Chapter 8


Arnav went to office with mixed emotions, he told lie after lie towards his family by looking at their eye. He can't even imagine what will happen if they come to know about Khushi. He knew the fact he is hiding khushi from everyone and as like he said if he wants to take revenge means, he should have told his family about Khushi's true identity but he never did it bcz he knew the consequence of doing so and more over his heart is not allowing him to do it. He knew one thing for sure after seeing khushi he started to listen to his heart than his mind. He was not in the mood of working after knowing khushi is not in the office, so he went back to his car with Khushi address. First thing first he wants to put full stop to Khushi matter, what his true feelings for her hatred or love?. Arnav reached the colony named Shakti colony the big arch notified so. He drove to the end of the street in search of Khushi house.  He stopped the car in the dead end, to his right side a house was there which has so many pots of plant but no flower bloomed in the pot. He felt something familiar by looking at the pot, and the he remembered amritha words about no flower in rose plant. His heart started to beat faster, he remembered about their first meeting where he gave punch of roses, is khushi hate him this much to even stop a flower from blooming. Suddenly he was diverted from his memory by a husky voice which is coming from his back. There he saw a fat man standing with the stern face and inquiring him about his visit to their colony. Arnav was a stammering to answer his question suddenly his eyes saw the car repair shop and said he wants his car to be serviced. When he was a replying to the man he heard someone is calling him as a friend, by hearing those voice he recognized it as Amrita. The smile in his face bloomed bcz he escaped from the fat man eagle eyes and also thanked himself for getting the idea to print photo at the last minute. 

Amritha showed her toothless smile and ran towards arnav, again one fat lady stopped amritha from taking one step forward and pushed her back of her big frame. Arnav looked at the fat lady with the raised eyebrows. Amritha told the fat lady that he is her friend and mom also knows him, by hearing that she released her hold on amritha.  Arnav took the white envelope from his coat pocket while saying he came here to give Krishna jayanti event photos to amritha. Before amritha can get the envelope  from arnav, the fat lady snatched from his hand and looked inside the cover.  Amritha called that fat lady as nani and asked for her photos, after checking the true content in the cover amritha nani showed her smile towards arnav. After that amritha nani  called that fat man as happyji, and she told him thanks for taking care.  Here amritha was pulling arnav inside their house, but he can tell by looking at amritha nani face she is not pleased with his presence. But he avoided it and went inside the house  bcz he wants to see khushi husband's photo.  After entering the house he gave a quick took around the walls for the photo frames but no luck expect one old military man photo, he guessed that must be grandpa of amritha . He saw amritha nani was keeping one hand in the head and saying some words inside her mouth. Amritha pulled him to the chair and asked her nani for the chocolate and cookies for her friend. Arnav hide his smirk and patted amritha head for the smart movie. When her nani moved in side the kitchen to bring the snacks which amritha ordered for herself in his name , he acted fast for asking her room towards amritha. The cute girl happily jumped and took arnav to her and mother room. Arnav video captured the whole room, but he didn't get the single man photo but instead he got a couples photo only. When he asked about them to amritha she said it's her mom and dad ,they both are living with god, and I am living with khushi mom. 

Khushi who was sitting in the corner of temple with the sad face, she forgot her surrounding and covered herself with the sorrow.  Today morning she visited anav home for getting back her wrist watch, which she left on the kitchen table and forgot to take back due to arnav chaos. While entering the gate she saw the same gardener and greater him with the smiling face, she lovingly looked at the lavender rose. The gardener asked her name and about the special meaning of lavender rose to Khushi, she smiled and said "it's my first and last love" by telling that she left the place bcz it remains her the old memories. Khushi entered the home but stopped in the middle when she hears the arguments within the family member, so she waited and started to think what to do, at that time she heard some of their words but when arnav said" I don't love here di and after achieving my goal, I completely forgot her but if I meet here again I will take my revenge on her di”. After hearing those words Khushi could not stand at that place she felt as if she is going to break in too many pieces. She ran away from arnav home for some distance and then she walked and walked at last she reached the only place were she can find peace.  She went to the Devi Maiya to tell the pain in her heart, the person she love had told what his heart holding. She liked that house, all the members in his family are so sweet, she was planning to touch nani and anjali feet by the next time when they meet as for forgiveness. But now that is not going to happen ,now all in that home knows who is she and what she did to arnav. Khushi left her tears to flow like a river , it’s been very long since she cried like this, but nothing changed when ever she cry she felt lot of pain the heart today also no different.  after they gave amritha in her hand as a day old baby, she said to herself she will not cry any more, she always held it up inside her bcz she does not want to show the weakness to others. She is ready to get the punishment for her betrayal towards arnav but not the revenge.

The sky was dark and the star in the sky started to shine, still khushi mobile is not reachable. Arnav was pacing inside his room he was trying to get hold of khushi for asking sorry directly towards her, this time by using words. Amritha words was still ring inside his head, so khushi is not married but somehow she landed in this home and now taking care of someone’s child. He knew khushi is an orphan but why this widow outfit and also he had planned for the background check on the couple photo in khushi room. While coming to the today event in his house ,he felt like a stupid for opening his mouth. After returning from khushi house he felt lot worse in his head , in the house nani is still not taking and anjali started to talk about his horoscope. Arnav felt the silent In the dinning table, so he announced that he is going to be friended with khushi by hearing that all felt happy especially anjali. After mentioning the one name table was back to the old days, anjali and mami were filling their husband's about khushi's good nature. He had the feel of ice bucket challenge was done by him when his nani announced that arnav will bring khushi and amritha for weekend feast. 

Khushi reached home after 9pm, she forgot her time while lost in thoughts about her past. She looked much worse but when she entered the home she tried to cheer up herself for amritha. She saw madhumathiji had tied the towel on her forehead to reduce the head pain, before, and she and amritha will make fun and play with the loose end of the towel but today she is in no mood. Silent was her only answer asked by the other two people in the house, like a robot she went for fresh up and then to bed without any food. By looking at the khushi's dull face Madhumathiji understood something must have happened in the office bcz khushi has informed that her new boss is very strict and has the policy of completing all the work when they have time. Amritha want to show her photos to khushi but nani stopped it by telling ,her mother is having head ach due to mother’s ratchasan boss. Amritha had difficulty in pronouncing the word ratchasan, but after 6th attempt she did perfectly. Madhumathiji used ratchasan as the best idea to make amritha eat her dinner, so described ratchasan as a very bad guy and will eat all the children who are naughty and don’t eat their foods. The story goes on and came to the end card when the plate was finished. Amritha had her photos in the hand while entering the bedroom, khushi who was sitting by the side of the window looked at her baby girl who is searching her mother for brush her teeth before going to the bed. Khushi wiped her tears and came to lift her baby girl in her arm, when she bends down to take amritha she saw the photos in the hand. The photos of the arnav house event by looking at that khushi had so many questions. Slowly khushi sat down to the height of amritha and asked about how she got the photos?. Amritha happily said she got it from her friend , when khushi asked about the name amritha pouted and said she doesn’t know. Madhumathiji came and filled the details with arnav visit, and she also told, that boy has no manner about removing his shoes outside the house. All the rant madhumathiji giving about arnav didn’t enter khushi’s head bcz she understood what arnav revenge is, it’s amritha.


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