The Sun & The Moon...


         The sun loved moon so much, he died every night to let her breath...


It was a bright evening. The birds in the field also started to sing the evening song. Sohum who was forgot the whole world by thinking about his moon was brought back by the song of birds. His life changed after realizing his love for Rajji even he left his anger to the sea and leading a new life. But some thinking was biting him from inside wen ever he try to tell his love towards her. His most fear in the world is how he is going to live in the world if Rajji rejects his love, it will caused him more pain than the happiness caused due to accepting his love by her. So he avoided her wen she tried to talk or see him he moved away from that place. He also kept his love for her in his heart itself.   

Rajji was sitting in her room and thinking about her past life how it has changed in the short period of time. Sudden feeling toward Sohum even though he avoided her it was the great different in her life. Though Rajji was hurt very badly by the question about the baby’s father by Sohum itself, love towards him made her to forgive him. But she didn’t tell him about that bcz she couldn’t find any love for her in him. He asked sorry to her, but more than that matter some think he was disturbed from inside she tried to find it but how is the biggest question to her. Day by day her heart pained heavily.

It was 11’o clock till sohum didn’t return from the field time passed by but he didn’t come so she decided to go by herself in search of him. While walking towards the field her mind had so many fights with the heart she tried her level best to overcome it but she failed. Due to that her eyes started to rain heavily. She walked without blinking her eyes, her hands started to tremble very badly and her legs lost its balance wen a cool wind blowed heavily. She looked up the sky and saw oly the moon, no sun, her sun is missing. She got up from the field slowly and started to walk fastly like before she didn’t care about her bleeding in hands.  From the distance she saw 2 lights facing her left hand side. Nearby that one man was sitting. The lights are from tractor and the man is sohum, she started to walk towards him.  Her heart started the list of question. Why he is here? Is he hurt his leg? Does he need any help in walking? No it will not be like that then y he is here? Is he having any work? No if he has work then y he is going to sit ideally. Is he waiting for any one? If means for whom? Y his mobile is switch off? He is making me to come here, if means y? wit those set of question she started to walk slowly towards the answer. 

Sohum was surrounded by the baskets of Yellow flowers. He sat ter and thinking about his plan, he was happy about the execution of his plan but at the same time he was feared about the result. He made every arrangements by himself and came to his tractor and placed the remaining baskets of flowers and lost in thoughts of Rajji and wat will be her reaction by see those things and he started to smile by these thoughts he forgot the time. Suddenly he sensed some think and turned his head and was shocked to see Rajji in that stage. He told her name and came close to her, Rajji who was sweating heavily bcz of her long walk and no rest in between. Rajji, who saw the baskets of flowers and the smiling face of sohum and got more anger. There silent last for 10 mints and it was broken by him by the caring words.

S: Rajji wat happen, y r u here?
R: i am here bcz, u was not ter were u have to be.
S: wat……wat u r talking about?
R: do u know wat is the time? I came here all the way to check u, bcz i care for u. but u sitting here and smiling wit those flowers. U never cares about me na. On that day u touched my hand that time i didn’t stop u bcz i thought u loved me and one thing i too loved u so much, so oly i gave myself to u.  How much i longed to talk to u, do u know that? How many time i tried to see ur face but u r avoiding me not even u saw my tears. Day by day it’s killing me. By telling that she cried heavily and moved in the direction of the tractor light. 

Sohum was in the state of shock and didn’t notice Rajji moving away from that place. His mind was echoing the the words told by her particularly the direct proposal for him, he felt ashamed. He came to his sense and looked for her but she was missing. He saw the time and it showed 11.50 pm. He rushed in the direction were Rajji went. He ran fast and was nearing the point where he played everything. Rajji walked long way and saw the one small pond wich is artificial. She came close to that and looked in to that pond and had a sweet smile in her face. She sat near the pond in which it wat written “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY MOON” and saw the reflection of the moon in the water. Rajji totally forgot about her birthday in ter fights. “ Happy birthday Rajji” by here those words from sohum she turned back and saw him. Now he came close and sat near her. She saw his eyes wit full of love and started to cry. He wiped her tear and hugged her tightly and exchanged there proposals.

                            “I love u my MOON”
                            “I love u my SUN”  

Quote: The sun loved moon so much, he died every night to let her breath…..


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