Chapter 19...

Paro looked shocked and want to dash both ruki and rudra's head together; she ate four cookies and only two spoon of health mix, if it continues ruki's stomach will be filled with cookie only. Paro shook her head and went out by telling "something can't be changed" she heard the big laughter coming from the kitchen which only increased her anger more but the small smile from her face didn't disappear. 

In the even paro and ruki was getting ready to go the hospital they heard dil calling them down, so both went hurriedly down. Dil was waiting for them and said to get inside the car. Paro eyes scanned for rudra because in the afternoon when ruki slept he went out but still he didn't return back home. After calling 3 times paro gave her attention towards dil. All three reached out with ted in ruki's hand. When paro opened the passenger seat to sit she saw rudra is sitting behind the wheel, she don't know why but she felt so much happy to see him her face glowed as 1000 Walt bulb. She saw rudra also having the same smile in his face both came out from the dream land by hearing the shout of dhilsher. Rudra gave only one replay for his n number of question "i am driving". Both father and son sat at front and both mother and daughter sat at back seat, the drive was not at all silent both dil and ruki was speaking and speaking. On the other side both paro and rudra were stealing the glance of each other. Finally they reached the hospital all got down and went inside except dil. Dil searched for the perfect face person to execute his next plan.   

Rudra and paro went inside the doctor's cabin to have a injection but they were told to wait outside and nurse will come and do it. Dil looked around and got one ward boy who is looking cute and gave some money to him and said few thinking to tell in front of paro and rudra. Dil saw both coming out of the room, so he moved to the corner to hide and asked the ward boy to go and speak. The ward boy went near them and saw ruki standing near paro's leg with her ted. He went and kneels down before ruki and said hi. Rudra saw him and instantly he hated the ward boy. He came front and pushed paro behind him securely and took ruki in his hand. Rudra gave the devil look to the ward boy, by seeing rudra's glare ward boy forgot the dialog which was told by dil. To escape the situation he looked ruki and said "oh this is your papa and mumma. Cute family bye" by waving the hands he went may be ran away. 

Dil who was standing at the corner opened his mouth wider by hearing the opposite dialogue, he asked the boy to praise the paro and rudra pair in front of them so that rudra will take paro in his arm and move but here happened exactly opposite to that. He slowly came near paro and rudra who was in the same shock as like him.

Ruki heard the ward boy dialogue and was thinking deeply, her mumma has papa and now she is also going to have papa. She thought how her mumma will go and talk and give food to mumma papa and mumma papa will used play and laugh and do all thinks with her, now she also has papa for her own and he will also do what her mumma papa do. Ruki was super exited and her happiness has no boundary. Rudra, paro and dil were shocked to hear what ruki told "u-da mera papa" told with most beautiful smile in her face. Ruki turned around and saw dil standing in front of her so she called him and said "mumma papa see mera papa". Ruki hugged rudra by throwing her little hand around rudra's neck. Both paro and rudra looked each other without speaking; the shock was well shown in their face. Paro thought that what rudra will do now will he ask to stop calling him like that? or he will accept it? But her heart told the second option is true. Rudra was thinking deeply what paro will tell him what if she stop ruki from calling as papa?. Dil was worried some much he never thought to create such thought in the little girls heart like this, if rudra said no means ruki will be more upset. All the three failed to see and hear the nurse calling them, so nurse saw ruki who is hugging the tall man she just took the injection and injected in ruki's hand. By hearing the loud cry of ruki all three came back to the sense. Rudra automatically hugged ruki who is crying very badly, rudra gave the deadly glare to the nurse and turned around. Rudra slowly made ruki to face him but when he saw ruki's tear he felt as if his heart is stabbed by sharp knife. These many day rudra used to run away when ever he see the ruki's dull face, now he understood it's not the dull face it's the tears. He can't see the tears from ruki's eyes so only he hide himself from them, some were deep in his heart ruki made him to remember his past and lost childhood. Ruki cried by clenching rudra jacket and said "mera papa...ov...ov...ov"  rudra almost had the tear in his eyes he took ruki again in his shoulder and said "papa is here na, i will not leave you in pain, see it will go away" and he wiped the injected area with his finger. Rudra took ruki out by talking to her in soft and loving tone.

Dil and paro was standing like a pillar and watching how rudra called himself as papa and he gave the killing thread to the nurse. Paro looked the nurse and said sorry for his behavior the nurse smiled and told "i can understand the father's love, it's ok madam" and took the exit. Dil and paro sat at the table for a long time both were involved in their own words. After seeing the darkness through the window dil called paro from her deep thoughts "what you're thinking beti?". Paro without lifting her hear she spoke "thinking about rudra's anger". Dil smiled and said "so your thinking about his anger and not thinking about how to stop ruki from calling papa?" paro shocked to hear it, ya it was true she was thinking about rudra only , ruki's thought was slipped from her mind. "Papa actually..." she saw dil smiling and heard "it's ok beta, everything will be fine come i was just joking to make you stress free" and paro went out in the search of rudra and ruki. There they saw rudra walking in the garden with ruki in his shoulder. Rudra is patting the ruki's back which made her to sleep peacefully. By seeing this paro remembered the nurses word "fathers love".
Rudra came out to the garden he was making ruki to stop the cry because her cry made him to cry. After the long cry and soft words ruki slept in the rudra's shoulder. In her sleep also she called him mera papa, which made rudra to smile. Rudra saw dil and paro approaching him, he turned and wipes his tears and faced them. Paro went near rudra to take ruki back in her arm but ruki was clenching rudra's jacket tightly, when she was lifted from rudra's shoulder ruki said in her sleep "mera papa" and rudra immediately replied to her call "'s ok...papa is here only shhh..." and made his grip tighter. Paro and rudra looked each other and then paro nodded her head. dil made his way to the driving seat by getting the key from rudra. The drive was silent no one spoke anything or they even didn't look others face. So many questions raised in paro and rudra's heart.

After reaching home rudra went to his room with ruki, he slightly made her to lay in the bed and tried to remove her hand from his jacket, but ruki didn't leave it, so he also lay down by keeping ruki above his chest and slightly caress her hair. Paro went to the kitchen to prepare dinner and dil was waiting for rudra to come down so that he can have few words with him. Dil waited for long but there was no sign og rudra so he went up to rudra room, there he saw rudras was sleeping with ruki, her hand still in his jacket. Dil smiled and went down to give assurance to paro about rudra. After eating dinner dil went to his room. Paro sat in the dining table and was thinking what dil said to her, dil told that his son had changed as a good father because of the ruki. Paro arranged the plates for food and went to call rudra. She has to ask him, her fear was what will be the answer yes or no.

Rudra know that his father made an appearance to his room, now he is thinking how to face paro. What will she tell if i ask her? Yes or no, while thinking that he heard the knock in the door. Rudra slightly took his jacket from ruki hand and place some pillow near her for safety. He saw paro looking at him with the tensed face. He moved inside and gave way for her to get in but she refused it and asked him to come down. Rudra followed paro to the dining table, he saw her taking to plates that means she also didn't eat and more over that she waited for him. He smiled and took the plate and started to eat. He saw paro also eating but without looking at him. He took the deep breath and said "paro, look at me...hmmm...i want to tell you something" he can clearly see the tense and rise for her heart beat. Rudra waited of sec and told "paro i asked the people who lived near ruki', they told me that ruki was given all the vaccination and drops perfectly till the date. So don't worry." He said and left the place he was unable to say the word ruki parents so he changed it as house, he heard the sound from back of him, ya she has followed him back. He closed the tap and looked at her, she has the question look in his face but he didn't mind that he went close to her and said "paro...cannn...i some think..." He can't say it by seeing her face his words were jammed in his throat. He closed his eyes and said "can you give permission for ruki to call me as papa?" he completed it in a single breath. He waited for her replay but her mouth didn't open only the tears were flowing and followed by nodding her head in yes. A small smile appeared in her lip, rudra felt relief. He wiped her tears and told her to go and sleep as it was very late. 

Paro was standing in the same place where she and rudra had a little talk. She never thought rudra will ask the permission, she very well know that rudra want ruki to mingle with him but she never thought he will be wishing this, a papa state for him and that to from ruki. When rudra told her about the ruki's parent she felt over welcomed, he had searched and the answered for question which she had not asked him and when he asked the permission she was unable to control her tears of joy, which flowed without the warning. Paro heard the door closing sound and went to her room with the milk for ruki. When she entered her room there she saw ruki sleeping at the center of the bed and surrounded by the pillow wall. She smiled and went to wake ruki up.


Next coming: Rudra and Ruki turn as a Trouble maker for Dil and ParoLOL 

Ruki's Dictionary: 
Shhh means silentBig smile
                               Fi-nd means friendBig smile
                               Bi-d means birdBig smile

ov...ov means pain Big smile

Quote of the day:

My princess want to wake up soon and give me good morning Good bye sleepEmbarrassedEmbarrassed


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