Chapter 21...

Paro touched the cheek and smile by remembering the rudra's eyes which never left her for a second also, big blush appeared in the cheek which is indirectly kissed by rudra.  

Rudra came down after getting ready for the office as paro was already got prepared for the office. He came down and saw dil was also getting ready for going out. Ruki came near and spoke to rudra "mera papa today you go wo-k tomorrow i come, today i go out with mumma papa " telling that she turned to join her mumma papa who is waiting for her. But ruki was blocked by paro, "who told that you will be taken to office?" asked in a bold voice. Rudra was caught in between two girls. Ruki spoke with the same equal voice to her mumma "mumma you go always see god with mumma papa, why i no go see wo-k with mera papa?" paro was got in the bad situation, how can she tell her the fear about lila in the office, her evil eyes will harm ruki and what if ruki call rudra as papa in front of everyone then what all will think about rudra?. Paro thoughts was broken by dil's words "wow, my bachi got a good point...,i think she will became a good lawyer.". paro saw ruki going towards rudra, the very moment paro know that rudra will surely will say yes. Ya paro was right ruki asked "mera papa you no take me wo-k?" cutely and twisted her lips. Rudra gave the kiss in her cheeks and promised that tomorrow surely he will take her to office. Paro felt a pull in her wrist; rudra dragged her to car and made to sit till they reach the office paro was given a very big lecture by rudra about ruki. Paro was unable to believe that this the same jallad who spoke angrily to her but one thing is for sure if ruki and rudra were together then the life for other will be hell, for best example dil, he really suffered yesterday but both dil and paro were happy. Finally she heard rudra saying "don't worry paro tomorrow no one will be there in the office and ruki can play freely as like she want". Paro looked at rudra and thought how he knows that i am fearing about the staffs in the office. Rudra smirked by looking at the state of paro , he came close to her and pushed the plait of hair which is made to sleep at her back by showing her open dori. Rudra moved more close and paro moved back by hitting the closed window. Rudra pulled paro's waist with the heave force due to which paro dashed rudra's chest. Rudra looked at the shock face of paro and moved near her ear, he made the attempt as if he is about to kiss her but he tied the open dori of her chudi. When rudra finger touched her near paro gasped and clenched his jacket very tightly and she was biting her lips from calling is name maybe moaning his name. In the all she rested her head in his shoulder. Rudra was in a equal state like paro, he was very much aroused by seeing her bare back and the velvet skin was inviting him very badly. He controlled it and called paro but she was lost in the sweet torture which is given by rudra. Rudra don't want to wake her up he also want her to stay like this for a very very long time but he also know if they didn't come out from this state then surely  paro will regret for what happened later. He again spoke in her in a very sexy voice "paro i am done, if you want we can..." suddenly he was pushed back and paro was blushing while running inside the office. Rudra saw the place were paro sat and smirked.  Both didn't notice lila was fuming by seeing the hot romance which took place inside the car. All the office staffs looked at paro blushing face and followed by their whistling boss.

In the evening paro and rudra returned home, there they saw ruki and dil building the house with the blocks. Rudra went little forward and said "ruki see what i have bought for you?" ruki who was busily helping her mumma papa was over joy by hearing her papa voice and also by seeing the ice cream in his hand. Ruki stood up and dragged her teddy and ran towards rudra, by doing this ruki pushed all the toys and building to the ground and blocks were shattered everywhere. Paro came and stood between ruki and rudra. Ruki moved to the left side and paro also did the same and blocked her papa's view. Paro showed the mess which she made and want it to be cleared by now, ruki turned and saw the blocks shatter and she also looked up and called her papa for the help. Rudra understood his bachi need help and said "paro she is just a bachi..." paro turned around and faced rudra and said "oh really, then why cant you help her in cleaning and arranging the thinks back" with that she snatched the ice cream cover from his hand and went near dil, paro was more anger when rudra locked her in the car and went to buy two family pack ice cream for eating in the night. Rudra arranged all the coin in one place and saw his bachi trying to create something in her teddy's tummy. He looked up and saw dil and paro happily eating the ice cream by leaving them. Ruki went near rudra and asked "mera papa, un...un" rudra looked at her child and said "if we run then your mumma will surely make us bun". Paro asked what they both talking, rudra thought and replayed "paro get some water for me and ruki, i am very thirsty." He saw paro going inside the kitchen by keeping the ice tub in the table. Rudra signaled ruki and within a mint ruki took paro's tub and rudra snatched dil's ice tub and ran towards the stairs. They both heard there names were called very loudly.   
As like promised rudra took ruki to the office while leaving ruki gave the piece of advice to dil  "mumma papa uki go wo-k you good boy no come, i come soon, we play ...ok...bye" gave kiss to dil and sat in the car.

Paro made ruki to sit in her lap and kept the ted at the back seat. Both reached the office and ruki was welcomed by her ammu, by seeing aman ruki forgot to take her ted from the back seat. Rudra opened the back door to take teddy out because he very well know about ruki, while opening he heard ruki shouting who fall on the ground so rudra rushed to see ruki without closing the door. Ruki was place on the table in the aman's office. Ruki looked around and saw many computers and different thinks which made to forget her leg pain and teddy. Rudra went to attend the call in the office by leaving all the three down. Aman was explain all the things to ruki when they heard the door opening sound all saw a girl standing at the door step with the sexy dress. 

Lila had heard the phone conversation of rudra while she was going to his room, she thought he will be alone so she can come and do what every she want with him, but she never thought two of her enemy will be standing in front of her eyes. Lila quickly covered up by seeing the boiling paro. Lila looked at the cute little girl sitting on the table. Lila went near ruki and pinched her two cheeks with her hand by telling "sooo...sweet...who are you?". Ruki rubbed the cheeks which gave pain to her, immediately ruki hate the girl in front of her because all have given the kiss in her cheeks but no one had given the pain. Ruki stood up on the table in the anger by keeping the two hands in her hip, aman smirked he very well know it's going to very fun when ruki is in anger, so it's a day for Angery bird junior vs Danger queen of there office. "Me who"  ruki asked in the bold voice. By seeing the confusion look in lila's face paro told "she is ruki, rukmini my daughter" with the bright smile. Lila was shocked but covered up and said " your name ruki...cute name" lila said and came to pinch her cheeks again but before she could do ruki pushed her hand away and said "me ukmini, only mumma papa, mumma, mera papa, amau uki, you no uki, you ukmini."  Amans want to shower her baby doll with the chocolates and cookie. Paro never thought that her daughter is so possessive. All heard lila speaking "wow... she get so much anger, no doubt she is your daughter" by looking at paro. Paro was burning with the anger and she was about to open her mouth but before that they all heard ruki speaking. "i talk you, why you talk mumma? You no put d-ess good, you bad. Mumma good. You, i tell mera papa, mera papa will pinch you" said by showing the action of pinching with her hands. when ruki saw her mumma face is anger after lila speaking she can't see that so ruki burst in to fire and also ruki saw the shirt button in lila dress were removed, her mumma always said good girl dress properly but lila's shirt button is open. Lila lost her control and asked " much anger is not good for health baby. you don't know how to respect the elders? Why your parents didn't teach..." Paro cut her in the middle and said "watch your word Miss. Lila, i won't bare a single bad word against my daughter. What the hell are you doing her when the office is on the leave?" lila smirked and asked "what if i ask the same question at you?". Paro walk forward by the each step of lila's backward "its my duty, when boss is having the work, I HIS PA HAVE TO BE WITH HIM did you get that clearly Miss. Lila" lila fumed and went out, while going she heard ruki's clapping her hand for her mumma. Lila saw the car back doors is opened and were brown teddy is sitting. 

Next coming: Ruki cryied for whole day, paro shout at ruki and rudra burst out on paro "DON'T YOU DARE TO RAISE THE VOICE IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER"Cry 

Ruki's Dictionary: 

Shhh means silentBig smile
                               Fi-nd means friendBig smile
                               Bi-d means birdBig smile
ov...ov means pain Big smile
                      means fearBig smile

Quote of the day:

No more you and me, its only us.EmbarrassedEmbarrassed


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