His 1st Kiss...


            The room was dark, paro who was sitting in the bed like a doll after the morning breakfast. Today is the day which she feared the more she knows tis day will come and also she had more faith in her husband and God Rudra. she came to the room after telling some excuse to her sister and other but tey know the reason for her fear so tey let her to be alone. She remembered her days how she was forced to stay in the house by him, but time changed she herself forced her to stay in the house bcz of the love she had for him. Ter marriage all was like a dream but yet it was a sweet dream for her, she worshiped each and every moment of her married life. The same day her lover changed in to a husband and she lost him too, yes he stopped talking towards her and avoided her totally. But her love for him is endless. she used to cook his fav dish daily by knowing that he will not eat it and she also know very well that he will sneak in to the kitchen to eat his fav food made by her after all slept, its his routine work.Sometimes he used stare at her and also will secretly adore her from faraway of the kitchen her answer to that type of action is blush. She knows him very well he loves her but he will not admit it at any cost. Her safety is the 1st preference to him, he used to call her and check whether she is safe or not, though he will not speak but his breath sound will tell her everything. She feared for his safeties also, till that Raja Tejawat get caught tey both can't live in peace. Today her worst fear came true she knew by seeing Aman bro's face itself she can tell some danger. Aman came to the house while he was having an apple for the breakfast, he told him about the info tey got about Tejwat location and so tey have to leave in search of him. By hearing this new her heart felt a sharp pain and the eyes started to rain. She wished now at least he will see her eyes with his eyes, but the answer is no, he left the house without looking at her and not even saying a word. She was hurted more and she ran to her room and locked herself in the dark. She wiped her tears and looked at clock which showed 11.30 pm. She stepped out from the bed and went near the pillar. 

                         Major Rudra was lost in tis mission and returning to the home. He was very restless something told in his heart to go home soon. He dono the reason but he followed his heart for the 1st time. He married her, ya it was true likewise he also loved her that was also a true but his mind refused to accept it, his heart and mind will fight a lot but always the winner is his mind. He used to stare at her unknowingly and will hide himself in the back of pillar just to have a glance at her, her wide black eyes made him to do a dive in the air. Her bare back used to torcher him in the dream, most of the 9t he will not sleep he will just stare at the beauty sleeping in the floor. Her child face made him to forget all the rough past. Sometimes she used to blabber in her sleep he used to smile by looking at her. Wen ever she goes out with the ladies in the house he used to send Aman or some boys to follow her without knowing to any one for her safety, after returning to the home he will call and check her condition by just hearing the word hello. He was unknowingly let her to rule his life. Today wen he heard info from Aman, he just want to assure her that he will be fine, he want to hug her, want to wipe her tears ya he know without turning back and seeing her face he know she was crying, her tears had the weakness in him so he didn't see her and went out for his mission. His mission was failed buy for sure one day he will complete tis mission for his country and for his love, live, wife paro for her safety. He reached the house his heart raised fast with the every step towards ter room. He opened slowly, ter he saw wat he want to see. He slowly moved closer to the bed, he sat near the edge and his version was dull due to the unshed tears in his eyes. He closed his eyes so that he can make his vision perfect. His lips were smiling, his heart felt a joy. He moved his hand toward paro who is sleeping in his bed, no ter bed. Her hand was tightly holding his uniform close to her heart, the uniform which hung in the pillar stand. For the 1st time he allowed his heart to flow according to its wish. He bend down and gave a kiss on her forehead, the kiss was the promise to his wife that he will take care of her thought ter life, will full fill all the promise and wishes of her life and will show the unconditional love. 



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