Character sketch...


Rudra Pratap Ranawat, successful angry young business man. Hate gals, hate his dad but love his dad bcz oly relation he has. mom is the one word which he hate so much. has some rules within himself and follow it without fail.

Parvati Sinkha, Married to Varun Sinkha. young gal with lot of energy and naughty. thrown out by the parents and husband for the mistake which she didn't think even in her dream also.

Rukmini, baby gal adopted by Parvati.

Dilsher Ranawat (shortly called as Dil), Rudra's Father. good man finding a bride for his son,going to play cupid. 

Amandeep Sing, Rudra's frnd and working as a manger in Rudra's company. He is a spy set by dil in finding any gals in Rudra's life.

Lila, working in Rudra's office. he aim is to marry Rudra for his money.

This is the main character of our story lets see how tey met up and develop the love story...


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