Chapter 14...

Rudra woke up earlier and he went walking by going out he ordered the servant to cook the breakfast as paro will not come for cooking. After returning from the walk he took the bath and came down, while crossing the paro's room he heard paro waking up ruki. He sends the servant to paro's room for make ruki bath. He finished the news paper and saw the servant lady coming down drenched in rain, her dress is fully wetted, ruki also followed the servant. Rudra smiled by seeing the poor state of the servant. He asked the other one to bring milk for ruki and tea for himself. He searched for ruki with the glass of milk in the hand, and then he saw her in the garden and talking to the birds in the cage. He went near the garden and saw dil doing yoga in the corner and ruki is still talking, he reached the cage and heard her speech toward the bird "shhh...mumma papa do yo yo, so shhh..."Rudra smiled and said "Hmmm so you're doing the watchman duty". Ruki turned and saw rudra standing with the milk glass, " uki stomach no ilk only kuu-kii" by telling that she ran inside.

Rudra sighed and said "both the mother and daughter talk too much" Rudra ran fast and carried her in his arm as like he did yesterday for paro but today he carried her to his room, It's their another little secret. 

Paro woke up late because of the tidiness. She was embarrassed to met dil because of the last night incident; she was thinking hard what both dil and aman will be thinking. She went to the restroom for brushing and woke up ruki for bath as it was late she has to go to office more work have to be finished only one day is remaining for the project. By day after tomorrow rudra will be singing this project, it's a great achievement and its give more profit for their company. After making ruki get up, she saw the servant and asked the reason. She didn't understand why he is treating her like this as if her hand is broken, its just a minor cut. Ruki showed all her work in the lady, usually paro will make her bath before her, so it's no problem if she gets wet also. She remembered once ruki sat in the tub with ted and asked paro to bath her ted also. She just goes crazy when it comes anything for ted. After ruki went down paro took the bath soon and was about to leave down she saw the breakfast ready and waiting for her in the bed. She very well knows who's work it will be, by that time she heard the knock in the door, "now what he has send?" by telling that she opened the door and shocked to see himself standing in front of the her room. 

Rudra entered the room and asked paro to sit on the bed as it was getting very late. He also sat opposite to her, from her eyes itself he can understand the confusion and also very eager to know what he is going to do. Rudra opened the plate and took the roti piece in the finger and started to feed paro. When he pushed the roti in her mouth paro was shocked so she forgot to close the mouth, rudra smiled and placed one more piece in the mouth. By the next second paro closed her mouth with her palm, she gave the deadly look to wards him and chewed the roti. Rudra found it to be so much adorable; she just looked like a kid having so many chocolate in the mouth.

He did not response to her glare; he took one bigger piece and stuffed in her mouth only. By 8 both left the house in the car. Paro saw him from the corner of her eyes because still she can't believe ruki drank the milk morning also in rudra hand and main think is she didn't trouble him. 

Both talked about the project, rudra mainly spoke to divert her attention from the road. Park looked out when the car stopped, when she saw the name hospital she looked at the rudra in deadly manner. "Rudra why you bought me here?, it's only a minor cut" said in a pleading tone. But rudra didn't mind it; he opened the door and reached the paro side for picking her up in the arm. He opened the door of her side and said" Get down or I will carry you". Paro looked around the parking lot she found it to be empty "take me back home or I will do karate "said in the same tone of rudra and also she did the one moment with her hand. Rudra gave the you-stupid-girl look and said "paro, you should keep your right hand above the left one and both the hands should placed in front of your cheats not above your head "paro didn't say anything she got down from the car and followed rudra but before entering the hospital she asked rudra to promise on one thing that she will stay with him till the late night for finishing the project work. Rudra just nodded his head because now he has to accept her conditions later he will deal with it. They both entered the hospital; the receptionist gave the dreamy look toward rudra.  A nurse came and took paro inside, before entering she saw rudra with the dull eyes, as if asking him also to come inside, rudra didn't say anything because he want to meet the doctor personally. Rudra went to met the doctor but he didn't enter the cabin because all the way he was thinking only about her look, it's her way of calling, she needs me, with that rudra went back to the paro room. 

Doctor was removing the cotton from the cut; they heard the door opening sound, paro smiled brightly by seeing rudra at the door step. He came and sat at the left side of her, doctor stated to clean the wound. When paro felt the sharp pain by applying the liquid she automatically griped rudra's lap, rudra took her hand in his hand for the support.
 Both looked in to their eyes deeply as if they can travel through the eyes and reached other once heart. They heard the doctor's voice and came back from the la la land. Doctor showed one small glass piece and said that the cut was little bit deeper so the glass was buried in the corner.  paro saw rudra and lowered her eyes. Rudra took the exit as doctor started to tie the cotton cloth. Both rudra and chief doctor were discussing about paro's matter, rudra explained how paro reacted by seeing the blood in her hand. "it may be happen on two ways 1) she was really allergy by seeing the blood, because some people faint by seeing the blood. 2) May be she had terrible incident which related to blood. We can find the reason but for that we need complete co-operation of paro" rudra was in deep thought by hearing the doctor words, how will she co operated? I don't want her to be known any of this, what i will do?. His thoughts was disturbed by the door opening, he saw paro entering. Doctor gave the bright smile and searched behind paro for someone, rudra gave the question look to the paro but paro smiled and said "doctor, ruki didn't come" doctor respond her by giving the bright smile and said "bring her next weekend, we have to give her vaccination and this time also she will come with her teddy huh? Why i am asking means i will prepare vaccination for teddy also, last time should not be repeated na? "

Both were returning to the office in the car and paro was telling why the doctor told like that. Last time when paro came for the check up ruki also came with them, "ruki was adamant that doctor should check teddy also because her teddy is not eating the cookie. The entire nurse was enjoying the poor state of the doctor when ruki asked some tablets for her teddy". Rudra and paro reached the office and went for the work, but rudra was not able to concentrate in the work he was thinking about the doctor words and the most important think is the glare which paro gave towards the receptionist when they are coming out, he felt so much happy by seeing little possessiveness in paro for him.

Lila was fuming in anger by seeing paro and rudra entering the office by the smiling face. All of her plan was getting spoiled by rudra or Aman up to date. She tried so many tricks in making paro get injure but all went in vain. Electric shock was fixed but the stupid power cut spoiled it. She poured the oil in the stairs to break paro's leg but Aman took her in the lift. She tried to ask about her past but it was spoiled but rudra's out burst. Lila also tried to flow paro to her home but paro leaves before all go out or after all left. All the people in the office know that paro is Aman little sister but no one had watched how rudra used to stare paro from his room or the way he talk to paro was completely different. At the last lila deiced to finish the paro chapter in the lift break down but that time also she escaped. lila filtered with the mechanic who came to see how the lift broke, she made it wise and escaped in the rudra's en-quire about the lift. No one in this world don't know that lila'd dad is the one of the close friend of dhilsher, who ran away from the Rajasthan by steeling lot of money from his close friend when he was facing the huge loss. Lila dad spent the money in the drink and gambling at the last they reached the street, lila dad used to tell that if she marries rudra means she will became queen of their havalie and lot more money than any ones imaginations she will have it. From the teen age lila started to dream about the money when her father died she came back to achieve her dream from that time onwards she is trying her level best in seducing rudra. At one stage she was very close in her goal but it was spoiled by a single phone call. She still remembers that incident which took place in one of the office party. she acted as if she was fully drunk and made rudra also to drink more, once he lost the scene she took him to the room, rudra removed her shirt and was about to remove his shirt at that time his phone rang and he was distracted, so she acted as if she was not willing and cried by covering herself with the hands. Her plan was flop but she gained the rudra's sympathy. Rudra still blame himself for the day which made lila ways little easy. Lila fixed her mind to kill who ever come in between her dream. 

Next coming: car travel and item song 

Ruki's Dictionary:                              
                             Shhh... means silentBig smile 

                             Yo Yo means YogaBig smile


              Quote of the day:

You are my reflection, when i cry you cry, when i laugh you laugh and when you die i also will die...


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