Chapter 9

The next day arnav was waiting for Khushi to come he was thinking how to tell her about nani's dinner invited. He looked at the file which is lying on the table when he opened it , there were pictures of a model in different pose by looking at the person in the photo arnav felt as if he knows him by somewhere, but he could not point his finger. After reading the name as Rahul Arora it clicked him, he is the one who was proposing Khushi on his knee. He still remembered that incident after so many years, even at the last minute to the flight he went to see khushi but what he saw was in the park a boy was on his knee and showing the ring box towards the girl and that girl is his khushi. The park was beautiful decorated with all variety of roses but expect her favorite lavender rose and red heart balloon are floating in the air . Now he is sitting in the CEO chair with his file in the hand, and she's working under him, what a funny world. He read his biography, 2 famous film as a lead role and father is a rich businessman . Aman was called to inquire about what his file doing on his table. When he was informed that his sister has selected rahul sir as our next model, he knew it was all ash doing, he wants to chock his head.  

Arnav made the call to ash about the selecting the model, he told it's completely anjali di's Idea, and he does not have any hand in choosing the model. Arnav slapped his forehead and made next call to his di he wants to clarify this matter before Khushi comes. Anjali clearly told him that it's ash who gave this opportunity to her for choosing the model, and she inquired him why he is interested in this model when it's not his department . When arnav refused to answer the question Anjali accepted that ash made a bet about girls phone number, when she has done the job he gave him permission to select the model.  She elected her favorite hero as his company the model, by knowing that her brother will fulfill his sister wish with that she kept the phone with the smiling face because she knew her brother's will do it. Now he got clarification about how this model came into his building, but he doesn't want past life of Khushi to come back in his and her life, this through made him to look like a villain. He wants to throw the file of the building before khushi comes and also he has to choose the perfect reason to tell his sister, why his favorite hero is out from this project. He called Aman and told him "this time the model will be having brown skin tone guy, bcz he wants to tell all skin color people can wear his design”, so he can remove rahul from their project. The reply he got from aman made him to burst like a volcano , this stupid good-looking hero is selected and that file is to inform him that he will be in the office by 11am. When he asked” why no one informed him while selecting the model ?" His reply was simple that they were following his rules which he made while living in the USA. Arnav want to pull his hair out from the head because this is matter is giving him headache. Aman informed that today he will be his PA bcz he got a phone call from khushi informing that she will be absent due to her bad health. After hearing the bad health , arnav left the office to see her, but her house was locked from outside and again that fat man was giving him an eagle look, so he made the u turn. Sitting in the office without khushi made him to feel lazy and dull, he laughed within himself by thinking his changes.  Arnav planned that he can face rahul and send him back when she is not around the office. 
Rahul Arora was present at the office by the allotted time for him, arnav observed rahul from his office. If the truth to be told Rahul made the best impression in arnav, the way he distanced with the filtering female staff, the smiley face and the politeness but arnav didn't show it outside. Aman who was standing near arnav heard the word “show-off”, Aman gave the blank look by asking himself from when did arnav started commenting on other's. The politeness of rahul is messing with ASR. In the cabin arnav stayed alert bcz he wants look at the way how rahul enter other's room. Arnav was made to disappoint with the knock followed by permission to enter the room.After entering the office room rahul formally introduced himself, like others he didn't sing any ASR praising rhymes. Arnav didn't wait for anything he straight away went to business, he asked about the formal questions, and then he asked about the question which is nagging him, it's about rahul and his dad's business. Rahul smiled and told him it's one of his dearest friend advised him to follow "what his heart want to do" and now he is here and that is a proof he followed his friend advised. Arnav looked at the person with the raised brow who is sitting in front of him , bcz he didn't say he followed his heart, he said he followed his friend advice so much important to a friend. rahul looked at the arnav's question face, so he continued about his life . “My dad didn't like my decision about acting, but he gave me one chance and some conditions. No penny earned from him and no name of his should be used by me in those one year. I came out from that house, from the business and I was even told to remove his second name, so in the film industry I didn't use my second name, I just achieved as a rahul. I worked dad and night for 100rs then did modeling and then little big step with lots of struggles with helping hand from my friend” When Arnav inquired about that dearest friend name, he smiled and said happiness. Arnav know what that happiness means, it's Khushi and it made Arnav to envy. He wants to know more about khushi and him, so he inquired about his dearest friend.  Rahul was not ready to tell arnav about his friend, bcz he had not shared his own story with anyone. Arnav understood rahul's dailama and he told him about his special person.  Like you I too had one special person, this person is the solo reason of me being in this chair, so I want to know about your special person. 

 Actually the friend I am saying is “she”, the girl who rejected me when I proposed her.  When Arnav heard the word rejection, he become more alert and questioned him “how can a girl reject the rich handsome guy?” the reply he got was a smirk and a smile. Rahul told “when I proposed her she told me that, she does not love me, and she came to me at first because I had a lot of money. At first, I thought she is playing prank, how can a girl talk about her character down in front of the audience and that to when a guy is proposing?. She accepted her truth, the time she spends with me remained her old love, my old love which I don't even know that I love him until I left him bcz he is not rich. She was very frank about her, she told me she is still in love with that guy, who she ditched for money. When she thought money is important in the life than the love, he was there but when she understood love is more important than the money, she lost that guy. She made to look like a fool in front of my friends, the girl I loved like my money more than me, I got anger by her words and slapped her by telling not to every show her face in front of me again. She didn't wipe her tears, she told, she is really sorry and asked me to not ever forgive her for what she did bcz that is the best punishment i can give her, and she told me that she is going back in search of her old love."  
"You slapped her damn it" arnav shouted at rahul without realizing the surrounding. Rahul got startle by arnav's sudden outburst, he blinked his 
eyes for two times to calm down his raising heart. Arnav took a deep breath to calm his temper, by looking at the scared face of rahul arnav told "I don't like raising hands on women" to cover up his outburst. After sitting arnav clenched his hand tightly on the arm rest of the chair to stop himself from slapping rahul. "It's ok ASR" rahul told but arnav know it's not ok for arnav. "You should see it from my point of view ASR, i was like a king ,my pride was hurt in front of all I thought by slapping her I can regain my pride in front of my friends. At first, I didn't feel sorry for it but when I meet her again I was ashamed of my action. 


  1. Now Arnav knows what happened back then. Khushi was after money one time but realized that money was not the answer to everything. She even admitted she was wrong.

  2. Yes dear, accepting our own mistake need so much courage but if we did that we can free our self from our guilty


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