chapter 9...

Dil could not refuse her and gave the last piece to her to have it. Both of them heard a voice from behind "what's going on here?" little bit angrily. 

Dil remembered the warning that paro gave in the morning. No cookie for ruki. Both turned to see paro and both smiled sheepishly. Paro forgot all the matter by seeing them she also want to smile with them but she controlled herself, came and sat with them in the floor. "mumma papa gave kuu-kii to me i ate" told before anyone can speak. Dil was taken aback by the blame and said "no i didn't give her" paro turned her head from dil to ruki. Ruki spoke "mumma me no kuu-kii box, mumma papa have box, i ate one" and stood up with her ted. Paro want to laugh very badly by seeing dil's reaction but she controlled it, dil spoke "paro she only asked me to give one cookie, so i gave it". "See mumma, one kuu-kii in my stomach, all other in mumma papa stomach" with that she ran away. dil laughed like a mad man, he never thought ruki  can turn the plate upside down. Paro gasped and shouted for ruki to come back for asking sorry. Dil narrated the whole incident from the morning and till now and laughed by thinking how he was trapped. Paro brought her back and made to ask sorry but dil scolded paro by telling she is just a kid and took ruki to the garden for playing.

It was 10pm rudra returned to the home, he was welcomed by the blissful sight in front of him, Rudra was shocked to see her standing in the middle of hall and looking at him with tensed face. Paro came near him and asked about the dinner "i am not hungry, you go and sleep" came the replay. Rudra went near the stairs and stopped by the next line "we should not sleep with the empty stomach".

Rudra turned back and said one cup coffee and went to fresh up. When he came down he saw two cup in the table, he took one and sat down. He was about to drink but was stopped in the middle by the word "STOP". He looked up paro with some try in her hand, she came and sat down "that has sugar" said by pointing out the cup in his hand. Rudra shook his head and said its ok. After so many years he drank coffee with sugar. After good two minute rudra spoke "this is your 1st job?". Paro just nodded her head in yes. Rudra was trying very hard to say it, but he was unable to speak some think is stopping him from telling. Again he asked "from where did you learned those software?". Paro thought for a minute and said "books didn't teach me more than my sister taught". Rudra smiled inside by the brilliant answer. He almost completed the cup when he heard her asking "what did they say?" . rudra dint get her words whom she is talking about, by seeing the confused expression she explained him about his statement in the car about police matter. He thought about it and said the truth "i have asked Aman to settle the matter and they told its ok and you don't have to worry about it, here is the cell phone for you." He was able to see the little hesitation in her face, but he didn't mind that, he want to tell her about the sir matter but he didn't, he kept the cup and stood up. Two step he moved towards stairs, his heart beat was raising he want to tell her but don't know what her reaction will be. He turned and saw paro was taking the try in her hand "hmmm...paro," waited till she look up and then continued "morning you done a nice job and don't call me sir, call rudra itself".      

Paro sat in the bed and thinking about the past happening, she never thought she can live a new life but now she is doing that, some part of her is happy and want to forget the past but some part make her to remember the incident, she went near her bag and took the old stuff and saw the paper lying inside them, she don't know when and how it happened but it happened, she don't know whether she want to be happy or not, tears started to flow down. She wiped her face and went to bed and slept by hugging ruki. 

Next morning rudra saw paro was being silent all the time, he don't know what happen, he was not able to take her silent, so he called her no from his mobile. Rudra can see the confusing expression in her face after looking the mobile, so he told "actually paro, i forgot to tell all the no so only called you, just save it". Rudra heard her voice after their night coffee, "rudra its already saved". He want to bury his head some were, yesterday he only saved all the no in her mobile, but he forgot by the intention of making her to speak. 

Following week end aman came to their home. Ruki came with her ted in the hand, only in the bathroom she keeps it out reaming time it will be in her hand only. She will be sleeping with it, feeding food, playing with it, dancing with it, she now started to sign also, but god only knows what language she is using. Ruki came and sat near dil, who is busily speaking with Aman. Aman saw her and introduced himself to ruki, "hi i am aman, working with your mom." Ruki saw him and said "i uki, u" she tried to pronounce it correctly but it didn't come for so she created a new name. dil and paro laughed by hearing the name and dil commented s "without doing any operation she changed you in to a girl" all laughed by seeing that ruki also joined them. Rudra was passing by the corridor he saw the direction of the sound, he saw all three laughing. Whole day ruki played with the new doll which aman bought for her, she safely kept her ted in the sofa and also called it as "baa- bii".

"R" alphabet was the biggest enemy for her,. Next day when rudra came down he saw paro was preparing the health mix for ruki, but ruki was least interest in that she found to be searching something. He came down and sat on the sofa where ted was sitting peacefully. He also saw the Barbie doll lying down near him; he thought for a min and hides the doll below the pillow. He was little bit upset with the Barbie doll, because of which ruki didn't pay any interest to teddy. Ruki started her searching mission alone when she did not found her doll she sent the search warrant to everyone, paro tried her best to feed the mix but nothing went well. Paro remembered how her mom told this health mix she used to prepare for her and her sister for their goodness. So she bought the mix in the shop for ruki, but she is making her to run behind her.

Rudra saw this and felt guilt for hiding the doll so he took out and gave it to her, she happily took it and sat near him. Ruki was made to sit on the dining table dil and rudra was having there tasty food while ruki feeding her food for doll. Paro came from the kitchen and saw her baby doing; she came near ruki and pulled the bowl from her hand. Now dil and rudra also saw what was going, the doll was covered with health mix powder, paro asked "for feeding your food only you searched the doll huh?, why you didn't feed your ted which is lying near you?" ruki stood up on the table and said "mumma, ted will get dirt if feed" rudra smile with the pride by seeing the royal respect given to his teddy. 

Month ran fast, life changes when time changes were completely suitable for 4 people, dil, rudra, ruki and paro. The two souls were happy, dil and ruki. Other two souls were in a confusing stage, paro and rudra. Twice in a week the servant came and cleaned the ranavat haveli but now daily they were present to clean the mess done by ruki. When the haveli is silent that means ruki is sleeping. Ruki was close with all people, servants will come daily to talk with her and play, whatever may be she will not leave her ted and mumma papa. The most interesting part of daily work is fight between mother and daughter for kuu-kii. In the evening dil and ruki will spent time in the garden, garden was ruki's favorite. Dil was enjoying his life after so many years, when he came to know about his son's decision of making paro work with Aman in the following project, he was happy by the decision, because his son want to avoid paro that means she started to disturb him, he was waiting for the perfect time for his next move. He even want to give time for paro to come out of the past, for the 1st month in the haveli she used to be lost in her thoughts so many time, he can see the sadness in her eyes so he made so many attempt to divert her mind, it worked. She seems to be engaged in the work fully as its going to end in a week or so. 

Quotes : if we want to live the present then we have to over come our past...Embarrassed


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