Chapter 15...

Rudra still blame himself for the day which made lila ways little easy. Lila fixed her mind to kill who ever come in between her dream. 

It was 9pm paro is making ruki to sleep soon, so that she can leave to the office for finishing the work. Paro was making her heart to convinced that ruki will be safe; this is the first time paro leaving the ruki in the night. Dil promised to take care of ruki and he also asked to place ruki near him in his bead after she falls asleep. After lot of struggle paro made ruki to sleep and place her in the dil bed. Rudra left the house with paro after making sure that she took her tablet which was given by the doctor today morning as she was week. paro asked aman to take half day leave in the afternoon itself  as he had cold and fever.  When paro reached the office she made the call to enquire about ruki, after dil giving the positive answer she felt relaxed and started to work. 

Rudra was working in his room and often he made sure that paro is safe in aman cabin because they have only one system in rudra's cabin. It was 1am so rudra made the coffee for two of them and brought down for prao. He opened the cabin and saw the beautiful sight in front if his eves, he saw the cute angle sleeping by resting her head in the key board. He very well knows that she will fall asleep because of her tablet. He slowly moved near her and took her head from the key board and place in his heart then he slowly lifted her from the chair and made his way towards his apartment. He made her to lie down in the bed and place one pillow in her hand; paro hugged the pillow in the sleep very tightly and smiled. Rudra sat there and saw her beauty without blinking. He covered her with duvet. Rudra came out and looked around; he smiled and dialed the no. 

Aman came running to rudra's cabin, aman was in a deep sleep when he received rudra's calla and he asked him to meet immediately in the office. Aman drove his car fast and came because rudra had never called him like this. But now he is standing and rudra is sitting and sipping some nonsense from his cup. Aman made a cough to get the attention from rudra. Rudra looked up and gave the sweet smile, aman was taken aback by the smile because he had seen this smile in ruki only and that too she will give this type only when she done or going to do something very bad which ends in dil or his head. Aman came nears the table and gave the deadly glare to rudra after knowing the reason for the urgent phone call. "Take the coffee aman its still hot" rudra said by looking at aman. Aman replayed in the questions "still hot? Meaning?". Rudra stood up and said "actually paro came with me to work but she slept, i don't want to disturb her sleep so only...". aman can't believe his ears yesterday he and dil were talking about the incident took place in front of their eyes in the phone but what is happening now is unfair to him, he asked "you don't want to disturb her sleep, but what about my sleep?... you can disturb it huh? You know i still feel sleepy".  Aman saw rudra turning towards him and told which made him to open his eyes in wider

"i called you to come but i never expected you will come without your pants" aman bent his head and saw his leg, he got relive by seeing the pant in his body. Rudra smile and said "see now your sleep went, we can start the work. Good boy come...". "From where did you learn this kind of stupid jokes" asked aman in the angry tone." joke doesn't matter, your pant is the matter." Rudra said and Laughed wider while going out.  Aman replayed in a cool tone "it's not joke, its crap." Aman sat in the chair and drank the coffee while typing the text in mobile "your son makes good coffee but bad timing" after clicking the send button he said "father and son have the same comedy scene".

Paro wakes up by hearing her alarm tone and she see the place and wounded how she landed here, while thinking she heard the knocks in the door. Paro opened the door and found rudra standing in front of the door "rudra why you didn't wake me up, there is lot of work to do na?"She didn't allow rudra to speak itself she started shoot her questions. Rudra was just staring the morning beauty in front of him, his mind was full of one question only "how can anyone be this much beautiful in the morning?"His thoughts were disturbed by a hand waving in front of him, he came from his question and said  "you want answer or you want to go back home?"Without waiting a second paro replayed "on the way to the home, i want the answer".

Both sat in the car to avoid the paro's question rudra immediately switched on the radio. To his bad luck it played the item no's "Zara Zara... Kiss me... kiss me..." by hearing the song rudra eyes became wider. He changed the next channel and it played "Aiyyaaa" with complete moaning. He again switched to next channel it played "baby doll" in the anger he switched off the radio. Paro was seeing all this and from the first song she was controlling the laugh very hard but her control was last when rudra switched off the radio. She burst in to a big laughter. rudra saw paro from the corner of his eyes it's been more than 10 minutes and more than that after giving so may warning to stop the laugh paro was not stopping it. Rudra stopped the car and gave the deadly look to paro to stop the laugh for the last time, so she did what was asked long time back. He opened the door and lifted her from his seat. Paro gasped and refused but all went in the vain because of his Strong grip. "What you're , rudra leave me down, nothing happened to my leg then why are you carrying me" she said while struggling to free herself from his grip. "You only asked me to tell how you landed in the bed I am Just demonstrate ting it" said in the husky tone. Paro couldn't believe her ears she was just staring him, both reached the hall but they were still in the eye lock.

Ruki came out from the dil room in search of her mumma, when she woke up she found her mumma is missing so she came out and started to search. She saw dil doing yo yo so she didn't disturb him by asking about her mumma. When she came to the hall she saw her mumma in u-da hand. Ruki came near them and called "mumma" by hearing the ruki's voice both came back and rudra made paro to stand in her leg. Rudra looked around and found no one was watching so he went to his room. Paro hugged ruki and heard her story of searching her mumma. Then paro and ruki freshen up and came down for the breakfast. It was strict order from rudra that paro should not cook till her wound get cured. In the afternoon paro made the apple juice for all and gave, ruki was making hard time in drinking but after lot of struggle she had it. Paro saw rudra also completed the juice and she saw the white mustache above his black one. She signaled him to wipe it but rudra was not able to get it. Paro looked around and said "ruki after finishing the juice you should always wipe your lips". Dil was looking both of them for long time, he then said "paro stop telling to your growing child, tell this to my grown up child by slapping his head" and stated to laugh. Paro also laughed, but by seeing the rudra's glare towards her she stopped and went inside the kitchen to continue. Rudra gave dil the same look but he seemed to be not carrying it and now ruki also joined dil in laughing. Rudra moved out from the table by murmuring something under his breath.  

It was around 5 in the evening rudra heard some cute voice in his room, he slowly woke up from his sleep because yesterday night he didn't sleep so he slept after the juice. He looked at the direction of the sound, there he saw two people one is ruki and another one is her ted. Both sitting near the window and cookie jar is placed at the center of the window slap. Ruki was speaking to someone so rudra came little closer and saw who it was, ant. It was ant.
"Aaant takes you stomach no full" by telling that she broke more piece of cookie and put it near the ants path. Now rudra understood why his room is always visited by ants. "aaant shhh...u-da sleep" rudra smiled by her talk and by hearing the way she call ant made him to smile wider. Rudra stood up and took ruki in his hand and made his way to the bed. Ruki saw rudra standing in front of him and asked him to lift her and said "u-da sleep over". Rudra said yes and made her to pronounce the ant properly "aaant nahi ant". "aaant" again she said by stressing the a alphabet stronger. They both heard someone knocking the door so rudra quickly removed the cookie jar from that window.

Next coming: Ruki choosing a suit for rudra...and what comment he will get it for that????? from paroWink

Ruki's Dictionary: 
Shhh... means silentBig smile

                                          Quote of the day

The worst punishment in this world for me is seeing your face turning away from me...Cry


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