Chapter 18...

Rudra was sitting in the distance and watching scene how easily ruki mingles with all. He got up and went out by telling some work. 

Paro was watching rudra from the morning, she could not understand his reaction and she very well knows that he is not having any work. His eyes tell something but she was not able to get what it was, whenever he looks ruki with someone his eyes show unknown reaction. Paro went and joined with them in the game but her mind was fully disturbed by rudra. Lunch time passed by but rudra didn't return. Aman took his leave in the evening and dinner was also ready but rudra didn't turn up. Paro was very restless because there was no phone call from him; her fear was what if he drinks gain. She heard the car sound at the 9pm. She saw him entering the house with the big box in his hand. He went straight to ruki and gave the box, he arranged all in front of ruki. Ruki was eagerly seeing what her u-da had bought for her; suddenly she saw the one big toy is beating the other one.

Ruki stood up and shouted "mumma papa" and ran in to dil hand who was sitting nearby. Dil took her in his arm and shouted at rudra "first throw that out" dil walked out from the hall to the garden because ruki was in fear. Rudra was looking at the direction were they both went; he turned by hearing his name called by paro. She went near him and said in a low tone "rudra girls baby wont like this type of toys, it's for boys". Rudra just said "oh.." and went to his room by taking all the robot in his hand. 

Paro got what his eyes expressing, it's longing, longing for ruki's love. Ruki used to like every one because they also used to talk with her a lot. She is a big chatter box. Dil and aman will make her laugh by telling all sort of stories, so she was so close to them. But when it comes to rudra he never talks, most of the time he speak only two or three words with her, so ruki also speak very less. "Rudra took one step forward to develop the relationship and now it's my turn to make ruki to take two step" paro was thinking deeply how to make it.  She went to the garden and saw ruki almost stopped crying. Ruki had never seen this kind of toys and character in the tv so when she see someone different beating and that to with the great sound she feared and started crying. Paro took ruki in her arm and went inside her room by telling good night to dil.
Rudra was lying in his bed; he saw the fear in the little eyes. It killed him, how stupid of me to buy such a terror toys for small girl. Rudra always want ruki to behave with him like she behaves with dil and aman. Ruki laughs and talk a lot with them but when it come to him she only sit near him and talk very little. He itself doesn't know when he started to long for both mother and daughter. Today in the morning also he felt lonely when ruki ran away from him to aman, so he went to his apartment to divert his mind. While returning to home he saw the toy shop and his mind went how ruki like aman's gift so he went to buy one for ruki. When he went inside he had a big confusion "What he should buy so that ruki will be talking to him like she dose with all?". He saw one boy begging his dad to buy the fighting robot as it was new version, so he bought that by thinking how ruki going to thank him but every think went totally opposite. For a second also his mind didn't think what a girl baby loves because he doesn't have any experience with girls. His thoughts were disturbed by the knock in the door, he thought it will be paro but to his surprise it was ruki. Ruki entered the room by calling "u-da".

Rudra switched on more lights and saw ruki was dragging one basket with her and reached near the bed. Rudra placed her and the basket in the bed and he also sat near her. He saw the basket and removed her ted from them and saw it which is full of food for him. "u-da me so-y, i no like ov... Ov... ov..., it bet that, i boo...booo. so un...un, i like you but i no like that" said and showed the robot. [rudra me sorry, i don't like pain that toy beat the other toy so it will be in pain and i feared of that, so only ran away, i like you but i don't like that toy]   rudra was over welcomed and hugged ruki, he don't know why the tear came but he knows that ruki likes him so much, he thanked paro for understanding him and sending ruki to his room. Rudra wiped the tears and faced ruki and asked "you like me ruki?". Ruki went and sat in his lap and said "i like you so much u-da, you vvv good boy"  she twirled his mustache and smiled. Ruki took the plates out from the basket and rudra also joined with her, rudra bought the cookie jar for ruki and both in silent's. Ruki looked around and asked "u-da why you no talk, mumma papa, ammu ,mumma talk to me why you no talk to me". Rudra stopped eating and was looking at ruki now he understood why she is not behaving to him like that, it's his fault not her. Ya she talks too much and ever one also talks too much except him; he mentally kicked himself and smiled. He said "i am sorry ruki here after i will speak lot like you. Ok" ruki nodded her head and gave the kiss in his checks. After finishing the dinner  Rudra drooped the basket in the kitchen and ruki in her room, he bend down on his knees and said loudly so that paro who is standing inside the door can also hear him "say thanks to your mumma for making your wonderful speech and food" and then he gave the kisses in her cheeks.

Next day morning paro was cooking breakfast for ever one as it was Sunday and leave for all the labors. Her mind automatically went to yesterday night incident, a small blush appeared by hearing the rudra words at her door step. she was waiting for rudra to come down so that she can see how much he is going to try in speaking. No one can win ruki in blabbering. Then she remembered the doctors call about bringing ruki in the evening for the vaccination. She was repeatedly thinking about that so she missed dil voice behind her. Dil came and said ruki is calling her and went to the table. Paro came out and saw her baby trying very hard to pull the cookie jar towards her, she smile and pulled the jar and gave it to ruki. Dil was watching this and asked in the surprise "paro is my bachi did any good think today?" paro looked amused by the question and said "no papa but why asking?". Dil smiled and said "because you gave the whole cookie jar to her, i am sure my bachi did some good job, so only you are giving her treat" paro just smiled and again said no. paro told dil about the visit to hospital in the evening and said her mind pricking matter "papa, i don't know whether they gave polio drops and other vaccination to ruki or not". dil thought for the minuet and replayed "don't worry bet i also will come with you to the hospital and will have few words with the doctor about this matter" paro saw ruki eating the cookie with her ted and smiling by seeing her mumma.

Rudra came down after freshen up, while coming he saw ruki trying to take the cookie box but to his surprise paro helped her and gave the jar in ruki's hand. He understood from the dil question that why paro gave the jar to ruki, he smiled and was about to reach the down stairs he saw paro sharing her doubts. He thought for the minute and went up stairs to make some calls. After making calls He came down and sat near ruki and hade his food, ruki was looking at him and expecting him to speak. Rudra understood and asked about her food in the morning, this one question was enough for ruki to start her big speech. Ruki spoke little and took rudra to the garden to continue her speech. Ruki showed the bird cage and said "u-da bi-d no shhh...when mumma papa do yo yo. I all time tell shhh...but bi-d no do it." Rudra laughed by hearing her cute complaint about the bird making sound, he kneel down in the garden and said "if she no shhh...we can let her out huh?" Ruki thought and said "u-da me to same but mumma papa like bid, mumma papa say bid fi-end"   ruki looked around by hearing her name from inside she immediately said "u-da mumma come, you hide me" and got herself buried in rudra's chest and covered by the jacket.

Paro was searching ruki to feed health mix, yesterday also she didn't have it so she prepared it and by coming back paro found ruki missing. She saw both rudra and ruki speaking and went close by and saw ruki right hand holding the ted tightly which in nearby rudra's leg side. She went close and saw what her baby is trying to do, how cutely she hide herself by showing her half body outside to see. Paro came close and said in a ordering tone "what you both are trying to do?". Ruki slowly moved out from the rudra jacket and saw her mumma standing with the bowl in the hand. Ruki turned and saw rudra smiling and she got anger and said "u-da you no hide me, mumma find me" rudra rolled his eyes and said no and tried to pacify ruki so much. Paro smiled and saw how rudra talking so much like ruki. Paro was looking at them and saw rudra talking to ruki's ear something and by hearing that ruki also smile. Paro saw both go hand in hand by leaving her all alone in the garden; paro ran towards them to stop. Paro saw how rudra took the bowl from her hand and walking past her without telling a single word. She followed them and entered the kitchen. She saw rudra applying a spoon of health mix in between two cookies and making it as cream biscuits. Paro looked shocked and want to dash both ruki and rudra's head together; she ate four cookies and only two spoon of health mix, if it continues ruki's stomach will be filled with cookie only. Paro shook her head and went out by telling "something can't be changed" she heard the big laughter coming from the kitchen which only increased her anger more but the small smile from her face didn't disappear.

Next coming:  ruki gave the shocking statement "mumma papa see mera papa" dil, paro and rudra looked each other with the wide eyes...TongueTongue

Ruki's Dictionary: 
Shhh means silentBig smile
                               Fi-nd means friendBig smile
                               Bi-d means birdBig smile

boo means fear Big smile
                               vvv means veryBig smile                                                              so-y means sorryBig smile

Quote of the day:

I am not carrying a body with is of only flesh and bone, i am carrying my life which is buried inside this flesh and bone...Cry


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