Chapter 16...

"aaant nahi ant". "aaant" again she said by stressing the a alphabet stronger. They both heard someone knocking the door so rudra quickly removed the cookie jar from the window. 

Paro was searching ruki every place in the havile but she found to be no were. While crossing rudra room she heard the conversation of the both so paro went down to make tea for rudra and milk for ruki. After preparing she came and knocked the door and opened it. There she saw rudra sitting with ruki on his lap, both gave the cute smile as if they are ready to run away at any moments. Paro gave the tea and asked ruki to come so that she will feed milk to her. Ruki said no and "mumma me full stomach with u-da you go" paro gave the question look to rudra but rudra rolled his eyes and searched for the perfect way to sent par out. "paro you go i will make her to drink and ask someone to send some snacks for me, my stomach make sound" paro saw rudra as if he is an alien. Rudra unknowingly spoke like ruki thus ended in paro laughing by seeing that ruki also laughed. Rudra admired her laughter and made the picture of that through his eyes and registered in his heart. Rudra felt relive when paro went out from the room, if any time paro comes to know about their little secret then that will be the last date for both of them. 

Paro came back after 30min and saw ruki glass was empty and more over that it is washed. Rudra saw the shock look in paro's face but he turned his head in other direction as if he didn't see her. Paro gave the samosa to rudra and some cookie to ruki. Ruki got the plate for her and asked "mumma ted no kuu-kii why?"  prao know what's her child plan is so she said "ted won't eat cookie and it didn't ask me". Ruki bought ted near her ears as if ted is speaking to her and after some time ruki told paro "mumma ted ask kuu-kii, give na" . paro shook her head in no and said "your ted didn't ask me, it asked you only so you give your cookie, i will not give". Rudra was enjoying their normal fight, ya all the day it will be like this only. He heard ruki saying "ted you eat my kuu-kii, you good, me good, mumma bad"

rudra closed his mouth by using his palm before paro see him laughing. Paro was just staring ruki but ruki was busily talking with her ted "mumma ted tell kuu-kii no and tell uki to eat" paro gave the week smile, today its her teddy but the other days it will be the bird or her Barbie doll or flowers in the garden. Ruki and cookie always can be seen together. 

Paro saw rudra was controlling himself to stop his laugh, she saw how beautiful he looks when he smile. Her thoughts came back when she saw rudra was staring at her, paro lowered her eyes and said "rudra you can take rest, i completed the work" . rudra looked amused by her words work over "how? And did you go to office alone?". The anger was visible in his face so paro quickly replayed "no no, actually i came to your room for checking at that time is saw your laptop with the half work done, so i took that out and completed the job." Rudra looked at her nodded his head, he found so much beauty in her when speak nonstop. Paro took the exit while rudra trying the phone to aman. Rudra felt some pull in his hand while talking to aman, he looked down to see ruki calling him to give the phone to her, he gave the phone and  she started to speak in the phone "hel-ooo Ammu, how you. Mumma said you aachuuu. How is aachuuu" (hello aman how are you, mumma told that your having cold, how is your cold). "Me nahi baby doll, me uki" said in the anger tone because aman used to call her always baby doll. "aamu, me no baby me uki and doll nahi ted" rudra was seeing the cute little talk, how she walk with his phone in one hand and teddy in the other hand. He kept on looking ruki with some eagerness but ruki went out by speaking. He closed his eyes because the tiredness over ruled him, he felt some soft hand covering him with the duvet and switching off the light. 

Next morning rudra is getting ready to sign the deal; he was searching for his phone at that time he remembered ruki was having it. He was about to go out and ask he saw the door opening and ruki peeping in with her ted. Rudra smiled and took her in his arm and placed her in the bed. Ruki gave the cell to him which he took happily from her hand. Rudra opened the cupboard for his jacket at that time he heard ruki calling him he turned and asked her the reason to which she asked him to lift her in his arm. "u-da mumma no wo-k? Why you wo-k?"  Rudra smile and said "i have little work and will return soon" Rudra was searching for his black color jacket and ruki was busily searching some other think in his cupboard. Suddenly ruki pulled some cloths which made rudra to help her in removing out from the hanger. He saw it was a black three piece coat, which his father had bought for him when he started the new business, but he never touched or removed the cover from the coat. He was about to replace it back but he was stopped by ruki. "u-da you put, it good" said in a cute voice. Rudra was not able to refuse her because its first time she is asking him for himself and he also don't want to hurt the little heart. He thought for some time and said "ruki this is old, very bad. U-da no no" ruki shook her very fast in no. rudra tried all the way to convince but nothing changed ruki. His cursed himself for allowing her near the cupboard and took the dress to from her hand.

Paro was making the dining table ready for the breakfast and eagerly waiting for the ruki and rudra to come. Suddenly she heard the sound in the stair and looked up there she saw a beautiful pair. Rudra was looking extremely hot in his black coat and he was holding ruki's hand and helping her to get down in the stairs. It looked like a ramp walk for the hot males;. She heard dil speaking "is this my rudradev? Or someone is inside him?" rudra gave the angry look and said "shut up dhilsher". Dil smiled and said "ya ya he is my son only, nothing is went inside him." Rudra was seeing paro from corner of his eyes as if expecting some comments. Paro was still not in the steady state by seeing him and rudra sat near paro purposely. Dil looked both and asked paro "paro you tell me how he look?" paro absent mindedly said the word which her heart told "beautiful". Dil smiled proudly by seeing how his trick worked and rudra was smiling inside by hearing the sweet comments from her mouth. Paro felt embarrassed in front of all and she ran inside the kitchen by telling the stupid excuse. 

Rudra had the breakfast and waited for paro to come out but she didn't come, so he stood up by making more noise from the chair indirectly telling her that he is leaving. He went near the ruki and looked around to see anyone watching him or not after making sure that no one is there he gave a kiss in the ruki's cheeks. Ruki also smiled and returned the kiss to him. Paro was watching all this from inside the kitchen after he went paro came near ruki and gave the kiss and said "thank ruki for doing like i said" paro remembered how she saw the coat in his cupboard while keeping his cloths. She instantly liked it so she asked ruki to make him wear coat for making the deal. Paro failed to notice a pair of eye watching her from the back.

Rudra went to the office he asked paro not to come because today that filter guys will be coming. He entered the office and watched the shock and admiring look in all the face, he mentally thanked ruki for making him to wear this. The deal was signed and he also got more appreciation from them also, it was good that aman was not here if he was here means he will be roasting me in his teasing. Rudra went back to the home he no longer wish to be in the office, no paro and aman made him feel lonely. He heard the knock in the door, he very well know who it will be, lila. He saw her entering and greeting him, she came and sat near the edge of the table were rudra was sitting. Rudra stoop up and asked the reason for the visit. Lila came near him and took his hand and placed near her cheeks. Rudra removed her hand and he slowly moved his hand to clench her neck, he did it very tightly and said "look here lila, i gave the warning so many times because on that day, fault was mine, so i controlled myself but here after one more time you misbehaving will not be tolerated, i will throw you out". With that he pushed her to the ground and moved out from the cabin. 

Rudra was driving the car and suddenly remembered something so he turned the car and went to the super market. He bought one big bar of chocolate for ruki, he smiled and said "it will be good to see paro's reaction". He reached the home and saw ruki trying to reach the cookie jar which is kept at the center of the table. He came closer to her and gave the chocolate to her, ruki was trying to pronounce the name but full word didn't reach it only came "chociii". Rudra smiled and went to change the dress. When he was about to come out he heard paro shouting ruki's name so he rushed down to see what the matter is, there he saw paro standing in front of ruki who is sitting and eating or bathing herself in chocolate.

Paro was super duper anger and asked who gave her chocolate, before rudra could move out from the place he header his name said beautifully "u-da" he saw ruki seeing him and smiling by showing her front two teeth which is fully covered with chocolate. He slowly saw the people giving him deadly look, paro and dil. Paro was in a completely destroying mood, so before she can speak rudra spoke "it's only chocolate paro nothing will happen" he said in a normal tone. "Nothing will happen? Who told you that? Her teeth will be gone rudra" said in a anger tone she really can't believe this rudra is supporting ruki for eating chocolate. "come on paro, any way teeth is going to fall down only, she has two teeth that to in the front so nothing will happen" said in naughty tone, he never that paro will be reacting like this, he thought the fight will be between mother and daughter, but now its reversed. Dil saw both fighting nonstop his son was right on that day, he used nice trick to shut paro mouth by lifting her in his arm. Dil coughed to gain the attention, he saw ruki who is nonstop in eating chocolate. Dil looked at paro and asked "pro are you anger that he didn't give the chocolate to the real person who is actually behind the coat" dil was right paro closed her mouth in embarrassment. He smiled and went inside by thing how he accidentally heard the morning talk with ruki.

Next coming: Dil speaks about his past to paro...Smile

Ruki's Dictionary: 
Shhh... means silentBig smile
                               chocii means chocolateBig smile
                               wo-k means workBig smile
                               hel-ooo means helloBig smile
                               aachuuu means coldBig smile

                                             Quote of the day

Please don't close your eyes because i see my life in them...EmbarrassedEmbarrassed


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