Chapter 20...

Paro heard the door closing sound and went to her room with the milk for ruki. When she entered her room there she saw ruki sleeping at the center of the bed and surrounded by the pillow wall. She smiled and went to wake ruki up.
Next morning paro was working in the kitchen suddenly she heard the big laughter of ruki, from the sound itself we can tell she is laughing whole heartedly. Paro went in search of her there in the garden she saw ruki clapping her hands, jumping and shouting bye...bye and that to by looking at the sky. Rudra was standing near ruki and smiling by seeing ruki's laugh. the red face of dil was visible from the distance also. Paro looked up and saw bird flying in the distance; it was the same bird in the cage which is dil's friend. Dil came and asked rudra why he left the bird out to his question ruki replayed "mummma papa me ask mera papa to bi-d fly, say bye bye to bi-d mumma papa" rudra gave the i don't care look and took ruki inside, how can he deny his bachi  ruki's 1st wish from her papa. In the breakfast table, paro was serving roti to dil and rudra was having his coffee. Ruki as usual sat at the center of the dining table and looking at her mother. Ruki stoop up and went near the bowl of roti and took one from it and place it in the rudra plate. Paro saw her walking on the dining table and shouted what doing for that the shocking replay came "you give mumma papa food, me give mera papa food" all three was in a shock and rudra was really in a shock, he called ruki and made her to sit near his plate and told he will do it by himself and she can play. While eating ruki asked rudra to make her ted also fly like the bird. Dil smile and said "now its my son's turn to suffer". Rudra tried so much to convince ruki that he can't but she was adamant at last he said "ruki then your ted also will not come back to you like the bird and you have to be sitting like your mumma papa" ruki looked at dil and said "mera papa no ted fly, uki ok, ted ok. I ted always" and hugged the ted tightly. rudra gave the victory smile by looking at dil. Rudra was sitting in the sofa and working in his lap, today he took off from the work because he want to spent the time with ruki. Paro came and gave the juice for rudra from the morning she is watching both daughter and father, they are turning the housed upside down. Paro was about to go back she heard the ruki shout, rudra closed the laptop and rushed to lift ruki from the ground who had fallen down by the chair nearby her, paro stopped him from going by pulling his hand back towards her. Rudra gave the question look and paro replayed "she should learn to stand up by her own, we will not be there to help her all time rudra". They were standing an inch away from each other paro was still holding his hand in her.  With the free hand rudra touched her flawless skin in the cheek while pushing the hair which is falling from her temple. Both lost in each other eye, them came to the scenes by hearing ruki voice. Rudra removed his hand and paro also did the same they turned and saw ruki talking to chair which pushed her down "you push down uki, i tell mera papa. Mera papa will, me see me smile" [you pushed me down, i will tell my dad and he will fear you and i will see that and laugh] by saying that she ran away. Paro also followed her to check whether she got injury or not. Rudra was standing in the same place by seeing the chair, ruki believe me so much what i did which made her to likes me so much. When i was a child my whishes are blown away in the air but it will not happen to ruki, i will fulfill all her whishes. She is my bachi, only mine suddenly his heart felt a joy, is this feeling of having a child.  A small smile turned in to a big one by realizing that he is a father now. Paro came back and saw the chair missing; she went and asked the servant about that "rudra sir only told to throw that chair in the store room" paro was sure one day whole haveli is going to be locked in the store room because of father and daughter.
In the evening rudra and ruki was watching cartoon by leaving the fuming dil aside. It was time for dil to see the yoga section in the tv, but today rudra and ruki occupied the tv before dil. Paro saw dil in anger so she asked him can he joint her for the temple. Both left the house by leaving the one growing child and grown up child to watch the tv. Ruki was telling rudra about her favorite cartoon character to rudra. "mera papa see e-o" said by jumping in his lap rudra looked and the tv and understood it's a small white creator and the name is hero.

"mera papa sin-chu and e-o, f-ind..." she is explaining all the people to here papa rudra was only admiring the animated talk of ruki.  "Mera papa you do wis" said by showing the tv. There the shin-chan and all his friend was trying to whistle, but no one was getting it. Rudra looked and ruki , who was expecting him also give one whistle. Rudra tried the whistle but it dint come. Ruki pouted and said "mera papa no do wis". Rudra felt helpless and said "your papa will do it tomorrow. Promise" ruki smiled and hugged rudra.

In the night paro served food for all and sat with them to have her dinner. From the evening paro was watching rudra, he was trying to do some noise but don't know what it is. Paro gave milk for dil before going to the bed, ruki was adamant and said "why you give mumma papa ilk, why mera papa no ilk". Dil was so much happy by thinking there were two people to take care of his son. Ruki came inside rudra room with a glass of milk for him When he asked the sudden milk for him to paro, but paro fumed and went out. From the morning ruki was imitating her each and ever action which she dose for dil.  Rudra asked ruki the reason "mera papa me take ilk to you, mumma take ilk to mumma papa. I no ilk, i ask mumma kuu-kii mumma boo-boo me" rudra smiled and took ruki with him and opened the cupboard for their secrete items. After seeing ruki sleeping he took her to paro's bed room to make her sleep near her mother.
Next day morning paro woke up and looked around for ruki but she was missing, she very well know that rudra made ruki to sleep near her and gave a small peak in ruki's head while going out of the room.  She went down and saw both rudra and ruki in the garden sitting at the center of the big mess. Toys and kitchen set were spread everywhere and gum, paint brush, so many paint colors, stickers and small small toys were laying in the ground. Both were making hell of noise. Paro went near them and asked why they are shouting like this and what they are doing. "mumma no disb uki and mera papa. B-ing coff to mera papa and kuu-kii to uki" paro opened her mouth in wider by hearing ruki's order. Rudra winked at ruki and gave the whistle to paro. Now paro saw rudra by her round eyes, this was the noise she was hearing whole night. Dil came and pulled paro inside and said "now only you came here but they both came here by 7, they didn't allow me to do yoga also shouting, as if seeing the cricket match. Rudra was whistling and ruki was clapping for that...i don't know what taste both of them have" said and sat to read the news paper. In the evening both rudra and ruki came inside the house from the garden with the big doll house. The doll house was indeed beautiful with blue color. Paro came and saw the two people standing in front of her. Ruki dress was messed with the all colored paint and her face had a mustache like rudra, rudra was also equal to ruki his dress and face was full of paints and a toy was resting in rudra's hair. Paro smiled and came near rudra to take away the toy from his head, she asked whose choose to paint blue color, rudra smile and nodded his head, he very well know paro's favorite color was blue so was his. Both went to freshen up and slept earlier due to the heavy mess done from the morning.
In the early morning rudra woke up and was getting ready for the morning jog, he never thought it will be more fun to annoy his dad with ruki. He was really enjoying the replay ruki gave to paro and dil, she made him to feel special as like her mother did. When he came down saw ruki secretly going to the kitchen with her ted. He followed her and saw how she pulled one small chair and stood on that and trying to take cookie jar. Rudra lifted her from the chair so that she can easily reach the jar, ruki gave the cute smile by showing her front two teeth. "mera papa why no you yo yo?" asked while sitting in the chair with the cookie jar in the hand "because your papa go for running" " come uning?" asked innocently. After getting permission from paro rudra took ruki out. 

Paro was waiting for both of them to return home, its been 3hr they went out. Ruki didn't brush or didn't take bath also. She made breakfast for rudra and health mix for ruki. By compulsion of dil she had breakfast with him, dil said "both will be enjoying but other will be in big trouble". Paro looked at the time it showed 10.30 and she went to open the door for them. She folded her hand and stood in front of them with the angry face. Rudra was having ruki in his arm and ruki was holding a bunch balloons in her hand and ted were in rudra's other hand. Paro looked both and asked the reason for the late. Both looked each other and rudra made ruki stand on her feet and said "ruki and me are very dirty so we will go and freshen up and come." he moved past her with ruki. Paro was really angry she was not getting the answer for her question and she was about to talk but was stopped by rudra's word "actually paro we both ate outside, need..." he was forced to stop by her loud sound "what????????? Ate outside" her eyes pooped out and face turned in to red due to the anger. Rudra was looking at her his gutter mind worked how it will be the red color due to blush and her open mouth invite me to close with the help of mine. Ruki saw her mummma is in she know how to make her mumma clam down, so she went towards paro and pulled paro to her level. Ruki looked at the rudra and then kissed paro in the cheek and said "mera papa come kiss mumma, mumma no" paro was kneeling down in the ruki level and her mouth wide open, she very well know if her daughter kiss means she will melt by using that ruki tricked out. Paro saw rudra coming towards her, now her eyes were in the ball size. Rudra smirked and came near ruki, who was standing between paro and rudra. Rudra bent down and gave the kiss in ruki's cheek without removing the eye contact from paro and said "ruki give your dad's kiss to your mumma, because your mumma is too shy to get it from me" with that he left to take bath with the big smile in his face.  Ruki gave the kiss in her mumma cheek and went to play. Paro touched the cheek and smile by remembering the rudra's eyes which never left her for a second also, big blush appeared in the cheek which is indirectly kissed by rudra. 

Next coming: Ruki giving nose cut to lilaLOL

Ruki's Dictionary: 

Shhh means silentBig smile
                               Fi-nd means friendBig smile
                               Bi-d means birdBig smile
ov...ov means pain Big smile
                      means fearBig smile

Quote of the day:

Blushing is the one of the way of telling that i have someone for me...Embarrassed


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