Chapter 4


By early morning Arnav was ready to meet her, he got no sleep in the night bcz roses in the garden reminded her again to him, lavender rose that was made them to met each other. One of his office guy gave the bike key and asked him to buy a rose for his girlfriend friend which he forgot, so arnav took the bike and bought a rose for his senior and also gave one set of roses for Khushi as a compliment. He still can't understand why she is working in his office "maybe she is planning to get him back now he is rich" this is what arnav came to conclusion. After reaching the office arnav was walking like a headless chicken inside the cabin, he should hate her for what she done to him but instead he hates himself for what his heart and eyes doing to him. Those two damn things one is beating fast with excitement and another one is never blinking so that it can see clearly her face. The knock on the door made him indicate that she is outside, he sat on the chair and barked in authorities voice. Khushi entered the cabin but was rooted on the same place by looking at the so-called Boss. Arnav never missed seeing the details on her face at last he saw what he hates the most, "the tear in her eyes" it's his weakness towards khushi Gupta. 

After 10 minutes of staring arnav smirk faded bcz he can't explain the reaction from Khushi, he expected a smile or something after the two drops of tears but nothing came Khushi just standing in the state of num, and she addressed his as "SIR" in a polite way. Till the time she was in his cabin she never looks at his eyes. This is not the reaction Arnav want, something more something like warm smile looking at the old lover but what he got was blank. Then Arnav made her to come to his cabin after 1 hour the same reaction followed by her and during the lunch break he looked at her tiffin box which contain 2 roti that's all nothing more nothing less, but if it was his old Khushi she will eat lots and lots of food. He used to wonders by the amount of food she takes, but how much she eats she always in zero size. 

Arnav made sure Khushi was always on her toe, he made her to go round and round in his office lots and lots of work he wants to show her who's the boss. But Khushi never open the mouth to talk or opposes, she just nods the head that's what arnav got she was again with blank expression which made Arnav to get anger more, and he had shouted on her face in front of everyone. Khushi is a Puzzle for him he wants to fix that puzzle by himself, he made her to go home by night 9 o'clock for past one week so that she will come and talk to him explaining why she needs to go home soon but that never happened. He started to spend time in the garden, it gave him to calmness, he felt stress free, but he is not ready to accept it bcz this garden is made by his father. By recalling the past weeks action by him, he had known that his love for Khushi is never gone it was staying at the bottom of his heart after seeing her it started to come up. 

Khushi had not expected that she will see Arnav, lot have happened to her after she left arnav. If she had seen him long back she would have begged for the forgiveness but now she is not ready to face him not now when she is taking this life as punishment for what she did to him in the name of love. She hates herself for doing that to the innocent boy. Now the person in front of her is not like old person he is completely changed, she knew she is the one killed the innocent boy inside him, she is a complete reason of the formation of the ASR. She is ready to take the punishment what ever he gives. After Arnav went to foreign she came back in search of him and came to know she is the reason which made him to leave this country. Now she is happy arnav had achieved the high level which he had dreamed, he has a talent and sure will fly very high in this field. That's enough for her, by looking at his face she can live her remaining life. She always had prayed for his safety, well-being and to protect from evil thing maybe God has ears. 

Lavender rose that was made them to see each other, when Khushi was crossing the road near bus stop of her orphanage she saw a small vendor selling a rose and that too lavender rose was in that collection. She always loved rose, her mother used to have rose in a pot, rose is the reminder of her mother. While crossing the road she was careless and was hit by arnav bike but thank God it was nothing big only small scratch, that was their first meeting. Till today she gets butterfly dance in her heart by thinking arnav had bought a set of roses for her on their first incident or meeting. The night sky and the cool air, which was brushing Khushi hair made her to move towards the window from there she can look at her rose pots which has only thorns and leaves. The next day Khushi enter the office she was waiting for the order from Arnav, she is ok with it, if this what Arnav want then she will do it. When the noon meeting was over arnav took khushi to his house Khushi was pleasantly surprised, but she didn't show it. The house was very big and nice, she liked the garden which has so many roses. The question arises in her heart "will arnav visit the garden?". Today was Krishna Jayanti so Arnav made her to decorate his house and also introduced her to his sister as a decorator lady and ask them to give lots and lots of works to her because Arnav knew Khushi likes and enjoy doing decoration. Khushi's hearts fluttered by seeing the flowers and light. It's been very long she did this type of decoration, this gave her happiness and something like this made her to feel she was younger. Arnav left the house by telling that he will not be home till the end of the program, so don't disturb him by making calls. Nani and mami kicked ash out from the house when he asked "why they are not inviting teen girls? bcz Lord Krishna like girls a lot and it's wrong to invite kid's". 


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