chapter 10...

Paro was the most confused soul at present, she forgot her past to some level by the love shown by dil, she always wants a father love, now she is feeling how it will be loved by father. Her brother Aman, ya aman always treat her like a little sister, he protected her from the office gossips. Her daughter is whole world for her; she used to make paro laugh by telling her naughtiness what all she did in the morning. No one can deny ruki's pleading eyes; dil has told so many times when he was caught red handed for giving cookie to ruki. She thought of going away but she was not able to do it, dil love made her to stop thinking such a crap idea. Rudra, the name gives some sort of butter fly in her stomach, she dono what it is but she know that she is been affected by him. Paro was the most pampered child; paro's whole world is her mom and sister. Her mom showed all the love which she failed to give for her first child. Paro was full of life till she got married. She loved the way how rudra call her, which always remain her about mom and sister, so only she allowed him to call in that name. She had never stepped out from the house without her mom and sister. Paro felt good whenever rudra scold her, because it showed the love of her mother. He protected her from other; it showed the love of a father. He had saved her from the life going danger it showed the love of brother. He showed the care of a sister, by tricking her to do the check up again when she totally refused at the first time. He asked her to take dil for the routine checkup but when she went there she came to know the real reason. She was feared of facing this world all alone, but she was very good in hiding her fear inside and showed the brave face outside.  She still get that incident as a dream, one day she finished her work and enter the lift when she heard the rudra voice, she waited for him to join in the lift but when rudra was about to enter he hit his leg in the nearby big flower pot, by seeing the pain in his eyes paro rushed out from the lift to check the wound, when she stepped out from the lift, she heard the lot noise and saw the lift going down and breaking. She could not move or blink her eyes for a second also, what if she was there? What if...? she felt a calm voice calling her name and a hand came to support her before falling down, without thinking she hugged him tightly, but the return hug which was also same like her hug, it means he also had the fear of losing.

She really can't tell what type of the hug she shared with him, he is not jallad. She remember her mom's word to console her in the childhood, she always teased by the boys in the garden, so her mom told no good boy will scold good girls, only jallad will do it, so don't go near them or omit those comments. But our paro asked her mom another question which made her mom to laugh, "mom what they will call when a girl scold a girl?" to this question her 10year elder sister replayed "we can call them as lady vamp, for example our aunt" all three laughed paro though for a minute and told "then for jallad example is our dad, there was a complete silent between the mom and elder daughter. She doesn't want to call him by that name, because he is not like that but later she came to know that she is the only who is allowed to call him like that which made her to think she is special to him and also she had a doubt that he like it when she called him jallad . All ways she think not to believe and trust others but she was unable to do it, the reason was rudra. She didn't thank him whenever he helps her; instead she cooked his favorite dish. It's her way of telling thank you. He has protected her from the colleges questions about her back ground when she maintained silent's. Once she was caught in lila's hand but somehow rudra came in the tip of the time and saved her, from next day lila was shifted to other project, she knew rudra was the reason behind it. She was observing that she was made sure that she was driven home only by rudra or Aman, no more drivers. She saw the opposite side of what all told about him to her; he made all the security for her in every way. His behavior towards ruki was made all to gasp. Sometime ruki will be sitting in his lap while doing some work in laptop. she still remember that incident, paro busy in cleaning the table and ruki was playing by running here and there, accidently ruki pushed one of the flower wash, paro remembered the story told by dil how he scolded the servant breaking the glass pot, she feared what if he scold harshly ruki, so before all she shouted "ruki" in the anger tone, but she never expected what is coming for her, she saw rudra coming towards ruki and lifted her in his arm he turned and spoke angrily "stop shouting paro, first you should have taken her out from here, rare than shouting,  what if she hurt herself" with that he moved out by ordering the servant to clean it nicely. Ruki was the only one allowed in his room; he also made the arrangements for proper adopting ruki in a legal ways. She was second in entering his room for cleaning the mess which made by ruki, she don't know why and how ruki bought cookies to his room and left some piece uneaten, so the ant had a nice food. Paro cleaned his room; he didn't scold her for that because no one was allowed to touch his thinks. All was fine until one day, that day changed or maybe they went next level of their relationship. She felt so good in his arm, it was first time she felt that type of touch, it's all happened because of ruki. That day she was as usually hiding from eating health mix, ruki ran with her ted and saw rudra was sitting in the big arm chair, she just went and sat under the chair between his leg, rudra understood the reason and didn't tell anything he also made her comfortable under the chair, by hiding his smile by seeing paro. Paro searched and shouted ruki's name, paro was crossing rudra's chair and skipped by the ted leg which is peeping out from the chair. Paro was about to fall, but she only felt a strong arm around her, she opened her eyes and saw the pair of eyes with showed the care and worry for her, for the 1st time she want time to stop there itself.

It gave so many thoughts which she doesn't want to feel again, which made her to cry so many nights. From the next day she started to avoid him, she thought it's the best idea, but she did a big mistake because by choosing that idea, she thought about him more and more, she want to know why he is always anger, he has said no for the presentation which she done day and night for the project, she felt dejected by his rejection. Whenever she see lila going to rudra, she gets anger, her top two buttons will be always opened while going to rudra room. She wished if her sister were here, then lila would have learnt a lot more lesson by now. She also came to know that every night before he sleeps and all slept he used to check his father's room and her room. These months he had not scolded or got anger by her reaction, but today he did that made her to cry after so many days. Today she felt dil was in a bad mood so she prepared kheer for all four, she came out and said that she had prepared kheer without noticing the anger rudra, he just went inside to the kitchen and throwed the kheer bowl in the dustbin and went out from the house in anger, paro was shocked but more than that she was hurt by his action without knowing to herself tears flowed down from her after very long time.

Now she is sitting in her room and seeing the sleeping ruki, its past mid night but he didn't come it made her to worry, she knows he is not kid but she had not seen him coming late that gave unknown fear. Paro heard the car sound but she didn't hear the door opening sound, her fear rose up. No more a minuet she sat there and cried she ran fast as much she can and reached the main door.

The room was dark because its 1 in the mid 9t. rudra almost completed the whole bottle of alcohol, he want to forget this day, but she made him to remember it. He was thinking the past months and the happy moments in them, he want to avoid both of them but both made it impossible for him, ruki changed him by telling the reason but her mother Changed him without any reason, he also changed. He wants to make paro independent and fearless, so he gave most of the work regarding the coming project. He knows she is new so he helped her indirectly. Something inside him told that he don't want to see ruki's sad face, so he used to run away, but ruki was not that type of baby who used to cry if they didn't get what they want, she is different she used to try, then she choose the way to achieve her thing, her kuu-kii. One day he was checking dil room and returning back to check paro's room, he heard someone opening the door, so he hurried to see who it was, and there he saw ruki standing with her ted in the hand. Ruki came near him and took his hand with her and dragged him towards the kitchen, on the way rudra understood what's her plan was, so he prepared to reject it. Ruki was pouting when rudra refused to give her cookies; she looked more adorable and cute. He remembered dil words, "you can't say no to ruki by seeing her pouting or pleading eyes."
After 5min ruki was sitting on the kitchen slap while rudra holding the cookie box for her, he took her to his bath room and cleaned her face and made her to brush her teeth in the new brush. After finishing all he dropped her near the door of her room, ruki pulled him down and gave a kiss in his cheeks. Rudra sat on the same pose for good 5min, he touched his cheek and smiled brightly, this was his first kiss, ya he doesn't remember her mother kiss maybe she doesn't have kiss him. He saw paro sleeping next to teddy and ruki, ruki hugging her ted and paro hugging a pillow, he was not shocked because he used of it. Next morning all were seated in the chair and waiting for food. Paro came with the food for others and milk for ruki, but ruki asked for cookie. Paro replayed in a cool tone "you ate all at you secret night party" rudra stared to cough by hearing the last night incident, ruki and rudra saw each other. Ruki took the milk glass and sat near rudra both had their breakfast silently. That day rudra returned home earlier than paro, some time he will sent paro home soon so that ruki wouldn't miss her mumma. He came with the bag in his hand and saw ruki giving the bright smile towards him; he took her in his arm and went to rudra's room. Rudra opened the bag and gave a 3 box of chocolate cookie, ruki jumped in the bed by shouting "kuu-kii...kuu-kii". It was there another little secret that box will be in rudra's room so ruki can come and any time as she wants. He liked his new room which is made by paro's hand. He remembered the lift incident which gave the shiver now also, if she was late by a mint means he would have lost her, he showed his fear and her important to him by hugging her tightly. When the both returned home, paro hugged ruki and cried that the moment he understood she is not that type of girls, which she portrait to the outside world, as a strong one. She prepared his favorite food as a token of thank you. He found himself carving for ladyfinger which is made by her in a special way. He liked roti very little burnt, so paro will make as per his wish, which he never told to anyone. He also secretly whished for the name given by paro, Mr. jallad. 

He remembered the new feeling which he found when he saw paro and aman together, a jealous. He only made paro to work with him in the coming project; he hated that decision when he saw both of them together. Laughter will echo there house in the week end, because aman will come on every week end to enjoy great time with ruki, ruki and he was close. He never thought he will get jealous by seeing his best friend, but he was, he do no why. Until last week he was anger, hell lot of anger with aman, but he didn't show it to other. Last Sunday he was working in balcony backside of the house, so that he can keep the eye on ruki and paro, he heard paro voice with the shock "bhaiya, you're here?". Rudra suddenly closed his file and stood up, his heart started to beat fast, bhaiya that means paro's relation had came to pick her up, how they know she is here? But what every may be i will not send paro and ruki out from this house; he is also ready to put fight with the guy. He came inside the house and saw aman sitting on the sofa and having great time with ruki, then all was dawn to his mind, for the first time in his life rudra blushed by knowing aman was paro's bhaiya.

His rules don't expect anything from any one but it was broken he always expected the day to start soon, so that he can view her smile, can hear he laughter and voice and the cutest little fight of mom and daughter for cookie. These months went good, but today he did the big mistake. He want forget this day but she made his to remember it again, he will not see anyone or talk to anyone this day. When he came down he heard her saying the most torturing word, kheer. He doesn't want to show any anger to towards her, so he showed the anger towards the kheer. After that he rushed to his apartment and regret his action towards her, he scolded himself. How she know this day? It's his entire mistake, he does not have any strength to face her, so he drank one beg then it turned in another than one full bottle. Now it's time, he had faced all the problem but facing paro and seeing her hurt face it made him weak in the heart. He took the key and walked out. Somehow he managed to drive towards the home, but he is not ready to go inside the house. 

Quotes : Achieving through money will not lost long than by achieving through our hard workEmbarrassed


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