well know the answer but want to hear by her mouth. 'Major Saab, I came back to u bcz this is the place I have to live, ur my world and I can't live without u, i ...I... Want to...only I have the right in u' with that she hugged him. 

Rudra could not control his smile , by seeing his possessive wife, but he is most happiest many in the world. He only know how he lived these 5 days. 'I love u paro, pls don't leave me and go...I can't live without u even a single day' he poured his heart to his wife about his life. Paro looked up and stared in to his eyes yes those words are true, can he repeat his words again for me, paro thought to herself as if her headed her heard he repeated those words to her by seeing her eyes. Tey both hugged and sat ter for n no of second s. 

Paro broke the silent by asking the silly question bcz she want to see her old rudra back 'hmmm...how ...was my 1st ...Kiss's major Saab?' Rudra was surprised by her bold question and it was the time to tell the truth he cleared his memory from ter 1st kiss. 'Paro actually that was not ur 1st kiss, in the party u gave the the kiss but it was not on my body but I can feel the hot air by the gaps in btw ur fingers'. Park didn't understood any of the think and she just stared with the confusing look. Rudra ten he explained to her how she kept the Pam in btw ter lips. By hearing the she blushed heavenly. And mine was 7th kiss to u.

He explained how he used to visit her mami-sa house every day in the night to just look at her sleeping wife. He had requested his mami to not tell her about his visit and while leaving he will always give a soft kiss in the fore head. Paro was struck in heard she dono how to react so she held him more closely to her. 'I love u so much major Saab' was replay from her with the joy tears. His life is his wifeSmile    



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