Chapter 7


The day went smoothly without any distribution, when it was time to return home arnav felt emptiness in the heart while recalling yesterday events and his behaviour towards Nain . Entering the house he felt so silent arnav gave a look around the place it was so peaceful and looked around of some heads. Naniji was sitting and doing Pooja, Anjali was in her room and Mamiji was out of the site all of them are giving cold shoulder to him it felt so different because before, it's he who gave them cold shoulder but today he is at the receiving end. He thought about small conversation with house people and asked his di for coffee but anjali ordered the servant to serve coffee to the master of this house who has no tie to come back to the house for sleeping due to his heavy work. Hope was lost in the first attempt with the dejected face arnav went to his room for fresh up and came down with his laptop and made his seating arrangement in front of viewing point of all the eyes and started doing some office works, but no one minded the person who is sitting at the centre of the sofa by wearing inside out t shirt with cloth pegs on it. At the dinner table also he was expecting some Indian dishes which he always denied it but today he was ready to accept it but that was not served to him , when asked for the reason silent was the only answer he got. After finishing the dinner he went to anjali room to talk, but she shut the door on his face again with the defeated face he slept. Next day early morning he gave the visit to the garden it was very peaceful and pleasant, morning fresher air made him to smile, he felt energetic and lively. Arnav had breakfast instead of having bread toast like every day he chose oily aloo paratha and tried to hide the disgusting face reaction while eating, but he failed terribly. Anjali hide her smile very well and everyone did the well-known job of eating as if he was not present at the table. 

After having breakfast he broke the silence by telling khushi forgave him for the day before event. Everyone in the hall stopped from doing their work and gave arnav the look as if he has grown two horns in his head. Anjali who came in front of him and asked “did the great ASR said sorry?” his reply was a silent followed by some humming sound of saying face reaction. Anjali could not believe it, so she repeated the question “did ASR ask sorry which has the spelling of S-O-R-R-Y?” Arnav gave her an anger look and said yes, sort of but without opening his mouth. Anjali laughed and said she totally got it,” khushi accepted your world less sorry that doesn't mean she forgave you, she did that bcz you're the boss, and she is the employee. What if you send her out of the job, she needs the earning, so she accepted your sorry when you never asked for it. She is just compromising herself in front of you bcz she treats you as her boss that's all”. Arnav understood what his sister is trying to tell maybe it's true she compromised but why, the old khushi will never compromise. He can't realize himself why her forgiveness is still important, he looked at his di and said he understood. By looking at Arnav face reaction and the way he pronounced word confidential anjali felt lot relieved. Shyam who was sitting on the sofa, looked at arnav and said if he needs any guidelines in asking sorry to girl, then he is the perfect man he can give any advice to him, because he is a married man”. Anjali aimed sofa pillow to her husband head and she did score perfectly. Everyone broke into laugh, arnav looked upright and turned his attention towards nani.

Arnav went to sit near Nani bcz he wanted to speak his mind of to everyone, he took her palm in his and spoke. Nani took her own time to read at his grandson face and felt different, the face showed so much maturity. There is a saying “when a son goes for a job at the age of 15 then it means his father is useless same way when a father works even at the age of 60s means the son of the house is useless”. Arnav spoke that he is sorry for raising his voice on her and also he is sorry for treating Khushi like a thief.  He is also not ready to compare his past love with the mom who gave birth to him, the girl who he loved left him after knowing that he is not rich. If she has not done that, then he will not be in this stage and I am sure of it.  This much money, high status, fame and popularity is nothing without her, she is the solo reason of his present state. Every day in the past my mind used reminder me the reason why she left me, that anger inside me grew more and more, I just converted that into hard work. The anger towards her inside me kept me alive through all difficult and made him to achieve so many things, so he can't compare her with his mother, I know it's wrong but my heart can't accept it.” 

Nani spoke can I ask you a question arnav “did you meet her after coming back to India? Did you talk to her ? Did she say anything, now you are rich and she is ready to mingle with you, in your life? Is the reason why you're taking her side? “That girl is the one who separated you from us, she is the one who made us to worry about you these many years, she is the one who gave tears to your sister after you left her alone like your mother and father, she is the one who hurt your heart which is still not ready to accept any other girl in your life.”,if so please tell us we can't go through the same pain again and you warn us before itself we will prepare for it.  Arnav shook his head fast in saying no “Nani, I didn't meet her then how can I talk to her and how can she mingle with me, but I know one thing that she is the solo reason for whom I am now, the ASR and the businessman. I know you hatreds towards her and I know even in my hatreds I am talking in her favour, but this is the truth Nani.”

Anjali who was standing silently till now she moved close and kept her hand on arnav shoulder and said "we are not hurt arnav, we can clearly see the love for her is still deep inside of your heart, but is this love worth..... you have to think and decide". Arnav stood up to face anjali and said" I don't love here di and after achieving my goal, I completely forgot her but if I meet here again I will take my revenge on her di".  Anjali gave the smirk and said " I am also ASR Chote don’t forget it , if your words are true then why didn’t you go for any date with girls? after her..... ok you took time to earn and settle, but why till now no ? Let me give a solution. Take some time.... at first you have to at least have a friend who is a girl ,then clear your mind about girls and come to believe that all girls are not like your past and our dad's past. just take time and decided properly because we need your marriage". After hearing the word marriage arnav gave a funny look to her sister and told I am not marrying anyone.  anjali replied sternly "we are not asking you to do it now, we are giving your time to decide till my child birth then after that it's your choice of girl or our choice of girl.  

Can you tell me your heart content answer for my question, Arnav? Shyma asked the arnav who is ready to move out from the morning chaos. “If that mystery girl come back in your life will you accept her whole heatedly?” Arnav stunned by the sudden questions but he knew his brother in laws indirect question “is he in still love with that mystery girl?” that what he want to ask . He didn’t say anything, just left the house bcz that was the same question he is asking himself from yesterday night. What if that was true, what if he is still in love with her?Is the reason why his is not ready to take revenge. 


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