Two Unknown Angels.... Rudra and Paro


2013 Munbai...                          

It's a grand wedding area, roads are blocked. A black car stops in front of the gate due to the wedding traffic. A man of 26 slowly lowered the window of back seat by hearing some giggles. He saw some girls were chasing one girl, through his car side mirror. Tey were all shouting some names "parvati slow down pls pls pls". Unknowingly smile occurs to the man in the car. Then he saw her face, it was angelic view for him. Ya he thought she was an angle. Her eyes spark wit joy and happiness. Her slim structure is extraordinary. His eyes traveled in the direction were she went, suddenly his car started to move, his heart want the driver to stop the car but his mind argued wit it. He wants her oly once to turn and see him but ter she gone, gone out of his sight. Suddenly he felt some thinking abounded him, slowly he turned back to see her though the back window of the car then he saw her, who was standing and getting scolding for some lady but she smiled and hugged her in returns. Paro, his heart unknowingly repeated her name and his lips thinned slightly. He Rudra, hate this girl for making him to break the Rule no 1, which he putted for himself at the age of six. No smile in his life, it was broken after 20 years.
Bring the bride ordered the tall man to his wife. His wife smiled and went to fetch her daughter down. "Pari y u were running ter, if ur dad sees that means wat will happen u know???" angrily roared her mother. "Come soon, ter r asking for u" told her mom with the misty eyes. It's a great day for her daughter, bcz she is going to become Parvati shinka. After two hrs parvati was taken to her in laws house. She left her mom, sis, jiju and dad heavy heartedly. Form tonight she is going to start a new life, by thing that some blush appeared in her cheeks.

2014 Rajasthan...Present:

   A car was driving very rashly in the rainy road. Its 10pm but the lighting makes it's like morning. In the distance of the road he saw a car met with an accident and ther was a girl standing with something in her hand. He pass the accidental area and drives off bcz, he is not that type of person to show sympathies to any one particularly girls. He hates beautiful girls. Then ther it occurred the sudden lightning and thunder and flowed a girls shout. His heart increased its speed of beating by hearing the voice some think made him to look out through the side view mirror there he saw a girls face in the lighting. Suddenly his leg hit the break without his knowledge. He opened his door and ran towards her, ther he saw a girl bcz of whom he made to break the rule. He had seen her for a fraction of second oly but those seconds his life was changed. He hated her bcz, she changed his life without his knowledge. But no the girl lying in the road is diff from her. Slightly leaner than before, dark circle under her eyes no ornaments in the body pale dress and a child is crying in her hand and two more person lying near by her. He shouted Paro but the thunder over ruled his voice.



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