Chapter 22...

Paro gave the kiss in ruki's cheek and asked whether its paining ruki shook her head in no and said "mumma you good talk, i like you" both of them hugged and aman never thought that ruki can give the nice nose cut to the danger queen. Aman took ruki to show rudra's office. Paro was looking at ruki and thought how her daughter spoke very boldly and also gave the sweet comment about her dress, she is the best daughter. She saw ruki going out and paro also left the aman cabin to catch her back. Suddenly they heard ruki crying voice by calling ted. Rudra who was on the phone rushed out by hearing the ruki's shout. Aman was on the step to reach the rudra's office when suddenly ruki asked the ted and ran down towards the car. Aman was following ruki at that time paro also came out and dashed with aman, before they could steady them self they heard ruki's shout. Aman ran fast and saw ruki crying by hugging her ted, her whole body is covered by sponges. Paro took ruki in her arm and tried to console her, rudra rushed out and saw the damage which had happen to ruki's teddy and the first gift which he gifted for ruki. Teddy was torn in too many pieces and the leg and hands were lying at the different direction still the air is filled with sponges of the teddy. Rudra saw paro is trying to console ruki who is continuously saying "" ruki was weeping while speaking. Rudra could not take this he took ruki in his hand and said "ruki see...your papa here...don't cry my bachi, please bachi don't cry...i will get you new ted ok". By hearing new ted ruki stopped crying and looked rudra, her eyes and face were turned like a red chili, ruki said in between her weeping "mera... old...ted..." told and cried by showing the life less ted lying on the ground. Paro whipped the tears and came and took the ruki back she very well know that rudra will not be able to see ruki crying, so she took ruki for showing the garden so that she will stop crying. Rudra saw paro's tears and felt sharp pain in his heart; he can't see the both girls in his life crying. Paro showed the rose flower and told some story but ruki was thinking other think she thought how her ted was looking cute when her mumma papa kept the rose in ted's ear. 

Aman came near rudra and kept his hand on his shoulder, rudra asked how it happens then they saw group of boys screaming and playing in the road. Aman told "may be those boys have done, when i came i saw the door was opened, ruki can't open the door by herself..." Rudra went to kill those boys and he was pulled back and said "think before you do rudra, we have two girls by our side, those can do..." suddenly they heard ruki loud cry. "" said and started to weep. Rudra can't see this any more so he told "aman take paro and ruki to home i will come soon" by telling that he ran inside the office. 

It was 6 in the evening, it's been more than half day but ruki didn't stop the cry. When paro and ruki came home, ruki went and hugged dil and cried even more she told how her ted was lying in the ground. Dil tried so many ways to stop, for some time ruki will stop but the very next moment she will start to cry by remembering teddy. Paro saw the tears in the dil eyes; she also tried by giving other toy and talking to her slowly and telling story but nothing changed.  Chocolate and cookies were filled in the haveli by aman, he went to buy the same teddy nearby shop but to his bad luck there was none. He came back with Barbie doll and more no of chocolate and cookie; he showed them to ruki by seeing cookie she started to cry by telling her ted will give his share of cookie to her to eat. Paro was looking for rudra, paro's fear was what if ruki didn't stop the cry means she may get sick and worst may also happen so She stood up and faked her anger and shouted at ruki "stop being so much stubborn ruki, teddy is gone it will not come back try to understand..." by seeing her daughter paro stopped in between itself. Ruki had never saw her mumma behaving like that to her so when she looked the anger for her in her mumma eyes she covered her mouth by the both hands but her eyes are filled with unshed tears. Ruki stood up and ran past paro by shouting "mera papa". Ever one in the hall turned to see the door way there rudra was standing with the small basket and ruki is hugging his leg tightly more over that rudra's eyes were splitting the fire towards paro. 

Rudra went out from the office to the same shopping mall where he bought teddy for ruki. He went each and every shop but all gave the same answer that they don't have such teddy's. Rudra would have gone to other district or state also but the crying ruki face was coming in front of him so he rushed back to the haveli while coming he saw one pet shop suddenly he remembered the cartoon which ruki made him to see, schin chan. After getting the pet he drove fast and reached the haveli, while entering he heard the shout of paro towards ruki, by seeing the unshed tears in ruki eyes he came forward to stop but suddenly ruki saw him and hugged. This was enough for him no one has the rights to shout at ruki,his daughter, his little girl, his bachi by thinking that  more anger raised. He took ruki in his arm and walked to wards paro without removing the eyes contact. "DON'T YOU DARE TO RAISE YOUR VOICE IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER" rudra roared in anger the last word echoed in the haveli.
 Rudra made ruki to sit in his lap and he made himself comfortable in the sofa. Ruki cried more and said "mera". rudra controlled his tears and hugged her more closely.  Rudra slowly removed the pet from the basket and place in ruki's lap. Ruki who was hiding her face in rudra's chest felt some soft in her lap and so she removed her face and saw the cute little creature in her lap.

The pet made more comfortable by moving the body in ruki's lap which gave the twinkling sensation to ruki, after a very long day of cry ruki smiled. Ruki took the pet with her rosy hand and looked at her papa and asked "mera papa no ted" and pouted. Rudra felt much relief by seeing the smile in ruki's face but her question made the relief disappear, he told to ruki "this is your hero like schin chan has for him, your papa bought this for you, i didn't get ted anywhere" rudra told very politely. Ruki looked at one of the hero in her hand and other hero who made her to sit on his lap. Ruki took the pet near her mouth and gave the kiss, due to which pet opened her eyes and said "Meow". Ruki shot the glance again to the hero and rudra. Rudra was very much confused why her daughter is glancing him and hero continuously. Ruki placed the hero on her lap and  one hand at her fore head and another hand in the hip and shook in no and said "mera papa e-o meow... Meow... nahi, e-o bow...bow...". wow rudra felt like a idiot on that day he should have listened to ruki's words so that he will not have been bought cat instead of dog, he was much lost in her cute nonstop talk now it's time for him to suffer. Rudra looked sheepishly at ruki and ruki smiled by seeing the new face reaction of her papa. Ruki twirled his moustache and clapped her hand. Ruki took hero in her hand and told "i uki, you e"o, you mera ted no, you mera e-o, i give kuu-kii you give kuu-kii me, ok, me water you, me d-ess you..."she was nonstop telling hero about her rules and food habits to the replay hero told meow, rudra and all other felt relief. 

Ruki got down from rudra's lap and ran towards her mumma papa to show her new friend, ruki showed to aman and her mumma also but paro never left the eye contact from rudra. The very moment she saw the relief in rudra eyes she know her child stopped crying, the smile in his eyes told he is so much happy because his daughter is happy. On the other side rudra was staring paro, her dried up tears and the unshed tears in her eyes tells so many thinks to him, he want to bang himself very hard for talking those harsh words. How can he say those words, she has the full rights on ruki, rudra took one step towards paro but he was pulled back by ruki telling that her hero need cookie to eat. Rudra was dragged inside the kitchen by ruki he also went by seeing the paro's eyes which has happiness. Paro heard dil and aman telling sorry towards her she turned and said "trust me papa and bhyai, i am really happy by seeing a true father love for my daughter like me." 

Next coming: Paro share her past with rudraEmbarrassed

Ruki's Dictionary:

                              E-O means hero Big smile
                     means fearBig smile

                             Quote of the day

Mirror always reflects my heart...Embarrassed


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